Terhan Setting Notes (S. [Moon and Ring])



  • [Moon and Ring]
    • The moon and orbiting ring of Terhan, [Moon and Ring] are Humanity's pathway to the stars and the perfect ground to push off and explore within the very earliest attempts of Interplanetary Colonization.
    • Dominant Inhabitants: Humanity
    • Military Influence: Non-existent
  • Planetary Specifications
    • Temperature: Cyclical  
      • Average Temperature ranges from 120°c (250°f) to -130°c (-208°f) around the equator.
    • Day Span: 58 UniHrs
    • Gravity: 0.16 ɡ or 1.62 m/s²
    • Terrain Threat: Non-Existent.
  • Additional Planetary Notes
    • In terms of common astrology, [Moon] represents ???. [Ring], however, represents ???
    • It is believed that [Ring] used to be a sister moon to [Moon] called [2nd Moon]. While the exact circumstances of when and how [2nd Moon]'s destruction occurred are lost, there is speculation from Dwarven scholars that could connect it to 'The Comet of Koldkuldir'
    • Resting upon a mineral and ice-rich hill known as ???'s Mole, the early foundations of a lunar colony are in the works. The application of arcane methods allows for a trans-planetary portal array to be established, whereas scientific applications allows a greater measure of safety as The Drifting's range reaches it's limits.