Lisa Pierce



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Lis (Azazel, Locke)



Manic Despair Type

Type 2 Hybrid


June 8th








Chemist specializing in organics, has a PhD in Organic Chemistry and has been under the employment of the crown for two decades.


Trans Female




Science, logic, things that are constant and stable, certain chemical reactions, diet soda, used to love dance clubs


Things that are inconsistent and unpredictable, not feeling, when her logic and problems are wrong and flawed, sour candy, chemical burns


A brilliant chemist and lab worker tasked with creating cocotions to assist her King and her Husband. A member of King Azazel's Personal Guard.


Physical Description:


Lisa is a well built woman with a slim build. Her clothes have a lot of holes in them, all due to various caustic chemicals. In the past, she would have been dissapointed to ruin such good clothing.

She has dyed blue hair (blonde originally) and dark green eyes.

Lisa is a member of King Azazel's personal guard, a small group of individuals tasked with defending his person and causing the destruction of Tiene Hills. Her (adoptive) daughter, Irene Pierce, is a member.

She usually wears her striking white labcoat, as it pronounces her apperance and turns heads. She's consistently working on chemicals and sedatives to assist Terrance's work. 




Lisa is a world renowned scientist in the field of Organic Chemistry.

Previously a Royal Scientist under the late King William--along with her husband, Terrance--Dr. Lisa Pierce was a devoted mother and brilliant mind.

When The Happening occurred, the social and friendly Lisa became an emotional shell. She had been afflicted with the rare hybrid form of Manic Despair. With little to no emotional responses to anyone or anything, Lisa is a pragmatic, unstoppable force--but not one without conscience.

She's haunted by her own deeds and her own lack of emotion, knowing that she /should/ be feeling /something/! She should be filled with love and adoration when she sees her child, or sees Terrance...but there's nothing there.

Lisa, unlike her husband, appears to be trying to feel. She makes consistent attempts to evoke Terrance's love, hoping that maybe it'll awaken something in her two. Yet, the two are still shells of their former selves, working under their King--their only goal is to make him proud.


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Lisa has a gifted mind, and she is not afraid to show it in her work. Her inventions are ingenious, and can spell disaster for Tiene Hills if they do not discover he ploys quickly enough...she has no qualms with hurting children.

This said, Lisa often can get caught up in her own head, and does find herself to be quite the monster for abandoning her child and being overall emotionless. If you press the right buttons, you could rattle her--but they gotta be strong presses.


Bonus Facts:


- Was once a pretty heavy college partyer, but got her act together quickly when she realized her dreams were in jeopardy. She's a responsible drinker now, but still loves her wine--sometimes she finds herself drinking with Sala.

- Lisa is a good sounding board and venting outlet for a lot of people, even before The Happening she often played therapist to all of her friends. It seems like Lisa looks out for Yolette a lot more than all the other members of Azazel's Personal Guard...

- Has had countless experiments blow up in her face. Lisa likes to blame her strange hairstyle on countless radioactive chemical barrages. It's never the same when she wakes up, and constantly changes.