Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


we're almost to question 100!! get hype (after that there'll be another catch-up week because i need it whoops also i have a bunch of projects to work on so)

Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?

...Or, at least the most innocent in comparison to the other characters they hang around.

she doesn't have a toyhouse yet but ara. she's so pure and innocent and kind-hearted that she transcends the concept of website boundaries ;_;7

also she hangs around a bunch of murderers who are terrible people (and some murderers who aren't terrible people) so that just kinda makes her personality stand out even more

(i'll write a real answer with Details someday)


Q98. How many OCs do you have in total?

i knew i'd have to ask this question someday... i was hoping i'd finish my Official Character List (tm) before then so i'd actually have an answer to this, but i haven't so i don't! the last time i formally counted all of my ocs (which took forever) was in like 2010, and at the time i had around 735 i think? i've made a good couple hundred OCs since then, so i usually just say i have around 1,000 ocs

in said new character list i was cutting out a lot of characters, though; long story short between like 2009-2010 i made a whole bunch of new characters for, tl;dr, an arbitrary over-arching plot reason and gave each of them an entire story/universe of their own, and ofc each of those had a couple dozen characters each. at the time i really liked them a lot and planned out stuff, but by a year or two later all of them were just kind of names with maybe vague designs or personalities who were connected to maybe a couple of plot ideas but nothing solid. with a few exceptions i haven't really thought about them much in years bc they were just kinda made to be made instead of being made bc i really wanted them to exist if that makes any sense...???

even if i take those characters out, though, the new characters i've made in the past 6 years probably make up for that, and as such i'm still probably around 1,000. it's always kinda funny to me bc people are like "holy shit how do you have that many ocs!!" and/or doubt that they all really have any significance or development, but it just comes naturally and all of them are important to me and i think about them all a lot! not all at the same time, of course, but usually every month or so my focus will kind of shift to developing a different story/universe and its characters, etc. i've started keeping track of which ocs i think about the most per week to sort of keep track of this, and the results have been pretty interesting so far!

i could go on about having about how many ocs i have, how i manage them all, how they're all developed, the pros and cons, etc., but i have class in like two minutes so i won't for now rip


Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to?

Weeeeeell, technically it would be my version of Thanatos. But since he's the personifcation of death and kinda the reason why people die in the first place, I don't think he counts.


As for the one who would properly count, he doesn't have a profile here yet, but his name is Akira. Doesn't fully understand how wrong it is. Doesn't want to stop because it makes him feel good.

Not uncommon for his victims to look like they were attacked by a grizzly bear. Or two.



Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?

This one is super easy. It would have to be Louie. He's a fluffy little ball of love. He loves his father very, very much. Sometimes his affection can be a little bit too much.





tomorrow's the big day folks!!!!!!! (the question isn't really that exciting but still)

Q99. Which OC of yours is the most like you?

i could go on about this question for hours because half of my ocs either started as self-inserts or accidentally gained a bunch of my traits and issues, which isn't really a problem and has only given their characters more depth honestly. the answer is definitely dicro at this point, though fray deserves an honorable mention since she was like. my original self-insert and it was super blatant and she used to have a name based off mine. she has a lot of relatable traits still but she's not really as much like me as a lot of my other ocs

damn you school not giving me enough time to thoroughly discuss ocs



Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have?

When I was a little kid and would play "Adventures" (which was basically just larping where we'd pretend to be whoever and go on, well, adventures) with my siblings and friends, I almost always just used "cartoon me" as my character, who I guess sorta evolved into Fray in a way? I dunno if I'd really count that, though, but I figure it was worth mentioning!

I think my first Real OC - who was really distinguished from me and had their own personality, backstory, etc. - was Diana. Her real name was Dragonaria (who basically just looked like a red Zelda), and she came from another planet I guess?? And then she sealed herself into some huge jewel in a volcano where some other girl found her because it's totally possible for a normal human being to survive inside of a volcano?? And then she was like... my little brother's character's (creatively named Dragon, listen we were very small) mentor who told him he was the chosen one who had to beat up the Mistress of Evil. Then she gave herself a more normal human form and called herself Diana and just said she was Dragon's cousin. We kept adding characters to that universe over the years until we stopped playing Adventures, and I always found it kinda weird that I never really used any of those OCs for anything else. I should really recycle them someday...

except looking at that link that's all a lie bc apparently tiara came first, listen i gotta go to class so you can read about her there. in exchange take this poorly-cropped scan of a picture i drew of her in the Imaginarys Handbook (tm) in like 2004. those black dots are supposed to be sparkles. her design was definitely in no way inspired by sailor moon at all, totally


Here I am.
Too lazy to link them, but who cares anyway ? If any one really read this, I am mostly talking about these characters.

