Chelsea Goldberg



5 years, 11 months ago


Name Chelsea Goldberg
DOB July 8th, 1937
Birthplace Newark, New Jersey
Gender Female
Sign Cancer
Occupation School Librarian 
Height 5'7" (170 cm)
Build Chubby
Hair Brown
Eyes Blue
Orientation Heterosexual (*mostly)






  • She used to play clarinet in the school band, and can still play as an adult, even though she's a little out of practice
  • She's not even that interested in reading either, but took the library job since it was really the only thing available
  • Tends to get crushes on people easily, just because she finds them to be "cute" (as an example she crushes pretty hard on Axel lol)
  • * She had never been interested in girls before until she met a certain hockey player (who she originally thought was a guy anyway), which is a bunch of "drama" that needs to be drawn out someday XD

Chelsea Goldberg


Hair: Light brown, very curly and long (around waist length), with evenly cut bangs that reach down to almost to her eyebrows

Eyes:Blue, and usually having the appearance of only being half open

Build: Chubby and round all over! Her hips are not especially wide though.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: She has puffy cheeks like her brother, though not quite as prominent as his

Clothing: Typical feminine 50's clothing: poodle skirts are her favorite, along with sweaters, cardigans, & blouses in a variety of soft pastel colors. Will also sometimes wear dresses, jeans, or shorts. Her outfits often include accessories such as scarves and handkerchiefs.


11763197_OfQICecfyL05quD.pngDisposition: In public she likes to come across as gentle, ladylike, and overly friendly to everyone, but anyone who knows her personally knows she's not exactly the perfect angel she makes herself out to be. XD While she certainly is a nice enough person, she's also extremely nosy and always has to know what friends/family/fellow students are up to at all times, and also be caught up on the latest gossip around school/town, whether it's just out of pure curiosity, concern, or so she can somehow use it to her advantage later. Another trait she and her brother have in common is how easily annoyed she can also be...and though she can usually hide it well publicly, she will not bother holding back and will go OFF on people she's more familiar with (or just plain doesn't like very well.) All in all though, she's very much a people person who likes befriending others and being involved in the lives of people she cares about, and nothing hurts her feelings more than being left out or ignored.

Mannerisms: When on her own she is usually straight-faced or appears to be lost in thought, but around others/in conversation she's quite animated and expressive in both facial expressions and gestures. She talks a lot, yes, and can tend to dominate the conversation, but when she's interested in what anyone else has to say she'll be eager to listen too (and possibly bombard them with questions!) When she's being bossy or getting ready to say "I told you so!" she tends to take an "authoritative" pose with her hands on her hips, waving her arms in the air or pointing angrily for emphasis when she feels it's necessary. She blushes when surprised/embarrassed and sometimes snorts when she laughs...two things she dislikes that cause her even more embarrassment.

Voice: Well, ofc she has that stereotypical-sounding, over-the-top Jersey accent.    It's a pretty "girlish" voice, kind of makes her sound a little younger than she is, and has a bit of a nasally quality to it. (It's not easy to describe voices without a reference, I find, but I'll say that using a gif from Grease on her page is appropriate...the way she sounds would be quite similar to the girls in the movie...well, except Sandy. XD)



  • friends & family
  • school
  • music & dancing
  • parties


  • being ignored/left out
  • horror/sci-fi movies
  • being alone
  • gross/crude humor


Though she graduated last year Chelsea is still involved at her old high school, currently (as of most things she will be drawn in) working a volunteer job at the library there. Partly, of course, so she can stay "in the know" with everything that goes on, but also because she truly enjoyed her time there, and feels a bit sad and lost in life now that it's high school is over. (She soon realizes working at a school in some capacity must be her calling in life and goes off to college to become a teacher in her early 20s.)



Leslie Brother


Ewww, it's her gross little brother! Aw, but she does care about him a lot, though. (Even if she doesn't want to TELL him that.) Honestly, it's hard not to worry about him with how depressed and grumpy he seems to be at times...if only he would just TALK to her about this stuff maybe it would make him feel better. But he never wants to and always tells her to butt out. :( As they get older she genuinely worries and feels sorry for him and what a sad, lonely adult he seems to be, and it hurts her quite a bit that they hardly talk anymore.

Jeremiah Father


Aww, Daddy! She's a daddy's girl, and considering he always treated her like a perfect little angel, how could she not be? To her, he was the sweetest old man, and she was ready to fight anyone who said otherwise! As a kid he would always read her bedtime stories and buy her any toys she wanted, and in her teen years, and as she got older, she knew she could always tell him anything and come to him when she needed advice. And as an adult, well...she misses him so much!

Gloria Mother


As a teen all she thought was "Ugh, mom can be SOOO nosy! "(And don't you dare tell her that's where she must get it from! XD) Chelsea knows she means well, of course, but she can be such a nag, and they end up arguing a LOT. (Over typical things like curfew and whether or not she can go to "that party with those older kids" and the like.) Oh, well....whenever mom says "no" to something she knows she can just go to dad instead.

Sasha Love Interest (?)


She just can't help herself around those wild, "bad boy" types! And, ooooh, he even has a motorcycle! It's not every day you see a guy with long hair like that, either! He's just so "interesting" she gets all nervous and can barely even speak when Sasha talks to her. (It remains to be seen how she will feel when she gets to know this "guy" better, lol...)