Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q89. Do you have any specific voices imagined for your OCs?

Some of them, sort of. For a handful of my characters, I can hear it in my head but don't really have any examples to compare it to. Others are more imagined in the sense that... well, for example, I can voice all of Neoka's inflections and manner of speaking just the way I want it, but he just needs a guy voice and not my gal voice. XD Most of them I don't have anything to use as an example yet. For characters I have more concrete voice samples for though...

I imagine Theo's voice sounds sounds rather similar to Sam Martin's voice specifically in Lovers on the Sun, considering this is the song that spurred me to create a boyfriend for my Rapidash gal because I'm a dork like that, pun partially intended. And ever since I created him over a decade ago I always imagined Kiama had the voice of Yami-Yugi from the English Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes. XD Maybe not as over the top with the dramatic shouting, but the voice yes.

I also kind of imagine Jasper's singing voice is rather similar to the singer in this song, Moving into Light, especially the softer sections in the verses. His speaking voice would be a little more higher pitched and not quite as... uh, mature sounding...? Mostly because he's nervous all the time and talks kind of childishly, but he calms down a little while focusing on performing. Jazz isn't a lead singer though and just does small backups for his band, so he wouldn't be singing by himself like this on his own. He'd sing very quietly unless everyone else was playing and singing at the same time so he doesn't feel like anyone could hear him over the other sounds. But the voice fits in my head I think aside from that technicality. ^^; He kind of surprises his bandmates with how not-childish his singing voice is because they're so used to his nervous whimpery speaking voice. I also feel like Cornell would have a voice similar to Example, particularly when I think about the song Kids Again. He would speak in the lighter slightly higher tones most of the song is in, but he's capable of speaking in those lower pitches when needed. He just is a goof most of the the time and has a sing-songy voice often, except he wouldn't have that English accent and would sound more... I dunno, pirate-y. XD

Q90. Which OC of yours is the worst person?

Dang it, most of my hardcore villains don't have profiles yet. XD So all the ones I have up at the moment have at least one redeeming quality so they're not totally horrible in every way. Guess I'll pick out the worst out of the bunch then... I'm picking them out like... tournament style in my head for each page. ^^; So here are the worst of the 13 pages I have so far. This is gonna be long, but since when have we cared about long posts here?

1 - Arlyth is the worst person on page 1. He only cares about his own kind, and since the human empire destroyed the dark elves almost entirely he's very very spiteful at the moment. The only reason he's being remotely reasonable is because he's cooperating with two others to find the Ancients so they can UTTERLY DESTROY THE HUMANS IN REVENGE AH HA HA HA HACK I mean, keep them from taking over everything. So Arlyth isn't a good person, but he doesn't come off as too bad in the context of the story because he's being reasonable toward his travel companions for the time being... plus he kind of likes flirting with the forest elf prince, so he can't be super horrible to him. Otherwise it'll be harder to trick him into getting kissed. :P

2 - Bonnie wins page 2. She's a vengeful blood witch that eternally curses anyone who crosses her, and she's known for hexing all of her exes even trillions of years later in legend. XD Not a lady you want to mess with. She has her own agenda and only cooperates with people if she can use them to her advantage. But obviously she'll make them pay if they even try to turn the tables on her in return...

3 - Dolly, the serial killer that turns people into dolls, takes this page. She doesn't have any friends or redeeming qualities in terms of being good to others. She only cares about herself. ^^; Her sister Diana is also a horrible murderer, but at least she contributes to society while plotting.

4 - Erin Manalia wins this page. She's a remorseless assassin that has no loyalty to anyone, even the people that pay her. She'll follow orders until a better offer or opportunity arises, so she's not a trustworthy ally at all. The only person she has some compassion for is her alter, Zaran, who needs a profile, but even then she still torments the heck out of him and won't hesitate to beat him to a pulp. The only reason she's "compassionate" to him is that she won't actually kill him and will viciously protect him from anything else that endangers him.

5 - Although not technically a bad guy, Goeirthe is the worst person on this page. He's the elder of a blood cult and the current channeler to the blood god, and while he does what's best for his people he's not a particularly kind fellow to outsiders. He loves his grandson more than anything, so much that he hires a bunch of outsiders to escort him safely through the blood god's realm because he honestly doesn't care if outsiders survive the trip or not. Sure, other people in the clan would've been willing to protect him, but why risk them when you can trick these outsiders into dying for him instead? But he's a good grandpa to Terakuin, so I wouldn't say he's the worst.

6 - Kain is the worst person on page six, although he's at least a sympathetic villain. Sort of. He has an explosive temper and will brutally murder people just for something as mundane as spelling his name wrong. He's a bit of a control freak, manipulative, loves to torture people that defy him, and is not a person you want to be on the bad side of. However, he is completely and utterly loyal to those who actually earn his trust, so he's not all bad. He treats Criss and Vanessa very well, loving Vanessa far more genuinely than she does for him and looking up to Criss like an older brother. He doesn't forgive betrayals easily though... so that could easily change... His problem is mostly he's insecure and his past sucked.

7 - UUUUUUGH I wanna say Lloyd, but it's probably actually Kotaka. Kotaka is willing to destroy an entire planet and everyone on it without second thought to bring his own homeworld back to life. And he doesn't really care about anyone outside his own kind, and since almost all of them are dead, that means he only cares about his little sister at the moment. But GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH Lloyd is such a horrible person in his story. A lot of the things he does are HORRENDOUSLY UNFORGIVABLE, but... but it's not planetary genocide. ^^; So I think Kotaka does the worst thing overall, but I'd definitely hang out with him over Lloyd... at least how Lloyd is in his main story. Prologue-version Lloyd I actually adore.

