Cassidy Jesse James



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Jesse (Robin), Cas (Robin, Belle)



Eye Ability

N/A (???)


March 3rd








Graduated high-school recently, but isn't pursuing education further. Instead, she's gambling. Gambling badly. It's ok; she's got money to spare.






Daydreaming, fashion, being praised, smoothies, money, gambling (and winning), summer nights


Being called out, attention, being laughed at, anxiety, saying something wrong, talking in a crowd


Every Saturday night, when the moon breaches the heavy clouds, Cassidy James makes her way to the Elysian Fields Casino.

A naturally meek girl, and one sheltered by a wealthy upbringing, one would suspect she'd naturally be turned off/away from such a grimy establishment in the dark side of town. However, with a mysterious purpose only known to herself, Cassidy goes and bets it all, gambling away all the money in her wallet. She knows she'll lose, and she knows she'll be humiliated, but if there is the slightest chance to change her fate--how can she pass it up? 


Physical Description:


Cassidy is a small woman with a lithe build. Wherever she goes, she wears a dark black hat with a pink ribbon--she makes it fit with every outfit she owns

She has blonde hair with dyed black tips that breaches just past the shoulder, and blue eyes. She is Caucasian. 

Unlike her new "friends" Robin Banks and Belle E. Clava, she doesn't appear to have some sort of strange golden eye ability. The only thing of note about her is her strange desire to try and change fate, and the impulsiveness she gains trying to do that. She appears to be driven by a purpose no one else understands, and has strange dreams at night.

Cassidy wanted to dye all of her hair black, but chickened out at the last second and did tips instead. It was a supposed to be an act of rebellion, but her parents ended up not noticing as much as she would have liked.  




Cassidy is a young woman of considerable wealth and paranoia. Convinced that the end of the world is coming sooner rather than later, she spends the rest of her life gambling in the face of oblivion.

Sensitive and easily confused, Cassidy has very week nerves and can easily startled to shock. Shes someone you have to treat carefully in kindly, or else she'll spiral into hysterics. A daydreamer and escapist, Cassidy can easily become wrapped up in her own head, and finds herself believing more in the scenarios she conjured up than the reality that happens around her. 

To avoid obsessing over possible bad situations, she absorbs herself in her own fantasies. Cassidy loves shopping, getting dressed up, and has a good sense of fashion--it takes her mind off of her daily worrieies. She also has a bit of a hankering for games, especially ones with stakes. She turns her fear-inspired adrenaline and tries to use it to her advantage, and has been frequenting casino's as of recently. She knows she'll lose, but there's a chance she can make it big--a chance she can see. She'll do whatever it takes to change the fate set out for her.

She has zero confidence in herself, and is an incredibly anxious person. She tends to focus on the worst case scenarios, and tries to avoid them by either staying at home or going out of her way to change up her scheduale. She's almost never relaxed as a result, and tends to be incredibly high-strung. Her polarizing personality has made her a loner, and she's virtually friendless. She doesn't seem to mind as much though, she never expected herself to make any.

One night at Elysian Fields, two strangers entered the casino and made themselves known. Cassidy watched them curiously from her table, feeling the strongest sense of deja vu as the the duo walked by--her eyes felt locked onto them as they caused a racket in the establishment. She was compelled her to call them over to her table, and then to say something to them...but then from whence they came an explosion rocked the casino and sent Cassidy spiraling into shock. Rescued from the mysterious explosion by the duo, Cassidy travels with them as a "hostage", not seeming to mind the company or the situation. Maybe her parents will notice she's gone.


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Cassidy has a very very strong sense of dread, some would say stronger than the average person. Not only does she sense the end is near, but she can just tell when something is about to go wrong--like when a cup is about to fall off a table or when a car is about to crash into another. This "danger-sense" is highly attuned to her, and she uses it to steer clear (almost subconciously) from any danger than comes her way. People think she's off her rocker when she mentions it, but she swears by it. Her gut has never lead her astray, and she's bet her life on her ability to percieve the future. She also has some good reflexes due to her constantly on-edge nature, and can be agile when she needs to be.

But Cassidy has very obvious weaknesses. She's obsessed with bad situations, and can be easily paralyzed into inaction by them. Her nerves are completely shot, and she can easily swayed to hysterics. She's constantly over-thinking, constantly pessimistic, constantly seeing the worst in everything to the point where it seems like she's never had a positive thought in her life. She has a desperate need to be noticed and to be important. She seems to know that the world is ending very soon and lets it cloud her judgement. What does it matter, it's all going to end soon anyway. 


Bonus Facts:


Her favorite card game to play is Blackjack. She enjoys Roulette as well, and always bets on the number 22--as it is her lucky number. She hasn't won yet, but she can see it in her future...maybe she can change her fate.

- Enjoys singing, but has a noticable vibrato that makes her self-concious. She'd be an alto if she tried, but she's too nervous to do so. She knows she'll fail, or someone will think she's bad. She can tell.

- Began her transition when she was thirteen! Along with choosing her name, she chose her middle name as well in reference to a famous outlaw from the past. She thought it was edgy at the time, but didn't think about...having to explain it to people. Now she tries to avoid bringing it up.