Terhan Setting Notes (C.UWC5. [Unclear])



One of the few countries of the United Western Coalition, ???

[Themes; ???]

Noteworthy Settlements

  • ??? - ???
    • HSS Duke of Storms - One of the largest known combat ships in history, Her Sovereignty's Ship 'Duke of Storms' is the only piece of Marcititila's territory on the opposing side of Bezumida. During the Bezumidian Revolts, the HSS Duke of Storms intentionally beached itself to land his entire surplus of soldiers and became a vital beachhead for the war effort. Massive cannons made to sink ships of similar size became artillery emplacements key to destroying bunkers and trenchlines, and anti-air cannons ensured that reinforcements were overwhelmingly protected from the dangers of enemy aircraft. Furthermore, thanks to both it's efforts, it's preserved state, and it's frankly impossible-to-move nature now it had been beached., it is considered a historical preservation site.
  • Nature's Reclaim - Once an industrial powerhouse of [Unclear], the vast factories and workhouses of the land are covered in green and life as it once should have. This smoke and-stained site of industrially illegitimate landscape stands as a monument to nature's wrath against monstrosities upon it, and the beauty of the bones that remain behind afterwards. Many druids make effort to return to the Reclaim every couple of years to join in with a celebration tantamount to their beliefs and motives. Even the name, "Nature's Reclaim", takes a deep cue in the druid's adoption of titles over names, as it's former name was "Mortborough."

Noteworthy History

  • During a period known as the 'Bezumidan Revolts', the United Western Coalition fell into an internal conflict lasting from [Date.BR1] to [Date.BR2]. ??? was only other known member of the Coalition to actually side with Bezumida in their efforts, citing the value of freedom had been damaged by the earlier diplomatic efforts from the makeshift alliance.
  • While the specific events that occurred are undocumented, and too spread out between a wide length and number to point out exactly. This time period, typically coined as 'The Greentide', is full of stories and suggestions regarding the cunning tactics of nature and it's guardians used to slowly and certainly force an entire city to it's knees and crawling out for survival. It is commonly agreed to last between two points, alongside other smaller events, that shall be described;
    • Point Start: The leaders of Mortborough and it's factories meet with a council selected by druids regarding the potential issues with a recent rush of industrialisation. This meeting, although being peaceful all throughout, both sides had admitted that they couldn't reach their desired agreements.
    • Point End: The complete evacuation of the city, as pollen contamination within the air became too high for gasmasks and filters to successfully manage. Caused by an impossibly invasive ivy, as it threatened the health and wellbeing of any who lived in the existing area still. This causes machinery to break down on a massive scale, mines to become enclosed by roots, and Mortborough is considered completely lost to [Unclear] and the United Western Coalition as a whole.
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Noteworthy Fauna and Flora

  • Pied Procyon - A cat-sized critter with black-and-white fur, Pied Procyons are one of a noticeable handful of species that, worldwide, have thrived with the developing expansions of Humanity's settlements. Sometimes referred to as "Bandit Bears", thanks to their consistent fur-patterns reminiscing a bandana and curious habits of carrying various items of note back to communal 'Hideouts'. Occasionally, an individual creature might find themselves face to face with Humanity, presenting a seemingly random item to trade for whatever food they may have at the time. Partaking in these trades is typically discouraged as it reinforces negative behaviour. While the Pied Procyon are far away from true domestication, they have been tamed multiple times by many different people for many different ways. A good example of this was a number of golden items being stolen by an entire Hideout, later discovered to have been trained by a local thief that the delivery of these items would ensure quality food.
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