Some updates!

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Isoprene

Should I make a Generator Gallery tab? (see 1b)

4 Votes Yeah!
2 Votes Nah.
0 Votes i personally do not give a waffle either way nor do i have advice on what would probably work out best for you
2 Votes i'm as indecisive as you, sorry buddy

First things first, tabs! A big thanks to everyone who showed off their tabs in my last bulletin - now I have a good idea of what they can do!

1a.)  Ara now has a basic tab for her magical girl form and Larya now has a basic tab for her "Tayl" form. Check 'em out!

1b.)  I'm thinking about making everyone a basic tab for generated images, AKA pictures of them that were made in DreamSelfy, Rinmaru, different video games, etc. I like having them uploaded since they can often show a lot of personality (Bonnie's gallery is a good example) or are just pretty funny (Thyx has even more I haven't uploaded!) I also have a lot more silly Rinmarus of people I haven't uploaded and various screenshots from games I haven't uploaded because they're not the best references for characters, but I'd like to be a completionist and have everything around. Plus, having them in the main gallery can make things cluttered and disorganized; Dicro doesn't have everything uploaded but he has so many things up already that I'm not sure if I should organize later parts of the gallery by what's the best reference or by art vs dollmakers. Like, would people be offended if I put generator art in front of their art bc their art isn't colored or isn't an accurate ref of them...?? The eternal question, easily solved by splitting the two!

HOWEVER, this'll have the side effect of making quite a few characters' main galleries almost totally empty and/or mostly just doodles/sketches since a lot of my references are dollmaker things. Euanthe is a good example of this, since her primary reference is from DreamSelfy and she has only two images that aren't from a dollmaker or game. Chalcedony also poses issues, since while she has other art, her original DreamSelfy pic is a perfect reference and would be put in a gallery most people won't bother to look at. Not an issue for commissions since you just link the ref independently, but I imagine it could be an issue for things "draw for the person above you" threads. I also have a lot of other tabs planned (discussed further below,) so adding something like this might end up being unnecessary clutter for OCs who'll have a lot of tabs.

I made a poll so you can vote on what I should do, but also feel free to comment with your thoughts here!

1c.)  Eventually Flann will have a basic tab for her Feralian form, Langer will have a full tab for his Chilly form since he's an amnesiac in that and also a chinchilla, LaPlata might get a basic tab for her Lacael form but probably not since I don't plan on getting art of it, and Thyx might get a full tab for his original the character donut steel Thyx the Edgehog just 'cause it'd be fun. These tabs won't be added until I go back and update their profiles to their new layout, however. I could add Flann's right now since it's just a basic tab that'd have one image, but I imagine that'd break the anchors on her profile and make it literally unreadable in addition to just unpleasant to navigate. anchors when so i can put those profiles in legacy...

Second, new layout! I'm in the process of buying a new layout (this one specifically, but given my 10,000 sections and tables it'll be a bit as I do some tweaking,) so here's what to expect with that, here's the current layout if you for some reason really want to follow along:

2a.)  Things might be getting shuffled around a bit, like I might be doing stuff like this but we'll see how the code behaves! The Basics section might be getting axed in favor of having all of that info scattered throughout tabs, but there are some things that don't always have clean-cut answers (like age, gender, orientation, etc.) so I dunno yet. We'll see???????

2b.)  Relationship icons will still have alt text, but I dunno if I'll be having images of the character proper around in the profiles anywhere and therefore they might lose their alt text. Go poke the v4 characters while you still can!! Or just look at this Pastebin of their alt text, I guess. It includes private characters! I'll probably find somewhere to shoehorn a picture that'll work for me to keep the alt text, though, 'cause they're fun to come up with...

2c.)  Lots of changes to stats! First off, the stats section might become a tab of its own since I make so many different stat tables, but I'm not sure yet. I work pretty hard on them so I like to do whatever it takes to force people to skim 'em, like putting them in the main profile. In the end that's pretty silly, though...