Q83. Which OC of yours is the most easily discouraged?
Probably Kaoru. He has a rather weak mind, always thinking he is unable and helpless, being sure he cannot achieve anything. He really lacks confidence. Then, if he fails at something, he will probably think he is just too dumb to achieve it, then will not try anymore.

Q84. Have your OCs (or anyone else's) ever been in one of your dreams?
Oh yes, a lot, actually.... It often happened that I dreamed about my characters, mostly Eden, Arthur, Amadeus and Malédice. Also, my ex-girlfriend sometimes dreamed about Eden...

Q85. Which OC of yours is the calmest in the face of danger or stress?
Several of my characters would look quite calm in face of danger. Mostly Eden, because he does not really give a shit about danger as he does not really care for his own life. But he is still quite sensible to stress, even if it is a different stress. It is most like a pathologic stress, then kind that makes your body mad while your mind does not even know what you are stressing about.
Alastyn would be really calm as well in front of danger because he actually does not show much emotions or stress, he is calms no matter what happens. He is very logical and analytic and never let his emotions guide him.
Wes is rather calm too in front of danger, mostly because of an excess of confidence. He is sure he will beat the danger anyway, then why panicking for it?

Q86. Which OC of yours is the luckiest?
uh..... I do not believe in luck. I do not have a character that, like, would win every lottery or whatever.... Everything is random or statistics, so what is luck? Maybe the one who got the best things for now? Maybe the luckier would be Arthur, because he had what some would call a "lucky birth" : he is born rich. He never had to work hard for his own wealth or to get a job.

Q87. Which OC of yours is the unluckiest?
See above. I do not believe in luck. Those who always fail are failing because of their own incompetence *stares at Amadeus*

Q88. What comes first when you create an OC?
It depends! Lets talk about almost all of them, because no one will read this any way, and because I do not want to study any way. Actually, I will mostly talk about "how I created my character", it will be easier than just saying "I got the name first". Let's try a (almost) chronological order :
- Kaoru : what came first was the personality. I then looked for an appearance and a name.
- Shiro : what came first was his world and the city he lives in. Then his team. Then his personality. And then his appearance. Then his backstory.
- Maeda : what came first was......damn, I do not remember at all.
- Esteban : I was asked to create a "villain" for a RP world, then I created him. Then, what came first was the use, the necessity.
- Eden : I had both his name and personality in mind before I looked for his appearance. Well, he appearance was just totally random. I opened Photoshop to look for some colour palette, and there were the two colours I used last time I used photoshop... Some green and some darkish purple.....well, 'kay, these will be my character's colours. So, what came first were the whole "inner" part of the character.
- Amadeus : I am really not sure what came first with this one, but the name is a name I wanted to use for a long time, then I would say it is what came first.
- Malédice : what came first was his backstory and settings. During a math lesson.
- Alastyn : I made this character to approach my girlfriend when she was mad at me, because it was still a way like another to talk to her, and I just could not spend an entire day without interracting with her... (she was really moody then often mad at me for no reason at all, like, she would hate me because it rains). I first looked for an appearance, and then everything came straight to me (background, personality, family, backstory, etc)... The name? It was a name I had stored some time ago. Actually, it was the name of one of my Pokemons, but I really loved this name then wanted to use it for something else some day. So, what came first was the desire of a new character.
- Arthur : his personality came first. I was a bit tired of my shy and unconfident characters, I needed the opposite.
- Alnitak and Juo: these one comes from some dreams I often make. So....what came first is the dream? xD
- Elijah : I asked for a lion character on a forum. I first wanted to make it a second fursona. And then I was offered this design, and felt in love with it. Bought it, but did not used it as a fursona. Rather, it inspired me a whole new setting. I created a world for this guy, and several other characters were made just to fill his world. So, for this one, what came first was the design.
For my other "Verae" characters : for the gods and the female lynx, the concept came first, and I then looked for designs. For the lion shaman, I saw the adoptable on DA and instantly thought of a backstory and a personality for him as a Verae character.
For Alban, Atran, Anael, Askeros, Audren, Elska, Iezel, Méphialtès, Viao, Wilfried and Mituns, the design came first.
For Professor Bleykasten, the use came first.
Cherinee was randomly created within a roleplay. When I decided to keep him, I remembered about this lion design I was trying to trade, and decided to keep it for Cherinee. I just need someone to do an anthro out of the design.

