Lazulite Aima



6 years, 1 month ago


Lazulite Aima

Name Lazulite Aima
Nicknames/Aliases N/A
Pronouns He/Him
Age 29
D.o.B March 27th
Blood Red
Sexuality Gay
Species Avian/Reptilian
Resides Cliffside
Occupation Haul Fisherman



One of the rare people in Cliffside who actually moved there for work, Lazulite is the man behind the stern at the fishing operation, taking over from Chips, who he is trying to ease into actually retiring.

Despite his thin and short stature, Lazulite is utterly superhuman in strength. He doesn’t seem to be too aware of this, brushing it off whenever it’s mentioned, but he can carry just as much as Carnelian, his boyfriend, can, even though he's about twice his weight and a good foot taller.

As for hobbies, Lazulite is a classical blogger. Curating a space and making posts of an archival nature. Their two main projects are cataloguing flotsam they find, and, well, their other blog has an age gate, is all you need to know.

Classpect: Knight of Time
Lunar Sway: Prospit
True Zodiac: Gemrist (Streetwise)

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