Terhan Setting Notes (H.D. Lycanthropes)



Basic Description
While Lycanthropy is an overarching term, those afflicted by the numerous strains of 'Canis Dymorphosis' have a wide reach of backgrounds and appearances. While there are several conditions that have transformative effects, Lycanthropy is the only one that seems to correlate with Anthromimesis.

Biological Notes
While there is a frankly insane amount of strains for Lycanthropy. From the things that could trigger the change, to just how much is genuinely changed, there is hardly a set rhyme or reason behind it. They can be shortened down to three groups:

  1. Domestic - Covering half of the known strains, and arguably the least problematic strain, those afflicted to this degree typically have to deal with small changes. 
  2. Tamed - The most known of the strains, taking most of the remaining half of known strains. These strains are what most people think of about Lycanthropes, with immense changes that do not sacrifice the afflicted.
  3. Feral - Luckily one of the rarest strains to develop at 1-in-every-38,000. These afflicted individuals are not as lucky however, as their concoction of issues can lead to insanity or death under their circumstances.
Furthermore, like other races connected to the current state of Anthromimesis, Lycanthropes seem to have a connection to their environment and nature, as it has been noted that as different breeds and species of canine have gone extinct, so to have the Lycanthropes associated to them shortly followed. Curiously, these connections include the nature of these canines, such as how Retriever may enjoy bringing items to those they are close to.

Social Notes

  • While earlier cultures had a noticeable fear of Lycanthropes and their presence within society, that could not be any different in today's world. Domestic strains of Lycanthropy have been sometimes seen as favourable in relationships (According to anonymous polls), and Tamed strains have proven to be able to be trained with certain behaviours and tasks, such as being able to retrieve items on command.