
It's frelled, fracked, & frankly fearful!"
Corporal Jonathan Dough
Aliases: N/A
Nickname: Joh, Corporal, Corpy, Jonny-Boy
Gender: M | F | X | he/him
Age: 20-45 depending on the storyline
Species: Humanoid - Cyborg
Occupation: Corporal Detective in the Inspector Query Comics
Residence: Fictional: Enigma City
Height: 5'10" / 177.8 cm cm
Classification citizen / criminal / law
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"Alluring ardvarkian action! What's going on here Inspector! I want the TRUTH!"

Aahh, what to say about the eccentric Corporal that hasn't already been said a hundred times before. Trust-worthy, hardworking, sometimes stoic sometimes the life of the party, always keeps the fans on their toes Corporal! One of the best characters to come out of the Inspector Query comics, Corporal Jonathan "Jon" Dough is a fan favorite and the long time on-again-off-again companion to the Inspector herself. In each episode not only was the mystery of who committed the crime enticing, but so was the question of whether or not the Corporal would turn against the enigmatic Inspector and all her wisdom, opting to take her into custody instead, or if his heart would take control of the situation and lead him down the path of righteousness!

The sometimes enemy, sometimes partner, Corporal Jon was a vital part of any good Inspector Query comic, always there to be the audience's stand in and often the comic relief with his bizarre use of nonsensical alliterations, always putting together exclamations with words that all start with the same letter. Galloping guppy gadzooks! He and Inspector Query have been everything from best of friends, to partners in the police force, to having traded places, sworn enemies, and even once just acquaintances in that one really unpopular spin off wherein everyone from the main cast's memories were taken from them by some alien space disease that never made really any sense. No one like that one. (That includes me!)

Since the death of the comics creator, and the end of the comics run/original stories in media [minus the stage show] he hasn't made much of an apperance as of late. For whatever reason, the stage show seems to refuse to use any old original monsters of the week or villains, opting to bring in brand new ones. They've all been hits, so I don't mind much but it's odd to not see the dynamic, albiet turbulant, duo of Inspector Query and her "constantly coherent cohort" Coporpal Dough. (Okay, okay, I'll stop.)

With the rise in popularity with the stage show however, who knows, maybe the Corporal could ALSO make a triumpant come back in the form of a new media.




CASE TMS02-RS01 Ahhh, wouldn't that have been a wonderful dream, instead of this bizarre nightmare. "Who knows! Maybe the Corporal will make a come back in the form of a new media!" ...Well the Corporal certainly has made a comeback, just not in any way anyone could have expected. In what is becoming an increasingly normal turn of events, it turns out that the lonely Memory Snatcher is actually the Corporal... having walked right off the pages of Inspector Query comics and into the real world.

He's not alone in this case, as he, one time criminals of the week characters Mimi and Meme, and the enigmatic Inspector herself have all managed to do the impossible and come to life out nothing but the fictional world of a genius. Unfortunately for the Corporal, when he made it to Neo Oldesville the first being he met was Felix, who, lacking a real body of his own, decided to try and hack into the Corporal's cybernetic body and kick Jon out. The two clashed, with Jonathan's system rejecting and even kicking out Felix's virus code, but in the process Felix inadvertently wiped Jonathan's memory drives, essentially resetting him to a blank slate.

I believe that's why the "Memory Snatcher" started stealing precious items in the first place - he was trying to remember who he was and the only way he could think to do so was by finding an item, any item, that could have been his in the past that could trigger a memory deep inside him. Unfortunately... he wasn't making much progress on that by the time I got involved. I'm not really sure how Query learned of his existence, but shortly after I found his horde of stolen memories, she showed up at my door one night wanting to talk about her old partner in the Inspector Query comics. She had been tracking the patterns and whereabouts of the Snatcher for a while, and decided it was time she asked for my help.

Together, we were able to eventually track him down, but after a thorough reboot and diagnostics check by Dr. Tulip, it was discovered that all of his past memory drives had been wiped. There may still be some remnants in there, but the code is so heavily damaged from his encounter with Felix that even the Doctor doesn't think he'll ever be able to fully regain his old memories. As of now, he can only create new ones going forward.

His current whereabouts are unknown. He took off shortly after they rebooted his systems again to try and flush out anything left over from Felix. The Inspector is confident her old friend is still inside him... but I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Only time will tell...


Physical Notes
Has a large red bulbous nose. It frequently changes colors in the cartoons only whenever he gets upset or emotional.
His blonde hair has been sticking out sideways like that since the day he was born, or at least that's what the flashback in the radio show explained.
He always wears his jacket sleeves rolled up, so his arms can transform freely.
His feet are huge, because they're full of gadgets! Like spring boards, rockets, roller skates, you name it.
His eye's are just black dots, and the sclera of his eyes are an off yellow color. Occasionally, if he was used to 'hack' into technology, he'd get the standard "error" signs computers get when they crash. He was always fine though.
The bow tie he wears spins. It has no other function than that.
Personality/Character Notes
  • His arms are basically just Inspector Gadget levels of ridiculous with the number of absurd gadgets and do-dads that he had inside of them, usually changing for whatever the episode in question called for.
  • In the comics, it's suggested that he actually adopted Mimi & Meme after their single appearance, and he sent them off to a boarding school. Occasionally the writers would throw in nods to them still being in communication in forms of letters on his desk or him buying the girls gifts to send off.
  • There was little to suggest anything romantic was building between himself and Inspector Query, but even still, plenty of fans speculated that he may have had more feelings for her then her for him. Personally, I see it more as a close friendship, with almost familial bonds to it.
  • Their relationship, his and Query's, jumped between old friends to rivals to even flat out frenemies, as he would often team up with her in one episode and then accuse her of the crime the next.
  • His character has not appeared in the live action shows since they started. Given his situation, I doubt that Query will ever bring him into it out of respect.