Gigi Adisa



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




G (Atlas)


Human (Host)

Host to



October 2nd








She hopes to one day become and intergalactic diplomat, and is just now venturing into intergalactic relations.




Asexual? Questioning? She's been so focused on her dream her entire life, she honestly pushes those thoughts out of her mind.


Milkshakes, sweet things, stars, music, karaoke night.


People picking on her brother, not being listened to, being tricked or mislead, tense situations. Pranks.


Gigi Adisa is the oldest daughter of scientists living aboard the CRB-800 Space Colony, the last space colony untouched by a mysterious, deadly force known as the Void.

She's an outgoing and social person with a passion in intergalatic relations, but after she returns from the CRB-1012 on a test mission, she finds her days plauged by strange memory blackouts...


Physical Description:


Gigi is a average woman with a slim build. She's more of a bookworm, and isn't physically fit--but she's got a lot of heart.

She has black hair and striking light blue eyes. She is the NE Equivalent of African

Gigi is the host to Void, a powerful Godling bent on regaining their lost Essence so that they can reform and bring chaos to the universe. Gigi is the only person who can see Void, and can speak to them directly through mental projection. Due to Void's presence, Gigi is in possession of telekinetic powers, and the ability to enter a pocket dimension in which Void brings their victims and slaughters them directly. She has a healing factor and increased stamina.

She has a tattoo of a sun on her right shoulder.




Since childhood, Gigi has been a carefree personality. A natural dreamer, and forceful with her dreams, she is often excited by the future and her portential for greatness.

She's spent her entire life up to the present training to become an intergalatic diplomat--she strives to bring people together and to create unity and trade between other races and the colonies themselves. Her level-head and enthusiasm makes her a perfect canidated for the job!

This said, she's a bit naive and forgetful at times. She sees the best in everyone, and doesn't have a cynical bone in her body. She has a good heart life her brother, but her self-preservation and analytical skill is lacking.

She doesn't think her own problems are a big deal most of the time, and outright doesn't mention them--or forgets to. However, it's not out of self-malice, more of just personal neglect.

Recently, since returning from the CRB-1012, she's been having brief blackouts of time and memory. At first, she shrugs it off, but as she starts waking up in stranger places, she becomes all too aware of the presence in her mind... 


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Gigi's strengths lie in her eloquence in communication, her lust for life, her passion and her unrivaled determination! She knows how to talk to others, and to get the information that she wants. Void uses this skill greatly, and admires her personal skill. 

Her weaknesses, however, are that she is very naive, gullible, and doesn't seem to think her own problems are big enough deals. People matter more to her than herself, and when asked if she's alright--she'll always say yes. It's because of this her blackouts go unnoticed, and Void is able to do their work at their own pace without detection...


Bonus Facts:


- Loves the color purple! She really likes complimentary color coordinations as well, which is why her tattoo is so bright. 

- She's a total fashionista, and loves piecing together cute outfits. In her closet she has her favorite combinations premade, and she wears many a day to go with her situation.

- Gigi is incredibly protective of her baby brother, Atlas, and would do anything to protect him! As you can imagine, this makes being Void's host difficult...