


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Appears to be in his 20s?


Dini (Tachista)


Shadite (Familiar)

Soul Type

Earth (Geokinesis)

Current Status


Current Location







One of Scarlet's Familiars, Dinami has been tasked with destroying the land of Epigeios, and engulfing it in shadow. He's a quiet soul who seems to enjoy this earthen land more than his true home, Skotia. But, he'll do anything to keep his mistress happy.






Reading, gardening, physical fitness training, big vocabularies, punching rocks


The color yellow, losing control of his strength, fighting in excess, long work days, sad endings. Excess.


Fire, water, earth, air, light and shadow. These six elements combined created the world of Animus, a land created in a small universe built six, all-powerful Goddesses. Ever since a hole in space-time miraculously opened up between Animus and NE, the two worlds have been in communion. On occasion, beings from Universe CRB wind up in Universe ASHEPP, causing both great disaster and great harmony to fall and lift the people of Animus. In the recent century, a hero from NE has stood as firm protector of Animus. When the dark witch, Scarlet, began to ravage the land with her army of darkness, this hero was there to stop her. 100 years have passed since that first encounter. Although the hero lost much, including his own wife, he continued the fight Scarlet each time she reemerged to claim Animus for her dark deeds. At least, he used to...until he was captured within Pandora's Box, and sealed away for all eternity. With no one to stop her, Scarlet began her domination over the land of Animus, and now slowly consumes it with the help of her Shadite army...

And in her Shadite army, Scarlet has four Familiars. These Familiars, birthed from shadows, are some of the most powerful enemies Scarlet has ever crafted. The second-born, Dinami, is a muscular wrecking-ball of an Animite. The wicked Familiar is tasked with destroying what lives in the land of Epigeios and prepping it for Scarlet's dark takeover. He carries with him frightening strength that is beyond anyone's comprehension--Dinami could benchpress the whole world is pressured to do so. He's truly a force to be reckoned with...if he cared a little bit more. Dinami will carry out Scarlet's will, but, does he have to? There's so much better to do with his life...like reading or gardening. He cares about Scarlet's happiness...but does he have to kill a kid?

Physical Description:

Dinami has the appearance of a man in his late 20's. He has an extremely muscular build that borders on comical at times. He is one of Scarlet's four Familiars, and is the second born of the "family". He's easily the most mature.

He has long red-brown hair that is tied up into a messy ponytail. His eyes are black with green pupils, and his sclera is black (these are signs of his imperfect creation). Dinami resembles an Epigeian Animite, resulting is his wide, horizontal ears.

Created by the witch of Skotia, Scarlet, Dinami is one of her four Familiars. Crafted from shadows and given imperfect life, Dinami and his "siblings" are Scarlet's strongest and most life-like creations. So life-like, in fact, that their souls were claimed by Goddesses of Animus. Dinami's 'soul' was claimed by Goddess Epigeios upon his creation, allowing him the ability to utilize Geokinesis in various ways.

Despite the lifelike appearance, Dinami and his siblings are not real. They're made up of shadows, and their nature is revealed in the spots that appear on their skin. Dinami's body can be dispersed and destroyed, reverted back into useless shadow and rescinded back to Scarlet...but Scarlet can remake him with time. She always does.


At first glance, you wouldn't think Dinami was evil. As one of Scarlet's four Familiars, and one of the most powerful forces of evil in the land, you'd expect some sort of malice radiating from him...some sort of bloodlust. He's the second born of the Familiar's, surely he's an upgrade from the last, surely he's got more drive. Right? It would make logical sense, but Dinami earnestly doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Being mean is pointless. He does it because he has to, but that doesn't mean he enjoys it...

Gentle and intelligent, Dinami is a subdued and patient giant who would, more than anything, love to live humbly. Each time he is reformed, he's ordered to destroy Epigeios, and while he'll do it for his Mistress, he'd rather spend the rest of his days gardening on the fertile soil of the land. Dinami passively takes things as they happen, and never offers up resistance. He loves to read, he loves to garden, he's got a lot of things he loves to do and he wishes he had time to do them...but he's let go of his hopes. Dinami seems to have a heightened understanding of his situation. He knows this work doesn't suit him, but there's nothing he can do. He has no control in his life. The best he can do is be polite...

Dinami has a content, open disposition who is very sensitive to the emotions of others. While not physically perceptive, he's keen on understanding the states of others. This surprising amount of empathy makes him a good shoulder to cry on if you need him. He'd earnestly be a good friend to you if you managed to gain his trust. Dinami is one of the few Familiars that is actually cognizant of Scarlet's emotions, and that she's not as strong as she appears to be...Dinami tries to be there for her.

Yet, if he's pushed away, he doesn't pry. He doesn't try, and is overall quite pessimistic about his outlook--even nihilistic. His life is a construction of shadows given artificial life; it's not even his. In his own mind, there's no point in trying to fight back against his fate. Dinami is defeatist and accepts failure without a fight, he doesn't believe there's a meaningful future for himself. There's a certain sadness that comes with Dinami...he simply doesn't care to try anymore. Maybe he never did.

He doesn't even have to try as hard this time, but still he finds himself ambivalent. Hesiod has been captured within Pandora's Box, and while that's good for the Mistress, Dinami knows the happiness won't last. His suspicions are only confirmed when Hesiod's daughter emerges from the portal to take his place. Dinami dreads fighting a child, but won't defy his Mistress' orders. There's no point in doing so. He wishes he didn't have to, but this is what he was created to do...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Dinami's strength is just that...his strength. Dinami is outrageously strong, and he uses this strength to great effect in his battles. He may be slower than average, but he hits hard, and when he runs the ground shakes. His towering height is also quite the advantage in a fight, Dinami is an imposing figure that can intimidate even the strongest Animite. Dinami has Geokinesis, and has a tendency to utilize it with his hands, digging into the ground and unearthing pillars of rock and stone to throw at enemies. He's very destructive when he gets going, and slowly chips away at the battlefield with his powers.

With all that strength comes a lot of slowdown. Dinami is the slowest of the Familiars, and even though he hits hard, it can be difficult for him to get going. He's not the most perceptive in a fight, and is slow to catch on to plans of the enemy before it's too late. His biggest vice is his lack of willingness to fight at all. Dinami is pacifistic in nature, and only fights because his Mistress wills it. He doesn't want to continue battling Hesiod, or this little girl, but he has too...there's a lack of vigor in his movements. It's like he's not even trying...

Bonus Facts:

- Sometimes, if he's not careful, Dinami can lose control of his strength. He breaks things easily because he doesn't realize his own power.

- Dinami is easily the most...aware of the Familiars. He seems to grasp his situation better than his siblings do, but he recognizes the futility in speaking the truth. There's nothing he can do, and nothing that will ease the pain, so he'll focus on making his Mistress happy...

- Once upon a time, there was a fearsome mountain range that separated a lovesick man from his beloved...