Catherine Wheeler



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Cathy (DO NOT), Cat (DO MAYBE), Kitty (Mom)




A high-school student that is currently one of the last people on New Earth...


July 26th








She's a high-school student, but she's a rising star on the track team!






Sour candy, punk-rock, tree-climbing, biking, 100 meter sprints, BMX Racing


Sweet candy, puzzles (especially puzzle games), lines, people in general


In a flash of light, every being on New Earth vanished. Without any warning, or preamble, all life disappeared from the planet, and New Earth slowly began to enter a negligent ruin. A month after the initial event, there was no sign of change--the world remained abandoned with little sign of recovery. Or, rather, almost abandoned. Unaffected by the light and unaware of the other's existence, two humans still lingered on the planet. For the last month, both have struggled to survive in a completely isolated environment, where no sound can be created. However, in this silent world, one stranger will call out to the other, and spark a partnership that could possibly save New Earth from its quiet demise...

Catherine Wheeler was the all-around track star of her high school. The daughter of scientists, she spurned her parents careers and poured all her attention into athletics, strengthening her body and neglecting her academics. When the light came, she was training; running laps around the school when the flash came over her and erased all the life that surrounded her. A month has passed since then, and Catherine has done whatever it took to survive. With her stockpiled resources running low, Catherine goes out every day looking for supplies to little avail. One day, while sitting alone in stagnant living room, the vibration of her phone offers to save her from her inevitable demise...

Physical Description:

Catherine Wheeler is a tall girl with an athletic, lanky build. The star of her track team, Catherine specializes in long-distance running and mile-long sprints.

She has thick, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes. She is the NE Equivalent of White.

For reasons beyond her understanding, when the rest of the world vanished in a flash of light, Catherine remained. Since that day she has been scouring her town for resources, trying to survive as New Earth slowly crumbles from neglect. Unable to make a sound, she's been alone with her thoughts. Robbed of her voice, she can only communicate through writing; a skill that will come in handy sooner than she thinks.

Catherine is an outdoorsy-type who often gets her hands dirty. She's a doer, and gets the job done; not afraid of getting hurt or hurting others. Because of her rough and tumble attitude, she usually is scarred--even more so now that the world turned silent and isolated.


Catherine Wheeler isn't someone you can just understand. Or, befriend. Catherine is girl who's rough around the edges, to say the least. She's like on of those pufferfish that look harmless, but the moment they sense a threat they expand and shoot out hundreds of (sometimes poisoned) needles. Catherine is a physical threat who doesn't care for sentiment, and in a world plagued by permanent silence, she's had to further thicken her skin in order to survive. 

Abrasive and daring, Catherine is a bold spirit who isn't afraid to speak her mind. Catherine is blunt regardless of circumstance, and will never hesitate to give her (often too honest) opinion of either you or what you're doing. She doesn't seem to care on how this will reflect on her. Who cares if people avoid her? If they talk about her? If they look at her strange? Seemingly, Catherine couldn't care less. She continues to barrel forward through people and through her own life, sprinting non-stop until she reaches her goal. What goal is that? Even she doesn't know, to be certain.

If there is one thing that is certain about Catherine, it's how tenacious she is. Once she sets her sights on something, she never stops chasing it, and will use whatever physical force necessary to achieve that goal. She decided at a young age to shrug off her parent's dreams for her and become a track star--and here she is now, winning awards for her prowess on the track. If she wants an answer to a question, she will press and press until people can't hold back their words any longer. She's demanding, in that sense, but all comes from a pretty good heart. She's not a terrible person by any means, just, brash and with no regard for tact.

That tactlessness is a part of Catherine that is seemingly uncared for and unthought of. However, Catherine's natural defense mechanism is to respond to everything and everyone with that brutal honesty. An isolated child by nature of her upbringing, Catherine is used to being both alone and outcasted due to her personality (which can be taken as overbearing). Past, burned relationships have left scars that have yet to heal. Now it's hard to get close to her, and to ward off anyone trying she puts up a wall of honesty that can often be too much for people to bear. 

Now the only person she's putting up a wall for is herself. Isolated in a world where sound cannot be conjured, Catherine scavenges for food and resources in a planet abandoned by everyone but herself. Sure, she's used to being alone, but being rendered the only living person of earth is...a lot of pressure. Even for her. Although she holds on, due to her sheer force of will, each day gets harder and each rationed meal her food resources dwindle. It's only been a month, how is she going to survive a year? Two years? An eternity? Luckily for her, an answer comes in the form of a text message, telling her that despite her preconceptions, she's not alone out on this abandoned planet...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Catherine's natural endurance heightens her chance of survival, being one of the last people on New Earth. She's a trained track runner, so her lung capacity and leg strength can take her places. She's scrappy and knows how to finish a fight, she's a good climber with a fine tolerance for pain, and she doesn't scare easy. Her month alone has hardened her even more, and when it comes to survival she's learned to make due with what resources she has on hand. She's basically an expert at this point.

But Catherine gets in her own head to much. Impulsive and quick to anger, she rushes head first into decisions like a human punch, with no direction. She doesn't calm easy, and when she's mad she's a force of destruction--she's on autopilot until eventually she runs out of steam. She's a bit on the selfish side and has a tendency to only look out for herself. It's what she knows! As an only child, she's solitary, and just prefers to be alone most of the time.

Bonus Facts:

- Secret soft spot for the theater. Her favorite musical is Les Mis. If anyone learns this about her, they are on her hit-list.

- Has been suspended from school, and almost expelled. She's started fights in school, and now people actively avoid her in the hallways.

- She likes biking, and enjoys watching BMX racing. She has a tendency to bike everywhere, but she recently totaled it. The silent world does not appreciate sick kick-flips.