Terhan Setting Notes (S. The Drifting)



The Basics
While this strange place, for the longest time, did not have a formal name. 'The Drifting', or occasionally referred to as 'Driftsleep', is the source of all of magical energies that can be found throughout all of Terhan and it's spread cultures. While the exact formation of this realm is known to nobody, what is known is the wonderment of it's capabilities and discoveries pertaining to extraplanar life formed from the psychological forces of Terhan.

While it's a known fact by both skilled practitioners of magic, as well as Arcanologists, that the perception of the real world effects The Drifting and it's interactions in return.

The arcane and magical strength that emanates from The Drifting is caused by the sheer notion that magic is a strong and powerful force that can be manipulated through mysterious means that could be studied. And thus amplifies the strength that magic supernaturally has.

It should be noted that, while they are not vital for spellcasting, the additional use of various Foci, or handheld items that carry a personal or magical significance to the caster. These have been noticeably helpful for currently unclear reasons, with the leading theory that previous civilisations believed similarly that different items could assist the casting of spells, and for whatever reason, it somehow persisted within The Drifting and it's methods of passing magic.

Entities and Beings
While The Drifting is frequently uninhabitable by life in the traditional sense, things native to the realm are known to exist (As much as they can exist while being made out of psychological energy). 

  • Dreams - Some of the most common Psychobiology, Dreams can be found in endless shapes and numbers beyond counting. While observers are unsure as to how a number of these dreams take shape, what is known at the least is that the aspiration of a Dream's source tells the sheer size it becomes.
  • Conceptuals - A curious range of humanoid figures that are regularly discovered throughout The Drifting. Each one having different personalities and beliefs that match what pre-established ideas exist at the moment. It should be noted that Conceptuals change frequently as ideas and perceptions adapt and evolve.
    • The Wizard, one of the first Conceptual discovered, an elderly looking man with a stereotypical hat, long robes, and a volatile disposition for casting some of the most powerful spells cast prior whenever he feels the need to impress those around him or change the environment to suit his whims. It is possible that The Wizard is capable of highly potent divinatory magics, appearing when he needs to always 'conveniently'.
    • The Hero, a Conceptual of immense strength and skill, surrounded by ever-burning embers and wielding a sword and pistol, they appear wherever the perils of Driftsleep become overwhelming to mortals. But more, the phrase "Lost soul wanes" is known to bring their attention to the individual in a manner not seen by others, as the common response from The Hero becomes "Holdfast, hope waxes." It is speculated that the Hero's unique nature stems from them being a non-native to The Drifting, believed to be trapped long ago during a failed exploration until they eventually became a Conceptual.
    • The Soldiers, the collective name for at least five separate Conceptuals known as 'The Conscript', 'The Veteran', 'The Officer', 'The Operator', and 'The General'. While it was prior belief that each of these beings were completely separate, it was soon discovered that despite their different personalities and appearances, they share a connected consciousness and memory. Not to mention the visible equipment and weapons they carry has changed multiple times after first discovery.
  • Phobias - What could very well be considered as 'Eldritch Deities' that preside over The Drifting, these 'Phobic Gods' are a singular concepts that carry an extranormal level of power over the world around them. Furthermore, with events of the real world, these Phobias can grow and wain in their strength, such as horror movies, documentaries, and tragedies. It should be noted that even though Phobic Gods may have pronouns given to them, due to their nature, they are effectively genderless.
    • Arachnophobia, the most powerful of the Phobic Gods at this moment and popularly known as the 'The Webbed Lord' or simply 'Arachno'. A crawlling mass of perhaps billions of spiders underneath a silken skin. With eyes that devour emotion and fangs that drip with horrific venom, only the bravest of explorers and documentarians have stayed by to record what is now known, and rarely have they been the same afterwards as the Webbed Lord's influence could be anywhere as her skittering presence is rarely shaken.
    • Athazagoraphobia, speaking from pure speculation, the hypothetical existence of a Phobic God of Forgetting is possible, however it would be common belief that understanding or even documenting such an idea with a promise of certainty would be in direct contradiction of what such a being would try to accomplish. Furthermore, even if such an idea was to be believed, given the spread of Athazagoraphobia, it would potentially be one of the weaker Phobic Gods possible to find.
    • Galeophobia, sometimes referred to as 'The Shark Queen' or just 'Galeo', is one of the oldest known Phobic Gods within The Drifting. Records throughout the ages tell of the air and ground growing dark and wet whenever she draws near. With maw endlessly filled with razer-sharp teeth, eyes darker then void, and a destructive hunger. However, with recent attention towards sharks, such as a wildly popular brand of plush animals, Galeophobia has been noticeably weakened to those observe these gods, and has even been recently described as 'Plusher' in look and nature.
    • Pupaphobia, known as 'The Puppet of Drifting' or more simply 'Pupa', is a noticeably weak Phobic God, one of Puppets, and it's appearance has been the subject of many debates over it's nature. Appearing a humanoid swarm of items from string marionettes of frankly exceptional quality to socks with faux eyes, multiple cable-like structures that extend endlessly above their body. Those who have been in the presence and even communed with Pupa have spoken of how they felt in their presence, as if the motions of their faux hand controlled their every move with invisible strings.
  • Demons - While the specific conditions and origins of Demons are largely unknown, it is commonly known that these material beings have been warped from the centuries and millennia of life and survival within the psychological lands of the Drifting. It is understood that the faith-fuelled kraterocracies of towns and cities of the Drifting are inhabited by these folk, ruled by those who have made pacts to the Phobic Gods, further lead by those who have impressed their Eldritch Deities. Because of the psychologically reactive nature of The Drifting that Demons has adapted to living in, Demons are noted to be emotionally unstable, suffering from higher pleasures and deeper pains.
    • It should be noted that Demons are able to accept pacts with different Phobic Gods, under the condition that there is no major conflict of interest (Such as signing pacts with Agora and Claustro, who are direct opposites).
    • Mutations are common place with those who have signed pacts with the Phobic Gods, these changes can be beneficial to the Warlock or detrimental, depending on the success or failure of the Warlock to uphold their side of the deals struck.