Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 months, 18 days ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads

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@punkrokki I see that you want to create a webcomic! Do you have any idea of what you what it will look like? Do you want to use your current characters for it, or do you plan to come up with a whole new cast? 

(I'm super sorry for the late edit!! I didn't notice that you replied to me ;;)

Well... I wish I could show you some art piece of my OCs I was super proud of but unfortunately it's been awhile since I've done a detailed/polished piece :") So I'd say I all the recent art of my OCs I've done! They're pretty simple but they're decent, at least! For example, I did this today! It's an OC I plan to upload on TH soon, I still need to finish his bio; his name is Lucien!


I have no particular reason why I like it haha it's just that it's a clean piece and it's my character! But yeah I hope I'll find the time and patience to do full illustrations with backgrounds soonish...

As for characters' bios hmmm I'd say I like Anselm's? Maybe because it's one of the most recent, idk! But I like how his bio manages to be pretty interesting and understandable even if you don't know all my lore and universe? That's one of my biggest fears when it comes to bios haha, I do my best so they can be understood even by people who aren't that familiar with my work!


Show me an art piece/something (character design, bios etc) that you're really proud of! And why do you like it!?  


Yoo dude thank you so so much afsggw you're waaaay too kind!

I use paint tool sai 2! It's not super hard to combine painting/simple art its just finding the right balance between simple and details which can be a pain in the arse sometimes. 

It rent really rules but more guidelines (??) Or things I do I think but I mostly focus myself on shapes! For example, every time I draw Ros I try to use hard, sharp shades in his shading/clothes while I use soft oval shapes in Salvador design! I also try to shade with a super different hue than the base color to make things pop! I use  This site too help me pick some colors if I can't find my matching ones! 


fizzelston I adore your art style because it's really unique and cool to look at! What program(s) do you use for your art? Is it hard to combine both painting-styled coloring yet the simplistic-ish vibes into your works? What kind of rule do you usually keep when drawing or so? c:

Ah, anime that inspired me's mostly animes from around 2000's to 2010's era, I'm a huge fan of that era's style for some reason?? It just brings me back to a lot of childhood stuff and so :'D and with great shame I must say I don't particularly have a strong answer on my fav anime ?? Because I don't know I like things here and there but I can never pick a perfect anime for that answer because of many reasons but I'd say all-time favs are prob 1) Digimon Adventures 2) Angel Beats 3) Idolish7. Also yes, I am, as stated in my profile :'D It's nothing that special honestly but I'd say the best thing is def the foods, ahah.

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@kittyee I noticed that you have a bunch of different stories your characters are a part of, do you have a current favourite or one you have been working on a lot recently? Is there anything in particular that has inspired aspect of them?

Oh man, I am so bad at picking favourites. I am a total sucker for fantasy so a lot of what I like would probably fall into that genre. I have also been reading a bunch of classics recently (in particular gothic horror/romantics era stuff) As for specifics some of my favourite podcasts at the moment are The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air, Wooden Overcoats and Our Fair City and some of my favourite books are Frankenstein, Good Omens and pretty much everything by V. E Schwab. I definitely think that I've been inspired by podcasts and books and anything I find interesting for that matter. Heteka Bay is a bit more direct in that sense (the Mystery Club storyline is a take on kids mystery books like Nancy Drew and The Secret Seven while some parts of Avery's story are meant to invert aspects of Frankenstein) but a lot of it I think is just subtle things even I don't really notice. 


FellowPigeon // Your profile says that you're really interested in reading and podcasts - what are your favourites in terms of books & podcasts? Also, have any of the books you've read/podcastst you listened to really inspired you in your own art and/or storytelling? If yes, in which ways have they inspired/influenced your own works?

Today on: Replies that are way too late

One thing I love about the book is definitely the writing itself! Wilde has a very recognizable and distinctive style and he's actually one of my writing inspirations, along with authors such as Poe & Lovecraft. Might come as a surprise since I don't personally see much of their writing styles in my own, but I do secretly wish to write like them someday, haha~ The main thing I love about the book itself is that it was super controversial back when it was written, and some would undoubtedly say it still is rather controversial to this day. I love that it challenges views and morals and tries to make the reader think about things they might otherwise never have questioned, I love how it tackles issues that still are pretty relevant today (such as how things like beauty, wealth, etc. can corrupt a person). And, of course, I absolutely adore the characters in the book itself, especially Dorian Grey himself, although both Lord Henry and Basil are also amazing. They're portrayed in a pretty realistic way, I love the way Henry and Basil are so different, and the transformation of Dorian from the first time he's introduced to the last time he's mentioned is super intriguing. Long story short, I love pretty much everything about the book itself, from the writing style, to the theme/topics it contains and the characters in it~

As for what other writings of Wilde I love, I did mention that he's one of my favourite authors & writing inspirations. Although, if I had to pick, The Canterville Ghost & A House of Pomegranates are both amazing~


@thaumaturgy Hey, I saw that your favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Grey! I love Oscar Wilde too. Tell me why it's your favorite book! And do you have other favorite works of his too?

