The Memory Snatcher



3 years, 8 months ago


the keeper of precious memories XX/XX/XX
"The Memory Snatcher"
Real Name: Unknown - John Doe for filing purposes
Nickname: N/A
Gender: M | F | X | he/him
Age: Unknown
Species: Humanoid - robotic parts.
Occupation: Thief
Residence: The alleyways of Neo Oldesville
Height: 5'06" / 167.6 cm
Classification citizen / criminal
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John Doe, aka the Memory Snatcher, doesn't actually have a known name. I simply started using the moniker of John Doe before the media had a chance to nickname him the Memory Snatcher for my own notes posterity.

The nickname came about due to the fact that the only thing he takes from his victims are items of personal or nostalgic meaning, or, as one person put it, the physical representations of their strongest memories. He never harms anyone, nor does he ever seem to strike when people are around... always breaking in when the victims aren't home or stealing from their bags out on the streets when their backs are turned. All in all, he's one of the less dangerous villains.

For the longest time I couldn't figure out who, or why, someone would target just personal items - usually with little to no financial value, even on the Underground Market, until I had a chance to confront him face to face. He was distant, almost seemed lost somehow, and completely silent the entire time. His outfit was baggy and clearly something he just found in a dumpster and threw on - even his hat changed from being actual hats to occasionally the lid of a garbage can. It was like he had no idea who, where, or even what he was. Even stranger was the fact that he didn't even keep a lot of the items he took. I found a horde of stolen items in a dank alley way while following the case one day. They weren't even broken or thrown around - the display was surprisingly neat and even presentable. All on boxes or trash cans, but there was definitely some care put into it. He even had a couple Inspector Query items that looked like high quality fan made replicas of her assistant/rival, Officer Johnathan's badge.

That's when he first appeared, almost out of thin air, behind me. He was silent and his eyes pierced me in a way I still don't fully understand. I tried to communicate with him but he refused to give me any kind of answer. All he did was take a single item - the replica of Officer Jonathan's badge and left the rest behind, vanishing almost as quickly as he first appeared. I was able to return everything back to their rightful owners and he never attempted to steal any of those same items back, which begged the question: why take them in the first place?



CASE TMS02-RS01 Edit: Well I finally got my answer to the above question, however it left a lot more questions than answered... Turns out "John Doe" was a pretty accurate name for him, as he is quite literally Corporal Jonathan Dough from the Inspector Query comics. Somehow, like Inspector Query and like Mimi and Meme, he too was able to leave his comic book world behind and manifest into this one. Unfortunately when he did, the first person he met was Felix, who promptly decided to try and possess the Corporal's cybernetic body. The two clashed, with Jonathan's system rejecting and even kicking out Felix's virus code, but in the process Felix inadvertently wiped Jonathan's memory drives, essentially resetting him to a blank slate.

Which is why he started "stealing" memories - he knew something was missing from his memory drive, so he assumed he simply needed to replace it, but couldn't quite figure out how. I'm not really sure how Query learned of his existence, but shortly after I found his horde of stolen memories, Renee Sage showed up at my door one night wanting to talk about her old partner in the Inspector Query comics. To this day she still has no idea what brought any of them into our world from their comic stories, but she remembers what it was like first appearing here: confusing, bright, loud, almost alien in ways. She felt isolated and lost for the longest time until she was able to get things under control and created the persona of "Renee Sage" to live as. Corporal Dough so far hadn't had any of that, and she was worried something that happened to him, given that she too had run into the Memory Snatcher, and he gave her the same eerie silent treatment he had given me. She wasn't even sure it was him until a nearby lamppost lit up for the night, revealing his face under all the darkness he hid it in for a brief second.

Together, Renee and I managed to track him down and even were able to convince him that we weren't enemies, but friends. He recognized Renee's voice, or at least it appeared that way, and seemed to really respond to her. Since then, I've not seen either of them much as she insisted that he lives with her, but I have been able to track down where his memories might have gone - or more importantly, who may have been the one to mess with them.

I believed that Felix may have taken them, and sure enough, I was right. It wasn't difficult to track the little virus monster down - he's been trapped inside a glass jar for months now with no access to any technology. He recalled meeting a cyborg with the "perfect body" but couldn’t get past the fire wall system. The little pest didn't even realize he took the poor guy's memories and isn't keen on giving them up. As far as Felix see's this, holding onto those memories is his own card for possibly getting out of his glass prison. Tough luck on that one. We did manage to eventually get them back however.

Unfortunately, even with the added memories, "Jon" never quite returned. According to Dr. Tulip, who has been helping try and rebuild and restore John, the alien virus's malware really did a number on the memory pathways for John. She believes he'll be able to maintain new memories, but it may not be possible for his old ones to ever be restored. They attempted one restoration that sent him into a rather scary reboot, in which we weren't sure he'd ever wake up again, but he did and I don't think there was any noticable change in him.

Renee was optimistic that he could bounce back however... but before they could even try again, he vanished. Whether the first attempt worked or not, I don't know, as occasionally I will get new clients claiming a strange man stole their personal items again, but Renee believes that, in time, Corporal Dough may return. I'm not quite sure myself, but this is all new territory for me.


Physical Notes
Face is always shrouded in some kind of darkness. He never goes into well lit areas so the bulk of his face is always hidden. His bangs are always noticable in the light however.
He never stands up straight, so his height can be anywhere from 5'7" to over 6 feet tall.
The trench coat is too big. The sleeves nearly drag on the floor and is over all extremely baggy on them.
Has live wires for arms and hands under the coat. From the elbow down their arms are pure metal and have countless live wires that appear to move like tentacles.
Wears different hats, but usually ones from the trash. The most common is a trash can lid.
Personality/Character Notes
  • He is a cyborg, with a higher percentage of primarily robotic parts over humanoid. Those parts have since degraded and/or been lost since he arrived in Neo Oldesville.
  • He lost both of his robotic arms, but he can still control the wires that stick out of the base of his elbows. He can extend them to extreme lengths, and they are quite strong. Their ends are open however, which makes them more dangerous as they can spark people.
  • His cyborg tech, while still advanced, works more like old 90s computers. He requires physical drives for updates or changes to his bodies programming, and he cannot connect to any wireless networks.
  • His memory drives were wiped, but not erased. Felix happened to save, without realizing it, copies of them when he was kicked out of Memory's body.
Known Facts
Known Crimes

Breaking and entering: Multiple

Theft: Multiple

Tresspassing: Multiple