Dr. Pseudo Nym



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Dr. Pseudo Nym








.: General Info :.

Name: Dr. Pseudo Nym

Pronunciation: Soo-doe Nim

Nicknames: ‘Gearhead’, ‘Nymmie’, ‘Boss’

Age: 35

Birthday: February 1


Species: Stick figure

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Demisexual Aromantic

Height: 5’2”

.:Distinguishing features:.

Dr. Nym is a stout, grey stick figure with a bun of curly hair and a large cowlick. She has green and blue eyes, eyebags, a mess of pointy teeth, braces, and a blue mouth that are all usually hidden by a face mask and goggles that she tends to avoid taking off.

Current residence: Reverie

Current home: Nym Labs

Occupation: CEO of Nym Labs and local supervillain

Relationship status: Open to experimenting with people she respects

Social status: Criminal at large, beloved CEO

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Peridot (Steven Universe)

Language: Common/English

Other languages known: Portuguese, Sign, limited Japanese

Style of speaking: Slightly scratchy, angry, and incredibly sarcastic. Segs into cold and analytical when doing scientific work.

.: Personality :.

Nym is incredibly narcissistic, thinking very highly of herself and her intellect and considering herself smarter than everyone. Where she is skilled in applicational research, she is absolutely dismal at interacting socially and has the unfortunate habit of being extremely blunt and straightforward. For interacting with people she does not consider her own, she treats them like lab specimens – measuring them in terms of usefulness, and often discarding them when they don’t meet her expectations. When encountering someone she deems equal/comparable to her intellect, she is more open and excitable, but otherwise she has little patience when interacting with others. She doesn't really understand emotions that well and tends to approach things with logic, except when they're pissing her off. She uses sarcasm often, and avoids showing vulnerability. She usually comes off as angry, sarcastic, irritable, and blunt. 

Later on, she gains a better sense of empathy (which she is constantly aware of and thinks it’s disgusting, how DARE you make her feel things–), ends up enjoying certain people’s company, and makes conscious decisions to try and prolong friendships (in her own way, at least).

Likes: Engineering, robots, witty banter, being a theatrical villain, being in control

Dislikes: Cheaters, heroes, sabotage, having to work with people she doesn’t respect, being objectified

Hobbies/pastimes: designing robots

Guilty pleasures: blue raspberry candies and sweets, being complimented/having her intelligence be acknowledged

Pet peeves: Idiots who don’t know what they’re doing.

Personal goals: To transfer her consciousness into an AI so she can continue her work after she dies. 

Religious values: Atheist

General intelligence: A prodigy of her generation – extremely intelligent, has 6 PhDs.

General sociability: Terrible at socializing, incredibly blunt, sarcastic and insulting even when she doesn’t mean to be.

.: Relationships :.


Mike: Half-brother

Matro Nym: Mother

Jay: Absentee Father


Slapstick: Main rival and nemesis. They become friendly later on, and their relationship is extremely fluid.

Gabe Gabbit: Blinded-by-love Head Assistant at Nym Labs, who she orchestrates the arrest of when he tries to kill Slapstick behind her back.

Dr. Kle: Rival doctor, whether she wants to be or not.

Atlas: Previously coveted to become a Nym Labs intern, but became hated when they broke out a specimen and inadvertently caused heroes to invade the building.

Ismir: Hero that hates Nym’s guts for kidnapping Atlas so many times and experimenting on a child. 

Friends (currently)

Slapstick: Main rival and nemesis. Again – relationship is fluid. They play mario kart on the weekends.

King Belmont: College friend and Co-Founder of Nym Labs. Head of the Legal Department.

Charm: Current unofficial assistant at Nym Labs and banter partner.

Vessel: The most beautiful robot she has ever seen. Did an analysis on his specs. On good terms.

Bantam: Coworker and engineer buddy.

Wane Gibbly: Coworker and rant buddy.

Pumpkin (Jack): On good terms after casually dating. Nym makes them a prosthetic in the future.

Dr. Kreutz: Nym’s scientific idol

Agate: Business partner and fellow Evil CEO

Juno Damiens: Mayor of Andorough and Uncle to one of the Lab’s Directors, a fellow fan of performative villainy/captivity.

Love interests (Past and Present, in order)

Coda and King Belmont: Queerplatonic relationship in college. Broke off for multiple reasons.

Pumpkin (Jack): Let themself be kidnapped by Nym for a month after the Mayor’s assassination to have a casual romance. Still on good terms.

Dr. Kreutz: Quick aromantic-leaning fling.

Charm: One Night Fling, on good terms

Agate: Potential villainous business partners to friends to lovers.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Intelligence, preparation, her machines. 

Peaceful or violent? Only fights when she thinks she’s prepared for it. That being said, she doesn’t like fighting people she thinks are not at their best – she refuses the chance for an easy win in favor of making sure the playing field is as level as it can be. It falls into her “anti-cheating” mindset.

Weapon(s) of choice: The Orb-Bot, Electro Rod, anything she has at her disposal.