Q89. Do you have any specific voices imagined for your OCs?
Yes, all of my developped characters have a specific voice.

Q90. Which OC of yours is the worst person?
Wes, definitely. He is an asshole. He is deloyal, rude, and can be cruel. In his backstory, he attacked the ones who saved his life, he killed the girl who helped him on some really important stuf. He can steal, destroy thing or even kill people for money. In roleplay, he lied, manipulated people, turned again his allies... There were some girls that were still in love with him, while having a boyfriend for most of them, then he manipulated them, making them think he loves them, to make them leave their boyfriend, then he just had sex with them and then laughed at them for being so naive. Also, he raped the daughter of his boyfriend, and when she told him she was pregnant from him, he punched her in the belly to kill the baby. What could be worst ? Yeah, Wes is a fucking asshole. I love him.

Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?
Amadeus. Please, hug him!! Really. He is an adorable, gentle, generous little boy who is always failling in life. He cannot find a stable job and is strugging to buy food or pay his rent. He is very affectionate but has no friends anymore. He needs love, he has a serious lack of affection. Please give him some love.

Q92. How do your OCs handle alcohol?
Eden does not drink much but handle alcohol quite well when he does. Wes can drink good quantities of alcohol without getting drunk neither. And then we come to Arthur and Amadeus. They both are quite alcoholic, loving alcohol A LOT, but they really cannot handle it.
Arthur is the one that becomes a drag when drunk, asking tactless questions, flirting with everyone, touching your private parts, speaking loud, trying to make humour but without being funny at all, touching at everything, breaking stuff, and vomiting behind the couch....
Amadeus is way less annoying. He is still shy, kind and considerate when he is drunk. He may just whine a lot. But he may quite easily faint out, and often does not remember about what happened when he was drunk.

Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all?
I onced roleplayed a lot (like, really a lot) on some specific roleplay media that was made for OCs.... but it died..... and now I do not know how to roleplay them any more, and it makes me so sad.... ;___; it was 6 years ago but I still cannot accept it. My characters Wes, Eden, Arthur, Amadeus and Alastyn comes from this, and I really need to find some more roleplay for them. For now, I just write their profile down, and order art of them. Tons of art. I fucking love getting art of them. But as I do not have any real life money, I can only buy art with sim-game things....
Kaory comes from a roleplay forum, I have no more use for him neither, and cannot even order art of him as I do not have a good reference of him....
Maeda, Shiro, Esteban and Bleykasten comes from my own Pokemon région. I love to write about this region, its religion, beliefs, customs, festivities, history, legends, stories, etc... Also, with Bleykasten, I write some "pokebiology essays", and sometimes Shiro writes some stuff about his hometown's past of legends, wars and heroes.
As for my Verae characters, I only have fun making up the world and the characters that lives in it.
Some of my characters are book characters. They come from my most developped worlds and backgrounds, and I love to make everything perfect about them and their universe, but these does not have a ToyHouse profile nor art. It is not exactly the same kind of characters. They are for "serious" writing, not for roleplay or art.

Q94. Do you have any OCs whose designs you just can't get down?
I am not sure I understood, do you mean characters whose I struggle to decide the design ?
Esteban had some changes to his design, but now I cannot have him drawn because I cannot find a reference picture of his haircut.... He does not have such a difficult haircut but I really cannot find a good picture to show what I want for him ;___;
I would like to create some furry characters for a techno-futuristic world but I cannot get good designs.
I want to create a fursona for a friend of mine but, as I usually like my simple human designs, I can never satisfy myself with an animal design, then everything I do for him looks dull to me. I've looked on several websites hoping to find the design I am looking for but never found me. I opened threads on several website to ask if anyone can do this fox for me, but never got anything satisfying. Damn this.

