Lagopus (Artic Fox) (Jan Qiuzhudingi)



2 years, 1 day ago



Jan is a blind Logopus and has been so for as long as he can remember. Although he can sometimes see general shapes and blobs, it's really not enough to say he has any kind of real 'vision'. However, he has spent his whole life around Windwall and has the city as well as much of the land around it memorized. He works for the Guiding Lights but unlike many of the other members, his route is always the same so that it is easier for him to navigate. You may think that being blind is very detrimental to someone who is supposed to be a search and rescue member, but when white-out storms happen, they send him in as he doesn't need to see to navigate the land.


Although he can't remember the event himself, the Guiding Light member who raised him told Jan that when he was but a kit they found him all alone swaddled in a blanket in a raging snow storm. They had thought he was dead as his body was unmoving and his face caked with ice and snow. However, once they brought his body into the protection of one of their outposts they realized he was still breathing, if only just. The Guiding Lights did everything they could to warm him up and bring him back to life and after a long night, Jan had become stable. Although the rest of his body had thawed out, the ice that had covered his eyes had seemingly seeped into his eyes causing them to turn white and lose their vision.

Having found Jan and not knowing where his family was, the Guiding Light who found him decided to raise him as their own. They took Jan with them on their missions either tucked in a pack on their back or holding Jan's hand tightly as they traversed the area. Over the years of going on expeditions with their parent, Jan quickly memorized the landscape and was soon able to navigate over many of the paths without any assistance from others.

Although his blindness can sometimes lead him to being clumsy and struggling, he has never let his disability slow him down. After many years of practice walking and memorizing the land around Windwall he was eventually able to become a Guiding Light himself.

He is always partnered with another Animalian on his missions and assigned to the same routes. In good, clear weather he is probably the Guiding Light that struggles the most, however, when harsh snow storms kick up he becomes one of their strongest members as the lack of visibility in the blindingly white snow is not an issue for him. He uses his knowledge of the terrain and his great hearing to help find and rescue those that need him. During these missions, he is the one leading his team member through the storms rather than the other way around.

He often uses his lantern pole given to him when he became a Guiding Light as a walking cane and will carry the lantern in his other hand when doing so. His eyes are extremely sensitive to the cold so whenever he is out in or around the snow-swept town of Windwall he will wear his hat tightly around his eyes to help keep them as warm as possible. 

Although it's not common for him to do so, when he is inside next to a warm fire he may take his hat off and revile his ice-burnt eyes. If his eyes/ vision are brought up in conversation he will jokingly state that the Southern Wind took them from him when the two were grappling with one another.

When with Animalian he doesn't know he is often quiet and reserved only speaking when words are needed, however when he is relaxing with friends he becomes quite sociable, rarely seen without a grin on his face and he is well known for his jokes about his vision. 

He is friends with many of the other Guiding Lights as most of them have accompanied him on his rounds at least once or twice. His biggest pet peeve however is when the other Guiding Lights don't put things away in their proper spot within the GL outposts as he will almost always trip over scattered items.


1) If a PC (player character) wishes to play as Jan his call to adventure could consist of him hearing rumors that there is a medicine or article of clothing out there that is said to heal blindness and although he doesn't believe it, he can't help but try to find and investigate it.

2) Alternatively he could get lost one day on his route and falls into a panic attack. Eventually, he finds his way back to Windwall but realizing that he knows very little of the world around him he sets off to learn and understand the rest of the world outside of the small bubble he has made for himself.

If no call to adventure is heeded Jan will spend a good portion of his life as a Guiding Light, however on one mission during a particularly harsh storm he gets separated from his partner, and upon finding the Animalian they were looking for tries to head back with them, but the traveler ends up getting stuck and Jan is unable to free them as he can't see what they are stuck in and how to free them. Not wanting to leave them alone he gives up his gear to them and tries his best to keep them warm till the storm passes. The traveler makes it out of the storm cold, but alive, however, Jan isn't quite as lucky.


Main Outfit | Jan's main outfit consists of a blue knit hat that lays over his eyes and has the Guiding Lights logo pinned to it. He wears a dark brown long sleeve shirt with large cuffs and the opening offset to his left side. The opening of the shirt is clipped together at the top with golden clips. He has light brown pants that he rolls up so they don't drag on the ground. He doesn't wear any shoes to make it easier for him to feel the ground. His pants are kept up with a dark brown belt and golden clasp. Attached in the back of the belt is a bag with a small knife and other equipment necessary for rescuing others. He also wears a golden scarf and is rarely found without his black walking stick that curls at the top so it can double as a lantern holder.

He is a Lagopusand has milky white Ancient eyes. 

Basic species reference sheet can be found here. Please look at this for common errors people make when drawing this species.

Jan5.png?width=1393&height=414Ideas for what you could draw him doing:

-using his lantern pole to feel his way around new, snowy terrain (his lantern would be in his free hand)

-leading a group of travelers through a snowstorm

-eating with other Guiding Lights at the Artic Eatery (probably would have his hat resting on a table)

-making jokes about not being able to see with other Guiding Light friends

-getting upset for other Guiding Lights not putting things away in their outposts

Jan4.png?width=1393&height=414 - a song that describes his relationship with the animalian who raised him. Unable to see things he had to trust them and look at the world through their eyes