Terhan Setting Notes (H.A. Besthir)



Basic Description
Making up the vast majority of the known humanoids afflicted by Anthromimesis and spread across the world, Besthir come in many shapes and sizes. The common theory of their existence is through the devourment of a Godfall and other animals and life within the area, though not being as exposed to the more potent magics such as the Flights or in a greater length of time like the Merfolk.

Biological Notes
While many Besthir can look extremely different, it should be noted that many maintain similar traits to each other. All will be able to walk upright but can take a more animalistic stance, typically being able to speak somewhat fluently if with tones and similarities to the animals in question. Though it should be noted just how much this changes from category to category.

  • Categorisation of Besthir is determined by the animal they are closest to, such as the doglike Besthir Canis or the catlike Besthir Felis.
  • The Heights of Besthir are often between two average groupings; Small (4'1" to 6'1") and Big (6'1" to 8'1")

Their connection to Anthromimesis is perhaps the deepest known. It has been noted that as different breeds and species have gone extinct, so to have the Besthir associated to them shortly followed, with recorded documents saying that the Besthir that had survived their natural counterparts had reportedly knew and felt the loss, with some documents saying that they had suffered a severe psychological change that, at the time, was poorly understood and recorded. 

Social Notes

  • Besthir is pronounced "Bes-th-ier"
  • Although they are scattered throughout the entire world and follow many different cultures, Besthir have a number of traditions that they maintain by themselves, such as permanent bleaching of their parts of their fur to resemble footprints, often upon the chest.
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