Pandora Anthis



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


She was in her 20s at the time of her death.


Dora (Hesiod)



Soul Type

Light (Photokinesis)


March 19th








Before her death, she was a travel writer! Pandora traveled around New Earth, writing for magazines, blogs, books, whoever would pay her! She also did freelance work on the side.






Writing, travelling, socializing, puns, experiencing new things, her husband and her newborn daughter.


Being held back or restricted in any way, being drunk, flights being delayed


Fire, water, earth, air, light and shadow. These six elements combined created the world of Animus, a land created in a small universe built six, all-powerful Goddesses. Ever since a hole in space-time miraculously opened up between Animus and NE, the two worlds have been in communion. On occasion, beings from Universe CRB wind up in Universe ASHEPP, causing both great disaster and great harmony to fall and lift the people of Animus. In the recent century, a hero from NE has stood as firm protector of Animus. When the dark witch, Scarlet, began to ravage the land with her army of darkness, this hero was there to stop her. 100 years have passed since that first encounter. Although the hero lost much, including his own wife, he continued the fight Scarlet each time she reemerged to claim Animus for her dark deeds. At least, he used to...until he was captured within Pandora's Box, and sealed away for all eternity. With no one to stop her, Scarlet began her domination over the land of Animus, and now slowly consumes it with the help of her Shadite army...

Before Hesiod was captured, before the creation of Pandora's Box, before the bonding of Shadow and the birth of Girly, there was a woman named Pandora Black. Working as a freelance writer, Pandora travelled from location to location for both job opportunities and paychecks from a travel magazine. In one of these locations, she met a man who helped her catch a cab downtown. From that moment, everything changed, and Pandora's fate was sealed...

Physical Description:

Pandora Anthis was a small woman with a slim build. She died ten years prior to the present, leaving behind her husband and infant daughter. 

She had light, long brown hair that curled and billowed near the ends. She had light brown eyes, and was the NE Equivalent of White.

When she was taken to Animus by Hesiod, Pandora's soul was "awakened" and granted a patroness. Primed by the Goddess of Light, Psuche, Pandora was granted the ability to use Photokinesis in various ways. She was relatively weak, but she was more into the world itself than the powers it gave her.

Pandora died on Animus for reasons unexplained. When asked, Hesiod dodges the subject, and Shadow goes quiet. Tikal doesn't remember the event. Girly has wondered for years what happened to her mother, but gets no answers--only pitying glances that leave her alienated and detached. Pandora's body was brought back to NE and cremated, per her wishes.


After her death, those who knew Pandora mourned her as if they'd lost a sister. Some still mourn today; it's natural when someone so vibrant is taken without much explanation. Girly never met her mother, yet to this day she hears her mothers friends and relatives comment on how much she's like her--it fills her with a detached emotion that she doesn't know how to process. If Pandora had lived, she would have absolutely adored and spoiled her daughter. She would have broken the world for her--both of them if she had to. But she didn't make it. Now, there's nothing she can do.

While she was alive, some may have called Pandora "obnoxious" or "overly passionate". She did not care about these comments. So what if she was over-bearing? So what if she cared too much? In her mind, at least she was caring! Pandora seemed so vibrant and joyous, and she did not hesitate to let others know about these emotions. When it came to her job and her life as a whole, Pandora gave it her all. She, as cliche as it is to say, loved life. Every day was a gift to her, every breath an allowance. When she was 19, she set out on the road in order to make something of herself, and never once looked back.

She used her writing as an outlet for her passionate emotions. She started enthusiast blogs and podcasts, broadcasting her love of all things throughout the world. She became a travel writer in order to get out more, and although her income wasn't steady, it was enough to survive on by herself. She was constantly hustling, constantly working and writing to get more money to survive. She was trying to get her message of love out to the world at the same time, and her words touched many throughout her life. 

Pandora was overbearing to many, not to mention spontaneous. She was "too much" for a lot of people, and her enthusiasm could come off as either fake or intimidating. She never want to follow rational ideals, and was always a dreamer. She wanted to do what she wanted, regardless of how it would effect her body or bank account. A lot of times she would rush into decisions, then come to regret them when she got older--when it was far too late to turn back. Most of all, Pandora never knew when to quit. When following a story, or traveling into dangerous areas, she never knew when to stop. She'd want to know more, she'd want to go deeper, and before she even realized she was drowning, she was in deep water...

Shortly after they started dating, Pandora discovered Hesiod's secret. After being found out, he decided there was no harm in showing her Animus...and at the sight of Psuche, Pandora fell in love. She and Hesiod would return there many times, and after their marriage, Pandora expressed her wish to live there one day and just leave NE behind. When she was pregnant with Girly, she pushed this belief again...but both decided that a traditional NE education would be better for their child. Still, even after Girly's birth, Pandora couldn't stay away from the magical place...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Pandora, while on Animus, gained the ability to utilize Photokinesis. She did not practice often, so she wasn't the strongest, but she could blind her opponents and create light-shows to entertain herself. They were good aids while she was traveling the land with her husband! She thought it was nice to always have a means of defending yourself--much better than NE...

Even if Pandora had strengthened her powers, it wouldn't have prevented her death.

Bonus Facts:

- When Hesiod revealed his wings to her for the first time, she was utterly psyched. Her first response was "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE AN ANGEL MAN," which is telling of her personality.

- She met Hesiod when she was 25, married Hesiod when she was 28, had Girly when she was 29, and died when she was 30. She'd been visiting Animus for four years at that point, and was well-versed with the land. She wrote about it, and (unknown to anyone), these written works still survive in Tikal's house.

- Unlike her husband, Pandora viewed the Familiars and Scarlet with compassion. She pitied them, and asked her husband to try and reason with them instead of just dispatching them every decade. She understood that there must be some reason behind the battles...but she never found out what that reason was.