Anyway, the Disgaea stat table is getting taken off, which SUCKS!!! But on any kind of profile the formatting gets messed up and it puts all of the table headers at the top, which is apparently an issue with the WYSIWYG editor and I don't want to be constantly switching that on and off just to add minor things and fix typos and stuff. It still REALLY SUCKS!!! bc I worked hard on that thing and love filling it out - especially Evilities - but it took up a lot of character space anyway, so... it might come back someday if I can figure out a way to fix it, but consider it retired for now.

I also might be making a DND table since I like DND's stats and a friend just got me a 5e handbook yesterday since I'll be participating in my first game soon! Check out part of this weirdly tanky bard Thyx. Wild. Just not sure if I'm sticking to basic stats unaltered for race/class/etc. or if I want to make it a little more complicated. If I ever actually use an OC in a game, though, their DND version will get a full tab of their own probably!

Finally, the Game Equivalents section will be getting a few more sections! They'll be Miitopia Job (once miitopia comes out u won't see me for 5,000 years sorry guys) and Persona Arcana. I might need to leave Persona Arcana out for a while since I'm in the middle of SSLPs of Persona 3 and 5, so I don't know if looking up the Arcanas that haven't been detailed in the thread yet will slam me into spoilers for those two games or not. Matters less for 3, but for 5 I only know like one spoiler and it's vague so I'd like to keep that unspoiled! Trying to think of more sections for that table to add since it'll probably be its own big horizontal section now which looks weird for small stuff, but most other games I've played either don't have class-like thing or have 10,000 that vary depending on the game (like Fire Emblem)... maybe Tomodachi Personality, but I dunno if I'd base that on which one actually fits them best or what they are in-game... Maybe, like, their TWEWY fashion brand...???

Finally..... LAYOUT TABS!!!!!

Some sections will be getting moved to their own basic tabs! Here's what I'm thinking things will look like right now:

  1. Settings  -  Would contain a summary of each setting that they're involved in, which would be copypasted into every character who's in that setting's profile. There'd be a small portion at the bottom that details that specific character's role in the story!
  2. Stats(?)  -  If I make a separate tab for those, that is!
  3. Writing  -  Same thing as the current writing tab, just with more room!
  4. Forum Posts - Same thing as the current forum post tab, just with more room! Deja vu.
  5. Generator Gallery(?)  -  Would just be an image gallery, of course.

Some characters will have additional sections, such as characters with AUs and alternate forms, which will all likely be put before setting. Maybe. We'll see how things look. Istra, for example, might have a section on their anatomy since I've put a lot of thought into how they function. Lilaverse characters might get tabs for how they are in canon Lilesque VS the RPverse, spoilery characters might get spoilery and non-spoilery versions of their profiles, etc.

Istra will be my priority for everything because they're my second fav after Dicro who needs 10,000 sections I'm too lazy to do their layout is the only fully broken one since anchors don't function. Some of the others look funny, but they're still technically readable aside from summaries in some cases, but Istra's is entirely unreadable which isn't acceptable for someone with so much info!!!!! After that I'm not sure if I'll have time to get any new profiles out since Miitopia comes out on Friday, and that'll unquestionably consume my life for a worrisome amount of time. Please play the Miitopia demo it's so good pls make your ocs go on adventures, thanks

And... yeah! I think that should be everything I wanted to say! Which  was a lot, as usual. I really like talking. If you actually read all of  that, you're a real trooper and pal!!!


seconding Nonstop here; that's how i would handle it, since i personally like prioritizing hand-drawn art over generator stuffs, but i'd also be bothered by empty galleries with this system. i think if you're good with having the inconsistency between how characters' galleries work depending on how much art there is for them, that's the sort of compromise that would make the most sense.

man, this makes me want to think more about how i could be using tabs... hm

I think for characters who are 90% generator images, you could just hold off on making generator galleries until they have enough other art to warrant it? If having the discrepancy wouldn't bother you, hahah. But I think it'd be good to have it for other characters!

Also I love the plans for the tabs so far! Mostly rn I used them to list some fusions + move all the comic plot for a few of my characters out of their main galleries, but I haven't found a real use for them yet... but I'm happy to see other people getting loads of use outta em!