.: Abilities/Traits/Weapons :.

-The Orb-Bot-

A giant, Syndrome-from-The-Incredibles-esque robot that is stored in her boots. When activated, she can control it from the central orb, but her boots are stuck to the floor of the cockpit at all times (since the boots are the robot itself). It is capable of flight, swimming, and all-terrain travel, but it’s big and bulky. The arms of the robot can also be deployed from the boots without the cockpit active.


Acro is Nym’s battle bot. It typically stands at 4 feet, but she has many different-sized models for different purposes. However, only one can be active at a time. In battle, she can command it like one would a Pokemon, and it can also make logical/creative attacks on its own if left to its own devices.

-Electro Rod-

While she despises hand-to-hand combat, Nym keeps a metal baton capable of electric shocks on her person at all times in the extremely rare case one of her plans goes too off-script.

-The Mirage Suit-

Later when Nym and Slapstick become somewhat-allies, Nym is able to replicate the shape-shifting mechanism in Slapstick’s biology and create a suit that allows her to perfectly shapeshift into any humanoid biped. She cannot wear the Orb Bot Boots while wearing the Mirage Suit because the ink used in the suit damages the boots’ circuitry. 

-Enhanced Senses-

Her senses are slightly boosted from her upbringing and status as a Blank. She can’t do anything particularly intense, but she can differentiate different employees’ footsteps on the same floor as her.


Under very stressful conditions, Nym has the tendency to lose her composure and fall into obsession. This usually includes her ignoring her personal code of ethics and becoming completely immersed in researching (stalking or experimenting on) a particular individual. The specifics of the obsession vary on a case-by-case basis, as does the person/object she focuses on. She tries to avoid it to the best of her ability.

.: Fears :.


Fear of losing touch with reality and going insane


Fear of death and the dying process

.: Health :.

Mentally unstable, partly caused by her own genetics and boosted by prolonged exposure to Slapstick’s ink.

.: History :.


Growing up, Pseudo is raised by single mother Matro Nym who constantly tries to murder or assassinate her under the guise of a game. As time goes on and she gets older, the murder attempts become more intense. This gives Pseudo an extreme dislike of mind games and sabotage, and makes her value straightforward answers and questions. It also develops her view on “games” and “cheaters”, which prevails later in her life. Her senses are boosted during this time as she strains to avoid confrontations with her mother.

She moves forward in schooling far faster than most kids her age, and goes on to Graduate School at age 20. Going to college is the first time she is able to go through life without constantly looking over her shoulder, and it’s a difficult transition. After getting her first 4 PhDs with no friends or social life, she meets Coda and King Belmont who become fast friends with her and eventually queerplatonic partners. She gets her last 2 PhDs at age 25 and moves away from schooling to work with Coda, who has since broken up with King on good terms despite both of them not divorcing just yet. 

The research lab Pseudo and Coda end up working at is a lowbrow facility called Datum Labs, which focuses mainly on replicating/building off the magibiology/rune studies of Aukkora. Pseudo is constantly annoyed with working with other people, and it comes to a head when she realizes that the facility is going to go bankrupt unless actions are taken to combat it. She brings it up to her director, and gets brutally shot down in front of her whole team. She quits, finishes her Orb-Bot boots, and uses them to ransack the building in her first act of villainy – she wipes the lab’s servers and takes away any possibility of Datum labs bouncing back into functionality.

She spends the next year getting in contact with King once more, learning the technicalities and legalities of founding her own lab while using bank robberies to get funding. They eventually buy the old Datum Labs building and create Nym Labs, which grows over the next 7 years.


At some point, Nym encounters Slapstick during a routine bank robbery and becomes absolutely obsessed with trying to figure out how he functions. Her experiments become less logical and more erratic, and she leans more into her role as a cartoonish villain than a calculated threat. This is because Slapstick’s ink exposure inadvertently changes her to adhere to Slapstick’s narrative, molding her into the perfect rival for his story. They begin having duels often.

During a particular fight where the Nym Labs building was nearly destroyed, Hero Gabe Gabbit witnesses the destruction and falls in love with Nym. He leaves the Hero Org and becomes Nym’s personal assistant, despite her not loving him back. He gets increasingly jealous of Slapstick to the point where he begins plotting his murder behind Nym’s back. His attempt is thwarted by Nym and she leaves him in the streets to be arrested.

After Gabbit’s arrest, Nym begins to feel more and more detached. She starts to question herself more often, remembering her fear of losing touch with reality and whether or not she has already passed that threshold. She actively tries to combat the compulsion of the ink exposure (although she doesn’t know that the ink is the problem just yet), and becomes more chill, getting more in touch with her emotions rather than pure logic.

.: Other Details :.

  • Out of all her scientific pathways, she likes engineering/robotics the best and hates Biology the most.
  • She only wears shirts/tops that don't have sleeves, or they can be rolled up. Having her forearms be constrained like that is a sensory issue for her.