


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Appears to be in his teens?


Kai (Dinami)


Shadite (Familiar)

Soul Type

Wind (Aerokinesis)

Current Status


Current Location







One of Scarlet's Familiars Kairos has been tasked with destroying the land of Aer, and engulfing it in shadow. Kairos is entirely devoted to his mistress, and will live and die or her. Again and again, no matter how many times it takes to get this right.






Scarlet, snowfall, the passage of time (admiring how things change over the years), children, rules and good morals in fights, clock motifs


Anyone who so much as passively dislikes Scarlet, Hesiod, anyone trying to play "hero", bad deals and broken rules. Sickness


Fire, water, earth, air, light and shadow. These six elements combined created the world of Animus, a land created in a small universe built six, all-powerful Goddesses. Ever since a hole in space-time miraculously opened up between Animus and NE, the two worlds have been in communion. On occasion, beings from Universe CRB wind up in Universe ASHEPP, causing both great disaster and great harmony to fall and lift the people of Animus. In the recent century, a hero from NE has stood as firm protector of Animus. When the dark witch, Scarlet, began to ravage the land with her army of darkness, this hero was there to stop her. 100 years have passed since that first encounter. Although the hero lost much, including his own wife, he continued the fight Scarlet each time she reemerged to claim Animus for her dark deeds. At least, he used to...until he was captured within Pandora's Box, and sealed away for all eternity. With no one to stop her, Scarlet began her domination over the land of Animus, and now slowly consumes it with the help of her Shadite army...

And in her Shadite army, Scarlet has four Familiars. These Familiars, birthed from shadows, are some of the most powerful enemies Scarlet has ever crafted. The youngest one, Kairos is a jack-of-all-trades in terms of power, speed, and magical ability. The wicked Familiar is tasked with destroying what lives in the land of Aer and prepping it for Scarlet's dark takeover. They carry with them intimidating versatility--Kairos can outrun, overpower, and out-magic any average Animite who dares to cross them. They're truly a force to reckoned with, and they are completely loyal to Scarlet. Fiercely dedicated to the Mistress, Kairos will do any task for her without question, and without fail. He'd do anything for her happiness, and treats himself as her own personal knight. He cares deeply for her and his siblings--his wonderful family that NO ONE will rip asunder... 

Physical Description:

Kairos has the appearance of a man in his late teens. He has an average build that is a bit on the rectangular side. He is one of Scarlet's four Familiars, and is the youngest of them all. He carries with him two swords on his back, imbued with magic that can manipulate time on a small-scale.

He has medium length blonde hair that shoots out at the ends. His eyes are black with yellow pupils, and his sclera is black (these are signs of his imperfect creation). Kairos is meant to resemble an Aerian Animite, resulting in his curled ear shape.

Created by the witch of Skotia, Scarlet, Kairos is one of her four Familiars. Crafted from shadows and given imperfect life, Kairos and his "siblings" are Scarlet's strongest and most life-like creations. So life-like, in fact, that their souls were claimed by Goddesses of Animus. Kairos' 'soul' was claimed by Goddess Aer upon his creation, allowing him the ability to utilize Aerokinesis in various ways.

Despite the lifelike appearance, Kairos and his siblings are not real. They're made up of shadows, and their nature is revealed in the spots that appear on their skin. Kairos' body can be dispersed and destroyed, reverted back into useless shadow and rescinded back to Scarlet...but Scarlet can remake him with time. She always does.


Kairos does not look like much at first glance. As one of Scarlet's four Familiars, and one of the scariest forces of evil in the land, you'd expect him to at least look the part. Kairos is a incredibly capable warrior with undeniable strength...yet that strength is hidden behind his youthful looks and baby face! He's the youngest of the Familiar's, and naturally you'd expect this one to be the most dangerous. It would make sense, at least! Don't let go of that sense, because despite what his looks may convey, Kairos is a very strong entity whose loyalty to the Mistress Scarlet is unparalleled...

Obsessive and meticulously detailed, Kairos is completely devoted to the mission Scarlet has given him, and remains devoted no matter how many times the plan fails. He is supportive of his family and protective of them, constantly watching for threats that could put Scarlet or any of his siblings in danger. He's often checking on them, especially the ones that are harder to pin down, and makes sure that they're okay. He's highly responsible and mature, often taking on the burden of tasks, so no one else has to deal with it. Kairos is constantly working for the Mistress. When he's not, he doesn't know what to do with his time.

Kairos cares a lot about what Scarlet thinks of him. He cares about what his siblings think, sure, but to Kairos, Scarlet is essentially his best friend. Her opinion matters a lot to him, and a lot of what he does is done to make her happy. He places Scarlet before himself and constantly wonders about what she thinks, if she's feeling okay, if she needs help with something, or anything. He wants to make her proud, and he wants her to succeed. Like all the Familiars, he wants to see Scarlet happy, and he will not rest until there's a smile on her face. This goes for his siblings, too! He wants them to be happy, and when they show their discontent he tries to talk them back into the plan/back into happiness. 

With all this love of his family, its no surprise to learn that Kairos doesn't really have a sense of self. He'd throw his life away from his family at the drop of a hat, and puts blind faith in Scarlet and the rest of his siblings--he's naive in that way. Kairos hates anyone who isn't in his family, because he thinks they're trying to tear his family apart--a thought that makes Kairos extremely angry. He'll stop at nothing to destroy anyone who tries to kill Scarlet, even at the cost of his own life.

Victory is at hand, at last. Scarlet has trapped Hesiod inside Pandora's Box, where he'll be for all eternity. Seeing her happiness that day was transcendent for Kairos, and he'd give anything to keep that smile alive. Unfortunately, Hesiod's daughter appeared, and dashed away those hopes Scarlet and Kairos held onto. Every time, every time she gets close, that Hesiod--and now this kid--steps in and stops her! Why can't they just let her do this? Why can't they just be happy for her? Kairos has to end this child. No one will stop Scarlet; not when she's so close!

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Kairos' strength comes from his all-around capabilities that make him a difficult opponent to get the better of. He's relatively fast, relatively strong, relatively capable with magic, and can combine all three of these strengths to aide him in battle. Along with this, Kairos also has a unique weapon--two mysterious swords that have the power reverse time on a small scale. Kairos has inherent Aerokinesis, and tends to utilize it with the movements of his sword--attempting to push a target towards the tips of his swords with the strength of the wind. If there's nothing to hold on to, fighting Kairos can be a perilous thing...

But Kairos is just, average. He's fast, but not the fastest. He's strong, but not the strongest. He's powerful, but not the most powerful. He can be outdone, out-maneuvered, and (hopefully) defeated. His time powers are difficult to deal with, but Kairos can only reverse damage done to him/attacks done to him. If you can burst him down quickly, he won't even have the chance to undo what you've done. Kairos would also willingly take a bullet for any one of his family. Scarlet, Mageia, Dinami, even Tachista--he'd die for them all if it meant they could live.

Bonus Facts:

- Actually has some sort of respect for Hesiod. If the two were not fated enemies, they could be friends...

- When Kairos was created, his two swords were created along with him. Each time he reforms, his swords reform with him as well, already imbued with their strange time-manipulation abilities...where did that magic come from? And why does it keep appearing?

- Once upon a time, there was a boy who learned how to cheat death...