Stacy Wells



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Stace (Luke, David)



Home Sector

Sector D


July 10th








Formerly a low-income clinic aide in Sector D. She was rescued from a nasty situation by Bud, and now dedicates her life to a new line of work...






Cats, noise cancelling headphones, rain, lens cleaner (her glasses tend to get dirty quickly), video games (puzzle games, mostly!)


Enclosed spaces, being the center of attention, candy (she can't handle the sweetness).


The Aquidicite invasion was the apex of a nightmare that the world had previously prayed to wake up from. It only got worse. David Crawford drove each country into the ground, then sold the world to a malignant power that sought to drain New was a horrific vision of the future that humanity had not wished to see. Humans and mutants alike strove for peace after the First Awakening, and believed in a better tomorrow...but this was not the horizon they wanted to see: one lined with alien ships and vaporization rays. No one could have fought back against this future, even if they tried. Exhausted from the First Awakening, humans had no chance, and were forced to submit to the Aquidicites. 

Stacy Wells was one of the veterans who submitted close to immediately, seeing no dignity in throwing away her life attempting to "fight back". She was relocated to Sector D, where she worked as a clinic aide, treating the slaves brought to her establishment for dehydration, starvation, exhaustion and countless diseases. For months she struggled to keep up, and to prevent her own enslavement. One night appeared to signal the end of her freedom...until a masked man called "Bud" came a rewrote her history; saving Stacy from her assault. Since that day, Stacy has followed Bud, and has become heavily involved in his resistance movement. She provides aide both physical and mental, and is one of Bud's closest advisers: one of his Three Confidants! Stacy knows Bud well, and knows that he is stressed about something...the time for revolution is approaching, but he's hesitating. He's waiting for someone...a certain someone whose appearance will rattle Stacy to her core.

Physical Description:

Stacy is a short woman with a curved build. She wears glasses to compensate for her eyesight, which has started to fail with age. She's done too much reading in her time; too much computer work. She's very nearsighted.

She has medium length brown hair that curls out to touch her shoulders and blue eyes that are so pale they are basically grey. She is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian.

Stacy lives in Sector D, a sector made strictly for humans. In this sector, human's are exploited and enslaved by Aquidicite superiors and used as manual labor. All of the humans in this sector are mistreated, neglected, and those not enslaved are working on borrowed time. One misstep and they'll be taken into custody, and then to the back of the breadline like everyone else. Stacy was one of the few who were not enslaved. Working as a clinic aide, it was Stacy's job to help heal humans given to her by her Aquidicite superiors. One night while Stacy was walking home, she was stopped by two Hiqu Aquidicite guards who accused her of breaking curfew. The confrontation grew physical, and Stacy feared she'd be sent into enslavement if she fought back...but luckily a mysterious masked man was there to fight for her. Calling himself "Bud", Stacy was rescued and taken away by him, and learned of his revolutionary exploits soon after. Now, she dedicates her life to Bud, and the revolution he promises. Bud trusts her so much that Stacy has become one of the Three Confidants--Bud's most trusted advisers.

Stacy has two visible scars that run up her cheek, received during her altercation with the Aquidicite guards that cornered her. She also has small faint scarring on the sides of her arms/torso, which were received during the First Awakening.


Stacy had completely given up on the world, and on herself. Submitting to the rule of the Aquidicite's, and left jaded by the First Awakening, Stacy accepted the awful dystopia of her life and chose to try and keep her head down. She was completely devoid of hope, of happiness, and cynicism crept into every word she spoke. Stacy couldn't find it in herself to be happy, or to look on the bright-side of her situation. There were none. At least...there weren't, until Bud came along and showed her the way...

Kind and gentle, Stacy is one of the warmest souls you will ever meet. She is honest, calm, and one of the most even-keel people involved in Bud's revolution. While working with him, she has a real hope that humanity can succeed--that they can come back after being knocked down. She is optimistic, but keeps her hopes and dreams to herself. Stacy is a naturally quiet person who doesn't often speak up unless she is spoken too. A follower and a hard-worker, Stacy tries her best to keep the peace and calm any dissidence in the revolutionary ranks with her wise words.

Stacy is also experienced in this line of work, and with her experience is an exceedingly smart and caring mind who never forgets the little people. As a veteran of the First Awakening, she has seen war and has seen rebellion. She knows how it is organized, how things are run, and her advice is never misplaced. When she does speak up, she adds contributions that are exceedingly important, as well as wise. Stacy doesn't trust herself enough to give out too much advice, but when she does, it's absolutely life-changing. Stacy is a counselor, a clinician and a good friend to have when you're in hard times.

 Her meek nature can work against her, and keep her silent when she really should be speaking up. Her confidence in herself is lacking, and has been ever since the First Awakening. Stacy has blamed herself for losses of life, for certain events, and because of this her own faith in herself has taken a crushing blow. She'll double-back on what she says constantly, and hesitate when told to take the reigns, because she doesn't trust herself in the pilots seat. Even though she's more than qualified enough! She doesn't want to guide people into danger, or say the wrong thing, or be too late to save she just stays quiet.

She's remained quiet for this long, and things have been alright. The revolution is approaching, and Stacy knows that Bud is waiting on a trigger--on someone to arrive. She trusts him and his judgement above all else, and waits in anticipation for his signal...his charge...until she see's who it is. When she watches Bud parade in David Crawford, Stacy loses faith in him for the first time since joining. She can't imagine a world where this will work...whatever this is.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Stacy is a healing presence on both a mental and physical level. Her biggest strength is the aid she provides when it comes to physical wounds and altercations, as well as the mental aid she gives to those who are struggling. Wise and always wanting to help, Stacy is a counselor to those who seek her, and a shoulder to cry on for those who need her. She's used to intense situations due to her time serving in the First Awakening, and can act under pressure. She's best as relieving pressure, however, and is a very de-stressing presence to people.

But although she is a powerful healing presence, she's a meek-mannered person at heart who doesn't often speak up unless she is sure the advice she is giving is true. She tends to second guess herself if given the time, and even if she's right she'll sometimes waffle on what she's supposed to say or what she's supposed to do. She's not at all confident in herself, and because of this she tends to be a little bit of a doormat. John often sticks up for her in this moments, because he knows she has little faith in herself or her abilities. She's good at what she does! She doesn't really believe that, though. She wishes she could be doing more...

Bonus Facts:

- Stacy is the first person to learn of Bud's true identity. She figures it out all herself, and until Bud lets David and Eve in on the secret, she is the only one on New Earth who knows. Stacy pledges to keep it a secret, and has told not a soul since. She supports him, but hasn't pried into why Bud's decided to turn on his own kind...

- Grew up on a farm with her family, so she knows how to take care of animals/crops down in the resistance base. She's quite knowledgeable when it comes to harvesting, planting, among other related things!

- Stacy, along with John, is a veteran of the First Awakening. She was drafted into it in her 20s, and served as a field medic for the side of humans. She actually met John while treating one of his wounds, and the two became close friends.