Terhan Setting Notes (H. Dwarves)



Basic Description
While the origins of the Dwarv are shrouded in as much mystery as rock, these underground preferring humanoids are renown at the art of making do with what you got.

Biological Notes
When compared to the average human, Dwarves are noticeably shorter and stout with a typically pale skin complexion. Dwarves also are known to often having great pride in the length and width of their hair, which is considerably good at filtering dust from mining or mills.

Additionally, Dwarves tend to have larger ears and that eyes better adjusted for seeing within the dark, lending to poorer eyesight in bright conditions and a frequent need for Dwarves upon the surface to wear glasses.

Social Notes

  • One of the earliest pieces of folklore, "The Comet of Koldkuldir" is a story regarding what could've created the conditions that Dwarves have adapted to live in. The story goes that long ago, the great capital of Koldkuldir was met with a bizarre fate in the middle of a deep battle. A messenger from the sky above sheered a deep hole into the dirt and rock below, cracks and splinters grew and grew until soon after, the entire city collapsed into the world below as the earth around closed behind them, leaving nought but an empty field on the surface above.
    • It should be noted, Shooting Stars are seen as a sign of malice and bad luck in Dwarven culture.
  • There is an apparent divide between Dwarves and Elves. While this originally had nothing to do with the Elves on the surface, Dwarves have had to stay within their various fortresses to fight the dangers of the deep for thousands of years, as Elves who had violently adapted to the Deep conditions made it unsafe. Their exploration limited by armour too heavy to be carried away with and in groups large enough to defend everyone within, and only the occasional outposts or established settlements to truly call safe. 
  • Before their introduction to the sky-blessed world above, technological development halted to what could be achieved within the the halls of their fortress cities, primarily upon the improvement of defences such as stronger steel, designs that can deflect and absorb blows with ease, and forms of stone-working that are kept a intensely guarded secret to this day.
  • Tanned skin is typically seen as desirable to Dwarves, as historically only those who worked within the various forges and workshops would develop tans.