I'd like to know what's your favourite kind of music/genre!
I like a lot of music, but I'd say that the genre(s?) I listen to most often is(are?) indie rock/pop/-tronica. I also listen to a lot of punk, alternative, classic rock, synthpop, dance, etc.

Are there any character that's inspired by one of your favourite songs?
That's a really interesting question! I think the closest character I have for this is Livvi, who was named (and based?) after the lyrics "beautiful oblivion" from Eve 6's song "Inside Out" when I was a kid. I associate some characters heavily with some songs, but she's the only one I think was actually inspired by a song.

Amber was named after the song "Amber" by 311, because she was nameless for ages and at the time I determined that I would name her after the first song that came on the radio, and that was it. Happy was named after "Ten Happy Fingers" from the Dr. Seuss movie The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. Stuckey was named after "Stuck in the Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel. (You could argue that Astro was named after the song "Man on the Moon" by R.E.M., but he wasn't really.)

A lot of my characters are inspired by musicians, though, and some are named after musicians!

Speaking of favourite songs, what's your top favourite and least favourite song?
My least favorite is easy: "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion, from Titanic. I hated it as a kid and I had to play it on the recorder and sing it, both for school, in short order once, so I still hate it after all these years, haha.

Favorite is harder! I thought about this for a long time, and it feels impossible to narrow it down to one, but I think I have to go with "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode! (I also love the Nada Surf cover) That's a song that's been dear to me all my life. I linked a few more favorites earlier in the thread here if you're interested. c:

Thanks for the questions! Music is always fun to talk about.


hedgemaze since I haven't seen much of your character's playlist to make my own conclusion, I'd like to know what's your favourite kind of music/genre! Are there any character that's inspired by one of your favourite songs? Speaking of favourite songs, what's your top favourite and least favourite song?

It's alright! I actually love to answer that question because alot of people associate me with cheese. If I recall, I had a phase where I just love cheese. I used to go by the name Shiko and I wanted to change my name because the previous one seems a bit too Japanese or something. Or was I bored? Can't remember all of it ahah- But anyways, anything with the name s sounds cool to me. So combined with my love for cheese, Swiss came out for me. I was going to name myself Swiss Cheese but that was too long for my standard. So I decided to shorten it to Swissy (it sounds similar to cheesy, maybe that's why) And I think it's a pretty cute name haha

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@Lehmurix Since it's not indicated on your profile, what do you use your characters for? What is the most important element in a character, for you?

I get quite a lot of questions about webcomic creation/inspiration, so unless it's really specific, I'd prefer to get something else! Thanks c:

Thanks! I don't worry, I don't remember being asked a similar question before!

Hmmm... I don't think I have a specific set of "rules"? I just keep and work with stuff that I like and fit my lore, tbh. I love to explore what more "obscure" denominations have to say about a specific religious figure or story, but if it doesn't fit my tastes and what I want to make of my adaptations, I won't keep it! I prefer to read a ton of different stuff and cherry-pick later haha

For example, I know I'll probably never deal with nephilim (offsprings of an human and an angel) even if you can find them in some denominations or later works, simply because it would be completely impossible in the lore I've created and I'm not too big on cross-species romances anyways. 

But yeah tbh I've already found some interesting stuff in Paradise Lost, The Divine Comedy, and some other "later works"! Sometimes I also just use some prompts as inspirations and twist them to fit my tastes better


@Judas-la-Carotte I find it really interesting the way you have adapted religious themes and stories into your work (it's not something I know a lot about so often I'll find myself researching this you have mentioned haha) I know that there is a lot to the 'Catholic mythology canon' with certain stories and character not being used in some denominations and later works like Paradise Lost and Dante's Divine Comedy sometimes being considered part of it. Do you have certain rules about what you can or can't use? (Sorry if you have mentioned this somewhere else) 

I have two questions, what kinds of podcasts do you listen to and what's your favourite thing about your country?

I answered a similar question about the podcasts I listen to a while back, overall I mainly listen to audio dramas and some comedy or literature/history/general trivia shows but I mentioned a bunch more specifics here. As for my favourite things about living in New Zealand, I think a big one for me is the wildlife and landscape. No matter where you are there is probably a beach or bush trail about 30mins away and since I'm a big fan of hiking it's perfect. It also means I have had the privilege of some really amazing experiences like visiting the Waitomo Glow Worm caves, seeing nesting albatrosses and having wild Wekas break into my tent. I hope I'm not just coming across as a travel brochure but we really do have some amazing sights here. Another thing I really love is the creative scene here, it seems no matter where you go there are always really cool markets with stalls run by local artists. Not to mention Weta workshop which was totally my dream job when I was younger!