Atlas Paige



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Atlas Paige


August 30




High School Student, Amateur Labs Student Intern, Magical Programmer, Spell Designer, Bakery Worker


Genderfluid (They/them, but doesn't object to other pronouns)

Sexual & Romantic Orientation:

Asexual, Demiromantic




Being an Adult(TM), Charckabout THE TRUTH, Magical Arts, Experimenting, Duelists, Vigilantes, Watching (violent) fights, Showing Off, Seals, Cute Things


Bugs, Repeating Themself, Being Ignored, Being Rejected, Balloons, Bears, Running out of Money, Wasting Money, Being Lonely


Magical constructs in the form of physical subtitles



Voice Claim:

Mary Elizabeth Mcglynn (


Jirou Kyouka (Bnha), Tsuyu Asui (Bnha), Luz Noceda (Owl House), Amity Blight (Owl House), Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased), Maddie Flour (Amphibia), Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe), Haruhi Fujioka (OHSHC), Melissa/Missi(Vampair Series), Tulip (Infinity Train)



A high school student intern who works at Amateur Labs, developing emergency situation training procedures at Human Resources. Atlas loves their job very much and mainly heard about Amateur Labs thanks to Charcka's video of him breaking into the lab and getting into a fight with one of the staff. Though, that's not something they would say while on the job. The people of Amateur Labs don't seem to like Charcka very much due to that incident. However, it's what caused Atlas to take an internship program there, so there are some good things that came out of it.


Atlas is known as the quiet, yet magically adept kid at school. They only speak when they feel it is needed, and they tend to be really blunt when speaking their mind. Due to being on the shy side and not being too involved with social activities or being open with others, Atlas doesn't have much close friends at school (not to mention they don't get hugged as often as they'd like to admit). That doesn't mean they don't have any confidence. While they don't socialize or connect with kids their age all that much compared to most children, they spend more time perfecting their subtitle magic as an art. They find making new types of magic and uses for magical rather fun, and they know that they're good at it.

Their thought process is usually very logical and down to earth. They're very observant towards the smallest of details and if they want to learn it, they would break it down to figure out how it works, then remake it in their own style. That's how they ended up having a unique spin on their subtitle magic. Atlas thinks a lot like a computer programmer and game designer, mainly because magical programming and spell design isn't all that different from those stuff either. If they're focused on a project or an assignment that requires their skills, Atlas tends to get REALLY into it and would probably go above and beyond what is expected of them. They have a tendency to overkill.

When it comes to talking with Atlas when first meeting them, they're rather chill. Perhaps not as much facial expression (though that might be due to the paper on their face), but they're cooperative when it comes to conversations. Maybe a few bad jokes or sarcastic remarks here and there, plus a stray morbid joke, but sometimes conversations fall into an awkward silence for Atlas since they have zero clue how to continue conversations. Also, when they talk with strangers, it sounds like they're using a customer service voice. Atlas also has a strange subconscious habit of mimicking the mannerisms of people they're around. They're a bit of a social chameleon.

Despite being a nice kid, Atlas DOES have an unexpected violent side. It comes off as more intense in normal situations, where they just say dark things with zero intention of following through. This includes things like asking, "Guys, what's the bail for murder?" after somebody says a bad joke. Or "You have lost your kneecap privileges, hand them over." These are more tame moments for Atlas. If they're in an actual life threatening situation involving people trying to kill them (such as PIE or Carbonado), they'd probably be more serious with their suggestions ("Quick! Stab him in the eyes and run while he's writing in pain!") or actually attempt some dangerous stuff (such as trying to shove Carbonado in a lake, hoping the weight of his armor would let him drown).


Atlas' childhood was very sheltered growing up. Both of their parents grew up in a poor area where a lot of crime happens, so they're naturally overprotective of and strict toward their only child (Atlas has also became somewhat of a perfectionist for their magic thanks to this strictness). Due to all of this, Atlas hasn't had the opportunity to have close friends, nor even learn how to socialize. They were known as the quiet, shy kid at school (not to mention literally the shortest in the entire grade). This caught the attention of the typical playground bullies. Little Attie would often be picked on by their meaner classmates on the playground... until Attie decided to mimic the duelists they were watching on TV and ended up hurting the bullies pretty badly. They got in trouble, though. Atlas felt genuinely bad about "disappointing their parents," and not "going to a teacher for help." But after seeing that the bullies left them alone, Atlas got the idea that violence can be necessary for certain situations. Plus seeing the bullies actively avoid them now felt pretty good. So while Atlas still kept their shy nature and delicate vibe, they gained an unexpected violent streak that wouldn't wash off for plenty of years. Not that they would do it often (they don't like getting in trouble), but they know how to be creative with threats to be both scary yet the same time not get in trouble with the teacher.


-Atlas has a fear of balloons. They don't like the squeaky sounds they make, nor the possibility they would pop.

-Is part of the unofficial Nerf War club at their school. They don't attend the meetings often since they want to focus more on their schoolwork, but they get REALLY into whatever Nerf Wars are happening. These Nerf Wars ended up giving them heightened senses, tactical skills, and quick reflexes that would later help them when they're in actual danger. 

-They also carry around a pocket Nerf Pistol that shoots exactly one dart. May or may not have accidentally shot a few non Nerf War participants with it.

-Eats kit-kat from the side just to spite people.