


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Void's existence came into being before time began.


The Void (Scripture)




Gigi Adisa


Essence regulation, safety and maintenance (Formerly)


Cassidy & Robin


When hosted, Void's form is as big as a basketball. When not hosted, who knows?


When hosted, Void weighs as light as a feather. When not hosted, who knows?


An eternal, immortal Godling bent of consuming the remaining Essence in the universe, all in order to regain their true form....


Genderfluid, goes by all pronouns, knock yourself out.


its_a_mystery.wav (probably pansexual)


Games, challenges, toying with others, being in control of situations, Oreo Cookies


Bananas, Null, having plans being thwarted and being distracted, complicated hosts


A mysterious Godling awoken due to deep space exploration, Void is a cunning and intelligent Godling that seeks out beings called "Essence", non-sentient lifeforms that reside in humans. Once the Void consumes them all, they can reform and bring unstoppable chaos to the universe...

As of recently, Void has been one step ahead of their jailer. Invading the human colonies, take all the Essence from their forms--it's been too easy. Now, only one remains, and Void's just recently got a new host to help them get it!


Physical Description:


Void is a powerful Godling that can only fully manifest in a seperate dimension, where most Godling's reside. As a result, they have varying forms!

When hosting a person, and in control of the body, the presence of Void's being will make itself known on the person. For Null, the eyes of the human become blackish purple and have a harsh, blacklight-esque glow. Often, the hair of the human will raise up and float, as if in zero gravity. While within a person, Void can grant them/and use telekinetic powers, have a healing factor, have prolonged stamina/endurance and the ability to send a target to a pocket dimension. The skin of the person begins to have dark black splotches which will grow throughout the duration of posession--until the entire body is a black mass that mirrors the stars. When the host is completely consumed in darkness, it wrecks the body and Void must find a new person to host it. They must be careful with their possession, or they will destroy the poor human they take-over.

While in the seperate dimension, Void can shed its true form, becoming a giant pitch black humanoid beast with horrifying strength, speed and agility. Here Void reigns supreme, and can kill the human and consume their essence to become stronger. It is only here where Void can harvest Essence, and taking the victim here is a mandatory part of the process.

In the mind of the host, Void mentally projects a small image of their form. The size of a basketball, and light as a feather, the form is vaguly humanoid and a transluscent black. The body almost resembles a small bell, with arm like appendages and structures that resemble hair and neckwear. Two small eyes and lines for brows take up the round face. Their eyes are white.




The Void is very much sentient, and very much smarter than you.

It views humans mostly as pawns in a game, and enjoys toying with them as much as killing them. Cunning and a trickster by nature, Void uses its superior knowledge and intelligence to covertly identify the Essence Holder and send them into the a seperate dimension, killing them and consuming their Essence.

Who knows if the Void ever carried any other emotions towards hosts in the past, but what is apparent now is that he doesn't treat them well. They're tools to them, and Void has a bad habit of wearing out the human to the point where they cannot take the strain anymore. However, with some hosts they are more careful than others. Is it because they serve their purpose more? Could be.

What matters most is that the Void should be feared. It is a determined entity which will stop at nothing to consume all of the Essence, reform and break the dimensional boundry keeping their true power hidden away. They will bring chaos and discord to the universe, likely causing its destruction.

Luckily, will all that confidence comes hubris. Outsmart Void just the tiniest bit and they become easily frustrated and irate. Void's feeling it now, as Null and his host have made away with the last Essence Holder...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Void's strengths are that...well...Void is Void. They're a Godling. They are so powerful that only really one being can stop them, and they will use whatever it takes to reform and bring chaos to the universe. In the seperate dimension, their power is unhindered--and they are absolutely monsterous. There are no limits there, and Void wishes to bring that power to the normal universe. While possessing Gigi completely, Void can tap into their power more easily--but the trade off is that Gigi's body becomes gradually consumed.

Void has a lot of pride, and an easily exploitable hubris. If you so much as tick them off, or mention Null, they'll flip. Also, for whatever reason, Void is cautious with Gigi. Instead of instantly wrecking her, like other hosts, Void seems to actually want to treat her right...for what reason no one knows, but it limits their power.


Bonus Facts:


- Void's connection to Null runs deep, and the detailed scriptures reveal their origins together. Once, the two seperate beings were one Godling...

- Void has a soft spot for challenging games. They like logic riddles and word problems, real thinkers and perplexers. They don't really have anyone to play with, but that doesn't stop them.

- For some reason, Void has taken a liking to Gigi. The two, once Gigi becomes aware of Void's presence, regularily converse. This doesn't stop Void from forcefully possessing her, though.