Rais Nejem



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info








The Reversed


January 8th








One of the main leaders of the Reversed, faction M1012. He worked very hard to get to where he is now, and erase the stigma of his name.






The color blue, strategy books, tabletop games, his boyfriend, old radios and the sounds of static


The family name, Maya causing trouble, flimsy plans or reasoning that he can't count on


Serious and cynical, Rais Nejem is a member of the Reversed--a small collection of rebels fighting against the tyrannical Order. As one of the leaders of the M1012 Reversed faction, it is his responsibility to steer the group out of danger and keep them alive for another day. He has spent a lifetime fighting for legitimacy in a society that doesn't accept him, and now that he's reached his dream, he refuses to let it go.

When his idealistic and obsessed sister returns to the headquarters with an unconscious creature, his first instinct was to reprimand her. Then, when learning that the creature she'd brought back was the slumbering Godling, Echo, he actually did scold her. Why bring back memories of the great-grandmothers betrayal? Why cast a shadow on the entire family name? What is there to gain by digging up ghosts? As much as Rais is frustrated, he must concede that--at least in some way--Maya has a point in her arguement. Echo could be the key to the Reversed salvation...if they could remember who they were...


Physical Description:


Rais is a tall young man with a thin, pencil-like build. He is a commander of Reversed Faction M1012, meaning he controls the actions of his group and takes responsibility for their actions. It's because of his leadership that the Reversed have survived over the last couple years.

He has natural black hair that is tired into a singular, puff-ponytail behind him. He has light green eyes, and is the NE Equivalent of Afro-Iranian.

Rais is a member of the Reversed, one of the last rebellious groups that stand up against the Order--a regime of immense power that aims to control the world. With his family name permanently scarred by the actions of his great-grandmother before him, Rais had to work very very hard to get where he is today. Instead of bringing light back to the name, he denounced it, and slanders his great-grandmother in order to conserve his position as leader. This is something that has earned the ire of his young sister, Maya, but she's always been naive.

While Rais keeps that slight resemblance most Nejem's have to Azra, he's gone out of his way to avoid seeming like her. He cuts his hair, or ties it behind him. He's growing facial hair. He doesn't want to all into her trap.


Objective-oriented and serious, Rais can't help but hold a cynical outlook towards any possible chance of recovery for his group. He knows they're floundering, he knows they're barely holding out, and the protesting of his sister just exhausts him to the point of dismissal. There's more to focus on that fantasy. He has to keep his eyes on what really matters, such as securing food for the next week, and remaining undetected by Order scouters.

 Analytical and methodical, Rais is a type who ruins fun through his thinking. He is always grounded in reality, and refuses to waste his time dabbling in hypotheticals. What matters to Rais is what is happening at that precise moment, and he will take whatever measure is necessary to ensure survival. He takes what is given to him and has become easily exhausted, yet he continues to speak for his group and leader them out of trouble. Despite his protestation, Rais does obviously care for the Reversed! He's just trying to remain realistic, and that worldview may be detrimental in the long run.

Rais works hard, sometimes too hard, to secure safety for himself and others. He has had to suffer through so much in order to even get to his position! Because of this, he's grown a thick skin, and not much ridicule gets to him. He's always conscious of his image and his sisters image; he wants to always appear dependable and in-command in order to avoid the slander that is sure to come with his negligence. Rais is proper, particular, and it takes a lot of convincing for him to change his mind.

This is one of Rais' biggest problems. He becomes stuck in his ways and obstinate when people challenge him. His main philosophy is that if things are working now, why risk the change? The Reversed is surviving, why risk detection by switching up how things are run? If someone insults him, he becomes even more difficult. He refuses outright to give in to demands, and it takes a lot of persuasion to get him to let go. Sometimes, he approaches the challenger later and concedes privately--admitting he refused in the heat of the moment. He can't help himself, he's focused on keeping his legitimacy.

The Order is merciless, and advances on the Reversed with relentless killing intent. Pushed to the brink, Rais and the rest of his people have become desperate for any sort of edge in this fight. He tries to keep his faction alive, but even he knows, deep down inside, that something has to change. Enter Maya, Snitch, and this unconscious creature they found at the bottom of an ancient cave dwelling. While Rais is at first enraged that Maya would risk detection for a pathetic amnesiac, he begins to see the true nature of this person, and how maybe--just maybe--they could be an asset in the fight...


Strengths & Weaknesses:

Rais actually is a gifted leader. While his sister likes to pretend, he's actually grounded in reality. On par with his great-grandmother, (though he'd hate to admit this), he is strategically brilliant and wise with his predictions. He takes the reigns of every situation, taking responsibility for every action and making sure his plans run smoothly. He doesn't underestimate or play around with the Order. He avoids them at every turn, throwing them for loops that leave their higher-ups frustrated and confused. It's better to stay under the radar than gain their attention, and this good judgement has kept the Reversed alive.

But due to this, Rais isn't the best at taking risks. He's threatened by change, and fears that one wrong move will both demonize him and ruin the Reversed's chances at survival. He worries about being a repeat of his ancestor so much that it keeps him stagnant. While often calm, he has a tendency to lose his cool when compared to Azra, and becomes obstinate. He can't afford to lose, or to listen to the hecklers. He has to succeed, or risk becoming erased from history...


Bonus Facts:

- Enjoys the color blue; particularly light blue. It reminds him of the sky, which he doesn't see much, considering most Reversed headquarters' are underground.

- Is the first of the Nejem name since Azra to hold a leadership position in the Reversed. He had to achieve this by denouncing his past, something that Maya doesn't really like. Ah well, she'll have to do it too if she's going to join him. The obsession will pass.

- In a long distance relationship with a Reversed member from a different faction. This is a very private relationship that not even Maya is aware of! Granted, these siblings are virtually strangers to each other now.