Q95. Which of your OCs get the most character development throughout their story?
Eden changed a lot. I do not know how to write his profile any more because he is still evolving... He really matured a lot.
(is it what the question meant? Which one changed, developped his mentality? Or was it which character was the most developped as a character?)

Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to?
Probably my deities (mostly Diey and Ketwie) as they are immortal gods, then were killing people for thousand of years.
As for the mortals, it is Wes, as he does killing as a job.

Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?
Amadeus, totally. He really is innocent. Cute little christian kid that thinks everyone on Earth is nice, kind and gentle, because everyone wants to go to heaven any way. He never lied, deluded, disobeyed a rule... He never used his dick for anything else than peeing and does not even feel any sexual desire. He does not know how it works anyway.

Q98. How many OCs do you have in total?
I cannot say. Do I count those I do not use any more? Do I count those I created for single roleplay? Does my book characters count as "OCs"? What about all of the characters I create story for but never put on the internet? These that often come backs, or do I also count those who only exist for one single story? Does my design without a personality count as OCs? Does my personalities without a design still count as OCs, as the term "OCs" seems to be more for designs than personnality, as opposed to the world "character" itself? I really cannot answer to this question.

Q99. Which OC of yours is the most like you?
Two of my OCs were created after me to look like me. They were supposed to be self-insert. But this was years ago, and each of us evolved and changed a lot, so that we are really different nowadays, and they are both really different from each other. I still have lots of common points with Eden, and a few with Kaoru, but I would barely see anything in common between Eden and Kaoru. They actually became quite opposite to each other. And I do not look much like any of them any more.... But they are still the ones that look the most like me as they were supposed to look like me at first, while other did not get anything from me.

Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have?
I spent my whole life creating characters. At the point that I created several characters for myself (got some identity problems, diagnosed by doctors and such, yup, maybe I am too much into characters for my own sanity). I really cannot say who was the first one.
The oldest I remember is Rayzekah, but I do not do anything with him any more. To make things easier, let's turn the question into "from all of your ToyHouse profiles, which one is the oldest?", and the answer would be Kaoru. He actually is not old at all, I created him around 2008. Actually, I only kept recent characters. Even my actual self is not such an old character. But yeah if we include myself into my characters (I do have a TH profile after all), I am still the oldest from a few years.

Wolf RandomStorytale

Q. 100 Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have? That would be me, Wolf! I came to be when RandomStorytale was around 9 years old and had received a sitting stuffed black bear from one of her sisters. The thing is, since she had recently moved to a rural area from a bustling city she didn't know too much about wild animals so she named the bear, Howler (who's my dad by the way) because she thought it was a Wolf! She believed it for three years until one of her classmates told her it was a black bear. She was embarrassed but decided she didn't care and currently still has my dad to this day! But I went through 4 stages to become the character I am today. First I was a little boy who was always getting dirty all the time much similar to pigpen from Peanuts, next, I went to an evil stage where I wore a monocle and somehow a pencil appeared, then I went through a stage where I was drawing all the time having drawn friends and family who look quite similar to me! (Thanks Howler, for the inspiration!) and now currently RandomStorytale is reworking me a little bit as to age me, much like she did with my friends and family. So the things about me that have stayed the same: is my fondness for drawing (my trusty pencil), my hair combed over to the side, being the youngest of 7 siblings, my outfit (just slightly updated), my blue eyes, and my signature cat like ears! ( I am not a werecat! I am a werewolf/vampire. I have no idea how my gene pool gave me the looks of a cat, if anyone's a cat that would be my niece Rebel ((she prefers the term cousin)). But yeah, if you click my picture you can see, RandomStorytale's original sketch next to the digital one.



"Nobody will read this" hahaha I read the whole thing //shot

I really need to crack down and catch up on these questions... Is there a character limit to these comments ahahaha


Are you so bored D:  there is nothing interesting about my characters, most of them are normal humans. But, yes, you should totally catch up on the questions :D Everyone should do it.