April 2024 Roundup

Posted 2 months, 22 days ago by anathema_rpg


April 2024 Roundup

Spring is slowly turning into early summer, and it is a busy time for farmers and merchants alike. In high society, this is the season for parties, soirees, feasts and celebrations, and among commoners, it’s easy to find reasons to celebrate as well.

The north of Ivras has seen an uptick in thunderstorms—not uncommon for the season—and some areas have had trouble with flooding. Rivers and creeks and water reservoirs are running bank-full—troublesome if you live nearby, but bodes well for the harvest season!

In the south, the humid and foggy spring has given way to the dry season, opening roads and trade routes that have been closed during a wet and muddy winter.

Say hello to a big slew of new characters, a new story prompt, and some other bits and bobs!

📯great hunt: rorschach

A mysterious shape hovers over a hill… The Gilded Augury has Ivras in its thrall, showing visions and premonitions, or perhaps nothing at all? Each person seems to see something different on the face of the gently floating card… but beware, it defends itself with flurries of smaller, razor-sharp cards.

Join the fight here!

🎴 the anathema oracle deck

For the Gilded Augury hunt, we have come up with something fun for you all! Tarot cards are very cool—but we wanted something a little more Anathema flavored. And so, the Oracle Deck was born! This is used in the current hunt, but will likely make an appearance afterwards as well!

The Ivratian Oracle deck, also known as the Patrons’ Deck or simply the Triple Deck, is a common sight throughout Ivratian society, found in shady taverns and noble sitting rooms alike.

The cards are used mostly for card games, though some people find more esoteric uses for them–divination and card magic, among other things, trying to pierce the veil of the future.

The cards themselves don’t hold any magic, but their symbolic motifs sometimes evoke strong emotions.

The Anathema Card Deck / The Ivratian Oracle

📯great hunt: dart & shrimp


The two monsters in the Sunless Jungle have been defeated. The ruin still stands, but the woods around it bear signs of battle; trees broken and shifted, the undergrowth rendered and torn, exposing bare soil. Small, flickering flames can still be seen around the area, but they no longer inspire confusion or bewilderment.

It was a long and drawn-out battle, and there have been concerns raised about how long it took, when other monsters have been defeated much faster—but in the end, the two monsters did almost no damage to the surrounding areas, and there were no lives lost.

The Order reports that the water quality of the river has begun to clear up, but it will still be some time before it is advised to drink from it again.

Mage reputation has gone down somewhat, but the Order still seems to be in good standing with most of the populace.

Check the bulletin to see who got the Killing Blow and Silver and Bronze Hunter, as well as the badge for participating!

📚new legendary character: pollux

Another Legendary Character is here! Pollux, the librarian, has entered the pages of Anathema's history books.

Pollux, known as the owner and caretaker of what is rumored to be one of the most magnificent and vast repositories of knowledge Ivras has ever seen.

Despite—or perhaps because of—its fame, this great library has all the same fallen into the realm of myth and legend. Few people now know where it is located, though those dedicated enough might attempt to seek it and its custodian.

Legendary characters like Pollux are created by purchasing a Tattered Banner at the Ley Lodge!

🔶reminder: anathema is an 18+ space

This is our first rule. No minors are allowed!

Part of our reasoning can be found here, in a letter from Frank, Anathema's creator and former admin.

It doesn't matter if someone is almost 18. If there are any minors lurking about, consider this your warning. If you leave on your own, you will be welcome back once you turn 18; if you don't, and we later find out your age (and we will!) you will be banned.

Due to recent events, we feel it’s important to remind everyone of this!

🦎small update to familiars

We have added a section under the Familiars tab, to help you flavor your ideas! If you have any questions or want to run a familiar idea by us, feel free to hit us up via Modmail.

📌 notes and reminders

Adding player-made features to the map

If you have a player-made location or faction you would like to be added to the map, please let us know via modmail!

Shapeshifter amulets

A shapeshifted form cannot gain any magic abilities that are separate from the character’s usual magic! They CAN use abilities that come from scrolls and amulets, so feel free to use those for flavor.

An example: A character can turn into a dragon with the help of a shapeshifter amulet, but unless their magic is fire (or they have purchased an elemental blast scroll with fire) the dragon form would not be able to breathe fire.

✨ may 2024 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for May!

To see the rewards for April's prompt, click here.

🧾 seeking player-made story prompts!

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

To see the rewards for February/March's prompt, click here.

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 april's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of April 2024:



May 2024 Story Prompt:

The salt marshes of the Whispering Sea have been populated for as long as the rest of Ivras, but the people there have always been a little… weird. Not hostile, but the villages there have remained rather reclusive—until now.

For reasons known only to the inhabitants of the marshes, a general invitation is sent out: they wish to have people join them in their annual Springtime celebrations, just as the salt marshes turn from the usual hues of green and ochre to the brilliant colors of local plantlife, blooming for a scant few weeks before the heat of summer will roll in with full force. During the festivities, strange roads have risen from the marsh waters, creating a network of white stone paths, stained green by flora and algae. In some places, walkways have appeared, a delicate network of gangplanks and bridges, spindly and stilted over the waters.

While Wild Clans tend to occupy the south of the peninsula, rather than the north, mages are of course not unheard of in the marshes. Nobody says it outright, but the general feeling is that everyone is welcome, and that anti-mage sentiments may not be viewed kindly.

Does your character go there, and if so, why?

  1. Celebrations? Count them in! Your character has earned -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Costs, you may choose to give them +1 Corruption instead.
  2. To broaden their horizons—an exchange of knowledge and relations. Your character has earned +1 Power.
  3. It’s an opportunity for easy profits. Your character has earned +1 Corruption.
  4. To bring progress and development. The marshlands have avoided the Crown’s eye for too long. Your character has earned +1 Discipline.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.