Percy Dalí-Delacruz



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Perce (Siblings)




A young boy separated from his family. He really wants to go home...


February 8th








A middle-school student!






Reading, writing, watching anime and other cartoon shows, drawing


Homework, math, loud/raised voices, being forgotten, soda


Curdling Rock is a city nestled within the Curdling Rockies, a mountain range west of civilization. All but isolated from the outside world, the small community thrives off self-built society. They have their own hospitals, their own banks, their own currency, the town is all but completely detached from the world and self-sustains its people without need of outside aide. The citizens are happy, and live fulfilling lives without strife or malcontent. Business booms within the town, and the economy is stimulated by mining activity (which has proven ever-fruitful since the city's beginning). It's a haven amongst the rockies, and while it prospers undoubtedly, Curdling Rock somehow evades local maps and remains undiscovered to all outside its reach.

On the journey home from a cross-country trip, Percival 'Percy" Dalí-Delacruz was separated from his family on a connecting bus-transit. Trapped on the bus by his anxiety, he rode out the entire trip until the driver went home--announcing himself to her with tears and wailing. He was taken into the house of the driver, who took pity on him. He was given a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and the husband and wife took in Percy with open arms...but Percy's homesickness grew on him the longer he stayed in their company. Now, he finds it hard to get in contact with the outside world. There are no pay-phones, no phones within the houses, no cells, no nothing...there aren't even any buses that leave the city! What kind of place is Curdling Rock, and why does it seem bent on keeping him...?

Physical Description:

Percy is a tall boy with a wiry build. His favorite color is blue, so, therefore, his blue neck scarf is his prized possession.

He has medium length black hair that sticks up at the ends due to incredible bed-head. He has blue eyes, and is the NE Equivalent of Latino.

While traveling with his family, Percy was separated from them while connecting onto another bus. Normally, one would notify the driver and try and reconnect with their family somehow before things escalated, but Percy's anxiety paralyzed him. He stayed in the back of the bus the entire drive, quiet as a mouse, terrified of the judgement that would come with his discovery. Eventually, when he was discovered, the driver took pity on him and offered him shelter...

Percy is a light sleeper, and is easily spooked by things. He has insomnia, and all these three things combine result in him having some pretty heavy bags under his eyes.


Percy Dalí-Delacruz is a young boy scared. Lost and disoriented by his new environment, he goes with the flow and tries to find his bearings, and works slowly to find his way home. His anxiety terrorizes him; it both paralyzes and pushes him into unbreakable patterns that comfort him when he's feeling skittish. He needs to find his way back home, and back to his family, but with those around him discouraging his attempts to leave, Percy feels an insidiously creeping dread close in on him the more time he spends in the city of Curdling Rock... 

Inquisitive and sensitive, Percy is a boy of immense thought. He's easily overwhelmed and prone to day-dreaming; he's one to spend his time planning and getting himself into predictable patterns. When there's trouble, he tries to think his way through it on his own terms. But, if it proves too much for him to handle, he'll run away. He's more likely to freeze with anxiety, in all honesty. Percy is terrified at the idea of people judging him, because of this, he is very shy and hard to connect with. He's a very kind and soft boy with a love of the arts, but he's often hiding his interest out of fear he'll be judged. He does this to the point of denying himself basic happiness.

Percy has a distaste for conflict, and as a middle-child, he's used to defusing situations before they get out of hand. It upsets him to watch fights, so he tries to end them as quickly as he can--but big tussles often scare him into inaction. Percy is a good student, and is a supportive sibling, but he feels a lot of pressure to both keep the peace and succeed. His parents are swamped, and so are his older siblings. He doesn't want to bother them with his own problems--let alone face the judgement--so he takes care of them on his own with mixed results.

And this is Percy's biggest vice. He's extraordinarily hard on himself, and puts all of the worlds pressures on him. He buries the loneliness he feels inside, and blames himself when things go wrong--citing his own cowardice. He thinks he's powerless and weak when people need him, and his wild imagination makes him fearful of many things; it fuels his anxiety. He can't let his parents know how scared he is, though. He can't let anyone know! He's got to keep the peace; he can't afford to let his true nature slip. This immense pressure he feels is causing him to crumble slowly. He tries to keep everything in his life afloat, all while denying he's drowning. Still, at the same time, he's praying that someone sees him struggling in the water--of their own volition. 

And on the bus to Curdling Rock, someone did see him. While he cried and rattled, the driver of the bus, Mrs. Clare, came to his rescue. She took him inside her home, offered him a place to sleep, to eat, and took pity on the lost young boy. Percy can never repay her and her husband for their kindness...but he has to find his way back to his family eventually, right? He's got to find a way to get in contact with his parents, but at every turn the city itself seems to be denying him. Why is there no means of communication with the outside world? Why are Mr. and Mrs. Clare discouraging his departure? Percy feels the claws of Curdling Rock sinking into his skin and whispering into his ear, telling him that everything is okay. That he's home now.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Percy has some sort of undiagnosed anxiety disorder. To cope with this on his own, Percy has put himself into ruts and patterns that help bring comfort to his life. He plans thoroughly and well in advance, meaning that Percy is never aimless and almost always knows what he's doing. He foresees situations and plans accordingly for as many as he can, due to his paranoia, and he's a fast sprinter if it comes to actual physical conflict. He's more of a runner, and he's smart enough to know he can't win any of the fights he'll be up against in this town.

But he's still a little boy. He's small, and not as strong or fast as the threats that await him. He's naive and genuinely trusting, so when people turn on him he's often unsuspecting of it. His wandering mind makes him easily distracted, and his anxiety makes him easy to predict and easy to spook. He tends to hide his true thoughts within himself, and won't voice his opinion, which can lead to disaster.

Bonus Facts:

- Really enjoys anime, his favorite being those that involve mechs or some sort of robotic element. He draws a lot of robot warriors in his sketchbook, and has created his own series involving sentient robot mechs fighting to protect the universe with the help of their human pilots.

- Percy is the fourth child of seven total. He is the second son of three.

- Fantasy-Driven