Chris Sharai



7 months, 15 days ago


Chris Sharai
name Chris Sharai
age 12
gender male
pronouns he/him
orientation Straight
status alive(for now)

C hris is an ordinary middle schooler with an interest in poetry and dungeons and dragons,and a lack of requisite fear of supernatural horrors.

Strongest Subject: Writing

Personality: Creative, easygoing, and morbid. Has something of a tendency towards philosophical inquiry.

Abilities: Chris is largely an ordinary middle schooler, besides a general lack of fear surrounding supernatural beings, in fact he mostly thinks they're cool.



-Level Headed


-Knows Violin


-Not useful in a fight

-Often fails to understand the gravity of situations until it's too late.

  • He's been playing DnD since a young age.
  • Has a passion for emo and grunge music, having several posters for bands such as The Perverse Incentives and Sushi for the Crows on his walls.
  • He is a better DM than poet, though he puts as much passion into both
  • He's also tried his hand at prose writing, mostly for class, and he has something of a talent for it.
  • Likes long walks in the forest. This is in fact how he and Lizzie first met.
  • His sleeves generally cover his hands
  • His hoodie has pockets for his hands.
  • His eyes are downward pointing semicircles, mirroring Lizzie's upright ones
  • His face is shown with a strong cheekbone, both to echo a skull, and to similarly mirror Lizzie's pudgy cheeked shape
  • He does own fancier clothes. He just usually doesn't wear them.

Chris Sharai was born into a wealthy but largely uncaring family. His childhood was filled mostly with fancy things bought for him in lieu of giving him actual attention. His favorite of these was the DnD core rulebook he got for his 5th birthday.

That rulebook changed his life forever for the better. It gave him something to focus on, something to fill his abundant free time.

In middle school, Chris started what would become his longest running campaign yet, and met Jennifer Brown, who would one day save his life. She was just another one of the faces in the classroom until she answered his call for players.

After that, they were fast friends, though he had no notion of it becoming much more anytime soon.

That year was also the year he met Lizzie. This strange child in the woods would also change his life. If she had it her way, in a distinctly different direction. They had a friendship as well, Chris more charmed than repelled by her terrifying nature and cannibalistic habits. That was mostly, though, because it didn't truly land that it was real.

Didn't land, at least, until she offered to turn him into a monster like her. Initially enthusiastic about the offer, once Chris truly realized what it entailed, he wanted out. But Lizzie wouldn't let him. And so Jennifer had to save him.

After this, Jennifer expressed her true feelings, and their friendship became a relationship of a more romantic variety.

You know, sometimes I wonder what happens after we die.