Madame Agatha



3 years, 11 months ago


a strong medium and friend 10/31/XX
Agatha Gemmy
Aliases: Madam Agatha
Nickname: N/A
Gender: M | F | X | she/her
Age: Swears 25 (actually 35)
Species: Humanoid
Occupation: Local Medium/Pyschic
Residence: Neo Odesville
Height: 5'05" / 165.1 cm (hunched)
6'10" / 208.28 cm (standing up)
Classification citizen / criminal
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Madame Agatha is the local pyschic of Neo Oldesville. She's a rather quiet person who keeps mostly to herself... on a good day. Any other day she has her nose in everyone's business listening to all the gossip around town through both people watching at the mall or communicating with the local spirits. She's quiet simply because she rarely ever includes any information she already knows and instead prefers to just listen.

This makes her a fantastic informant, more so than her psychic abilities as thankfully not many of my clients have needed a commincator between the realm beyond and here. Even still I will occasionally have her read my own future, cards or palm just to give me an idea on what I may need to prepare myself for in the future.

Every month she holds wonderful, but private, tea parties with some of the cities more elite members, including the the Mayor, the Wicke sisters Glimmer and Fleur, with the occasional apperance of her eccentric tennant, the Centipooch. I... have yet to get invited to one of these tea parties, but they sound fun. Apparently she orders in from the next town over some of the most delicious treats and sandwiches... maybe I can sneak into one claiming I'm tracking down the Kringled Kaper again.

Then again, maybe I shouldn't try to sneak into a psychic's house...


Physical Notes
Very hunched. She is permanently hunched into a shape of an S.
Pure Yellow Eyes. She has no whites to her eyes - they just look like giant iris's.
Real cobweb shawl. Beatrice will occasionally freshen it up if someone's disturbed it.
Eyes will turn white when enteracting with the spirit world, and red when angered.
Actually very young. The one strand of gray hair mixed with the fact that the crystal ball makes her hair look far lighter than it is gives the impression she's far older then she really is. She's 35.
Cannot take the Crystal Ball off. It is a permanent part of her being now.
Her Crystal Ball lights up when she's communicating with the dead. Apparently it's very annoying because everything we see on the ball she see's, but backwards.
Personality/Character Notes
  • Loves spiders. Absolutely enamoured by the little fellas, especially her pet, Beatrice.
  • Makes wonderful tea from her garden. I'm not quite sure what all the plants are but whatever she says they're good for is always enhanced after a full cup! Like clearing the mind for instance.
  • Is terrible with technology. I think the most modern thing in her house IS electricity.
  • Knows more about people than I think even I do. I just wish she'd stop making me pay so much for that information!
  • She is actually psychic. She can occasionally see into the future through her crystal ball and/or predict possible outcomes.
  • Has eidetic memory. Part of how she knows so much about so many people.