Terhan Setting Notes (H. Simulaculi)



Basic Description
Artificial in nature, the Simulaculi are produced by powerful beings or intelligent groups. These copies of life are a rare to see, and rarer to be deceived by.

Biological Notes
While any Simulaculus could have inconsistent shapes and forms, each one is typically familiar to other members of humanity.

'Quality' is typically a larger staple between the Simulaculi. Those created with wisdom, knowledge, and technology typically resemble exceptionally basic automatons. However, there are various examples of those who carry divinity forging folk to near-perfect levels, impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Currently, the three notable creation forms of Simulaculi are the mechanical 'Machinus', the magical 'Magus', and the god-made 'Divinitus'.

Social Notes

  • Depending on the quality of the Simulaculi, they may receive different reactions from the people they meet. From uncanny looks by passer-bys unimpressed by the magic wasted, to fascinated inspections by those enthralled by their mechanical nature. In recent studies, it has been suggested that bodies animated with Necromancy could be considered Magus Simulaculi, if extraordinarily simple.
  • Unfortunately, many Simulaculi suffer from a sever disconnect to their legitimate compatriots. By most reports, Simulaculi that are socially-active will encounter any number of doubts for both their existence and their validity after spending so long with those they care about.