🎈 OCs whose names are jokes/puns/silly refs?

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 days ago) by fuelli

Believe it or not, but I looove characters whose names are jokes, puns, and/or silly references to random stuff! I have some of them myself and I would love to see yours too! ♥ So feel free to post them here (or list them if you have many), and explaining the joke or references if you think it's needed :D

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Armadeus VincentVanGoat

A play on Amadeus and Armed, since he has guns and stuff, and we get Armadeus.

Vincent Vangoat is also one of these silly pun names, but that one is super obvious... I mean Armadeus isn't a thinking friend's pun really, but more so than Vincent Vangoat :p

??? Jules

Well, do these count?

Belisario-Minkah Iakovou is...well. Look at the bold letters.

Mackenzie-Aaliyah Yesari. Again, look at the bold letters.

Oh, and I may not forget Rodion-Ignatius Pyle.


VincentVanGoat I know I've already said it in the name forum game but I love his name! :D Mostly because I love Amadeus as a name, haha!

Jules Ooh I like these too! That's such a clever concept c:


I know my Confictionery line of characters have some punny names, if they count.

  • Princess Cherie's name is a pun on the word "cherry" (since she's a cherry princess) and the french word "cherie" ("darling").
  • Princess Eclaire's name is a combo of "eclair" and the name "Claire".
  • Princess Megummi's name is a combo of the Japanese name "Megumi" and "gummi" like gummi candy.

Probably not the most creative ones, but they certainly were fun to come up with. :> (sorry couldn't get links to work)


Oh boy, haha. Many of mine have silly origins or their names are full of obscure little tributes or references (like Jillian Deveraux my aunt named after the authors of two of her romance novels, or I have a whole set of characters named after the names on misdirected mail I received over the years), but the character I think most fits with the spirit of this thread is Santiago, who's named after the main character in The Old Man and the Sea, because, like a Hemingway cat, he's polydactyl. :')

A few others:

Bartolomeo is named after a song called "Bartolomeo and the Buzzing of Bees", though I had to change it to Bartholomew to fit the setting he was intended for, and his name is sometimes shortened to Bartolo after Bartolo Colon, a fan-favorite former Mets pitcher.

Skye (Happy) is named after a good friend, but her name is also a very bad pun for anyone who knows her origins (don't worry about it).

Heto is the worst little joke; he started out as a husky in an online dog game, so his name is just an ironic play on the word "heat" that was intended to fool people into thinking it sounded like a real name.

Kliph is named after Kliph Scurlock, the former drummer for The Flaming Lips, because the concept for Kliph originated as a space helmet I made and wore to their concerts when I followed them around one year, as the "captain of the space moths" (it's a thing to come in costume to their shows).


I have a few joke names.

Orange Tachibana, besides being a reference to the Pokemon Orange romhack, is literally "orange (color) orange (fruit)". Her wife Jade, who I haven't uploaded, is a reference to a bootleg Pokemon game. Obviously, both Pokemon OCs. :V
Almagesti Magna is named after an ancient book of mathematics, the Mathēmatikē Syntaxis, better known as Almagest. The joke is twofold: that she's a fucking nerd, but also a nod to the move of the same name in FFV, where it hits your entire party for 1600 hp and also inflicts sap.
Puelath is named for the latin word for maiden, because she was based on unicorns.
Yuuki Yukimura is a snow youkai. His names were all chosen to refer to snow (Yuuki technically does not, but it is visually similar to Yuki, which does).
Cheryl, Clotho, and Muscat all have names referring to elements of their/their species' design; Cheryl is based on cherry blossoms, Muscat has a grapevine theme, and Clotho is a species that spins natural thread in the form of webs.


a lot of my fantrolls have silly references in their names bc i'm lazy at naming them so most have something to do w/ the animal/things that inspired them

krypt'n & cosmos - both named after the first random words i saw on one of my worksheets in my science class in yr10 bc i was just that bored (krypt'n obviously being krypton)
carson - last name, imaris, i got from a can of body spray called 'imari'
chelys - her full name, chelys lepido, moved around to make lepidochelys is the scientific name of the ridley sea turtle
nemura - his full name, nemura meiume, was inspired by 'new moon'
epsilo - his full name, epsilo volain, is heavily inspired by the constellation volans and it's brightest star, epsilon
lahoré - named after the lahore pigeon
laklyn - last name, alligr, is literally just alligator shortened
eloise - last name, poitau, is reference to the poitou donkey
orchid - she wears one in her hair and it's the word for the purple i used from that one fantroll blood colour chart


I don't take my characters themselves very seriously. It's no surprise they have silly names.

Bozard is a combination of "bozo" and "lizard." "Zard" is also a reference to Charizard. The two look similar, after all.

Baz's name is a double reference: A fictional character in-universe in the book Fangirl also named Baz, and a URL I used to visit frequently. I'm serious.

Sir Hottie McHottie...need I say more?

Dr. Fire was actually inspired by a character from a podcast assignment from when I was in 5th grade. This wasn't my group, but there was a podcast about plants, and there was a Piranha Plant character: the evil Dr. Fire, who wanted to take over the world with his evil plants. ...Come on, I needed a quick idea for a villain back then. Don't judge me. (My) Dr. Fire's "siblings" followed that naming scheme I established with him.

Aaaaand a final character who isn't on Toyhouse (at least not yet). She's a snake. Her name is Anna Conda.

Dj Melon ~ Neko zinnia

i literally never talk about my old game project since its on infinite hiatus but . this cat is too powerful

i googled weeaboo name generator and just added dj in front of it

 Adon Kotas Caine

Adon's name comes from the Greek character Adonis! It's not really a huge reference but I really wanted to give him the sort of ancient Greek sort of vibe given even his design reflects that.

Anna: Her name is a reference to Anna the Toothless, a character from the book series The Little Vampire. It's particularly funny because while Anna started out as a modern day human character, I now main her vampire AU
Cau: His name is a joke about how the designer of this character sometimes typos my name as Cau instead of Cai and I wanted to give him a name that would remind me of her
Claude: His surname Lovelace is a nod to Ada Lovelace who's one of my fave historical figures, but mostly it works as a word play for "loveless" and reflects Claude's cold nature
Edmund: His surname O'Malone is a reference to the song Molly Malone, one of the few songs that made me cry a bit as a child
Hannes: The name Hannes is a reference to a female character with the same name from The Epic of Zektbach. The characters aren't really alike though I just liked the name because it's also a Finnish name
Leon: His full name Leonhard is an obvious play on the word "lionheart" which in turn is a nod to a children book by Astrid Lindgren called "Brothers Lionheart" which Leon was vaguely inspired by
Miles: His entire character is just one big reference to various characters because I made him for a meme, but his name Miles comes from The Turn Of The Screw and surname Wakefield from Empire of Corpses
Omarion: This is a silly one but his name is a reference to my other character Marion but also because Omarion's fur colour is the same colour as the candy we call Omar
Teru: He was originally supposed to be a character for the gay dessert anime RP and he was supposed to be a Finnish candy called tervaleijona. Terva would be pronounced te-ru-va in Japanese so that's where Teru comes from
Tiera: He was supposed to be a fate fan character based on the character Tiera from Finnish epic Kalevala. However, I decided against FC and made him an OC instead
Walter: His surname Harvey is a nod to a character Leo Harvey from Fate/EXTRA. They have nothing in common thoughÂ