Terhan Setting Notes (H. Elves)



Basic Description
A sibling species to the likes of Humans and Orcs, Elves are a magically adept group of humanoids who's deeper connection to the Drifting has allowed a series of curious circumstances that lead to the final product of the Elven species.

Biological Notes
Appearing similar to humans, with long ears and thin legs, Elves stand taller yet skinnier roughly equating to a remarkably lighter weight. Their eyes carry vertically slit pupils that are well attuned for nocturnal vision. However do to reproductive issues, even with the ability to conceive litters, they are a noticeably smaller species in numbers. Common belief within the Scholars Guild believe that while Humans evolved from Apes, Elves could've evolved from Felines. 

Other consequences of their genetic heritage is that Elves also experience a primarily carnivorous diet, as well as a majority suffering from lactose intolerance.

It should be noted that due to their high concentrations of magic on a genetic level, Elves have been noted to appear in a wide range of minor adaptations for their environments, such as Woodlands, Oceans, and Urban environments. 

  • Individual Biological Notes.
    • Dark Elves: Not to be confused with Deep Elves. Wanderers under the cover of thunder and lightning, these aubergine-toned elves carry themselves with a deep respect with the passing of moments and energy, though reddish eyes help watch these times in a clearer method. Skintones vary from a stormy ash to a sun-blessed plum.
    • Deep Elves: Not to be confused with Dark Elves. Violently influenced by their subterranean circumstances, these Elves have devolved into mindless predators, flashes of pale flesh that devour whatever meat they can get their elongated hands on.
    • High Elves: With an ancestry that has spent countless decades or centuries within The Drifting, High Elves have adapted to the rampancy of magic present within their past. With a noticeably volatile genetic code that sprouts magic on a physical level, these elves have a greater grasp of spellcasting that involves these forms of magic.
    • Wood Elves: The least influenced by different environments, Wood Elves are considered the most 'naturally sourced' of the Elves. Typically what they lack in magical strength is made up for by being physically stronger, Wood Elves develop powerful limbs, alongside an acute sense of sight and hearing.
Typically the average Elf can live for about 335 years, with the first 15 Elf Year progressing similarly to human years, the next 16 Elf years being half the rate (1/2, in total being about 32 years), and anything further being halved a second time (1/4).

Social Notes

  • Thanks to the thin slits of their eyes, similarly thin structures are seen as favourable and even romantic.
  • The image of "Nature-loving Elves" is slightly mischaracterising. Due to their supposed biological ancestry and current dietary requirements, they have a preference for eating meat, and a naturally disposition to see trees as just another part of their environment, rather then a resource to exploit.
    • On the topic of what Elves are known to consume, it would be remiss to bring up the '???', or 'Elfnip' as it's jokingly called. A recreational substance that has minimal effects on anything but Elves, where it instead carries sense of euphoria or extreme happiness followed by relaxation for any who directly inhale it.
  • There is an apparent divide between Dwarves and Elves. While this originally had nothing to do with the Elves on the surface, Elves have been on the receiving end of an ages old stigma against their deep-dark Brethren. This variant, commonly known as "Dark Elves", live in the depths that the Dwarves one and still call home. Their wildly different conditions of the underground has lead to feral humanoids who would blindly hunt and eat whatever meat they could find.
  • Individual Social Notes.
    • Dark Elves: Typically found following storms of many kinds, Dark Elves do not form settlements of their own in most circumstances, instead following nomadic caravans that harvest from the areas they pass.
    • Deep Elves: At current, there are no sociably notes for Deep Elves beside their desire to eat each other. How they reproduce is unknown and potentially impossible.
    • High Elves: While High Elves are no stranger to the modern and mundane world of Terhan, there are many families and groupings of significant note that have maintained their 'disallowing of the magics combining', seeing their uniqueness as a gift that cannot be allowed to be tarnished. Though granted, this belief has been ground down over the past few decades.
    • Wood Elves: Typically building communities of log cabins and stonework within a culture of hunting and fishing, these Elves have become well-accustomed to using everything they physically have access to and not wasting anything if they can help it.
  • The evolution of Elven names has lead to a couple curiosities. The most noteworthy is that these names typically follow sounds and rhyming that are similar to their ancestors speech patterns.