8 - There... there isn't anyone bad on this page. o_O I guess I'll say Nakeeta, but she's not a bad person at all. She's just a little selfish and bratty sometimes, but that hardly qualifies. XD

9 - Nokken wins this page barely over Ragnarok. Nokken loves to lure people to their deaths for no reason but to... just... be able to do it. And he likes collecting their things when they drown in the swamp. Ragnarok is a bit more malicious I feel, but his redeeming quality is that he's completely the perfect husband for his tiny little wife... he even resists the urge to eat their children for her. XD Not the best dad, but those two were meant for each other. Nokken doesn't care about anyone else... so far. Never know what development might come next...

10 - This one goes to either Rusalka or Rick. Rusalka was a pretty good person until she went insane. Then she only cared about Caelus, but that translated into "I'M GOING TO KEEP YOU FOREVER WITH ME IN THE OCEAN" and then ignoring the fact that Caelus doesn't have gills or anything. ^^; Her morals are pretty much out the window because all she ever thought about was keeping Caelus with her somehow no matter what. Rick on the other hand could be a good person, but he kept flipping his alliances between two sides of a War. He's now known as the worst traitor of the Eternity's history because he just had to stab someone in the back...

11 - This one either goes to Sharen or Spite. Sharen does sort of redeem herself... but... but spoiler-y bad stuff first. DX And Spite is able to do good things like pull all the right strings as favors for people that earn his favor. BUT he's also not a good person because he owns the Blacc Marquette where it's perfectly acceptable to grab some random person off the street and sell them for profit without having any official ownership over them. Basically Spite accepts "merchandise" as long as you can get it over the counter. SELLING PEOPLE IS NOT OKAY SPITE but he doesn't care of course. Business is business. -_-

12 - Vanessa wins this page, woooo~ Go give your also-a-winner boyfriend a high five! Oh wait! You don't actually love Kain because you're a selfish opportunistic fairweather girlfriend. OH HO HO IS THAT LITERARY MEANING IN YOUR LAST NAME I THINK SO *sigh*

13 - And Zy wins the small 13th page, although he probably would've won a couple other pages too if he was on them. XD Kills on a hairline trigger, mass murderer and master assassin, doesn't really give a crap about anyone aside from his wife's family and their son, Volkmar. Another example of who not to give a Best Dad Ever mug to.

AAAAAAAND the overall winner now that I've narrowed it down ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... hm... I guess I'm gonna say Dolly. The edge she has over everyone else is that she doesn't even have that one person that give them a soft spot. No soft spots, not even for her own sister. The only "soft spot" she would have is the affectionate side she has for her current target... but I wouldn't call that redeeming considering she only loves that person enough to turn them into a doll to love forever... Sooooo we have a winner~ Yay...?


i want to respond to stuff but i slept in and now i gotta work so time to drop off a q and run

Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?


Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?

i need to answer the rest of the questions i missed. one day..... but not for now bc college is suffering. ANYWAY, Nikolai needs some hugs. Really bad. Poor guy's been through a lot of shit and he just wants to see his son and niece again even though he also really wants to die and/or try to make up for everything that's happened. Tbh though he would give hugs to Octavia, who's a donut who secretly needs hugs even if she insists everything's fine. He feels awful about what happened, and she would probably insist all is fine, but let's be honest the pain is definitely there even though he's not at fault.

this probably doesn't even fit the context of the question but, Bug. do it just hug her, she is an incredibly loving pup and gives lots of cuddles especially if someone really needs comfort. small pup tries her very best


Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?

I had a lot of people I considered, and I ended up narrowing it down to a somewhat large selection of sad folks. XD But I came to the conclusion that Nuke needs the biggest hug. Why? BECAUSE HE CAN'T HUG ANYONE OR THEY'LL EXPLODE. Any direct contact with Nuke makes any living creature die in a horrible explosive fashion, so unless you wrap one of you up in an ultra blanket before that hug, you're probably gonna die. And that probably isn't a good idea because Nuke gets so nervous that his powers might melt through even inanimate things that come close to him. He's blown up a few people in his past, so he really doesn't like himself and tries to stay away from others for their own safety. He hasn't had a hug since he was a kid, because the only people he doesn't blow up are his own family, whom he hasn't seen in years. ^^; And the only one that likes him enough to actually hug him went missing for over a decade or something. He can't even touch the girl he loves... so he doesn't even bother telling her because he thinks it'll never work.

Some runners up are:

  • Vincent, because his past is awful, his mother is a horrible abusive insert-expletive-here, his father is even worse, his mom's new boyfriend isn't AS awful but still terrible, and he's been bullied in every grade... EVEN NOW WHEN HE'S IN COLLEGE. DX But at least he has a great stepbrother and a handful of friends willing to offer well needed hugs.
  • Walter, because hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng this poor fellow. He's girlfriend's afflicted with lust and keeps cheating on him which bums him out, Walter's afflicted with wrath and lashes out at others then gets depressed about it afterwards, and he has no sense of sharing his concerns or feelings with anyone due to crappy parents and a very messy divorce. If no one will hug him, then I certainly will. Where's my fourth wrecking ball?
  • Zero, because his own chemical makeup due to experimentation he cannot feel love or loved OR HE WILL DIE. The adjustments to his body have unintentionally made it so whenever he feels love in any sense, the chemical reaction that occurs during this emotion causes him to severely hemorrhage. For this reason he has to keep himself closed off or have individuals' specific recognition signature hardcoded into the mechanical failsafes put into him. Part science-fiction, part magic, but the same result of him not being able to care or be cared about by just anyone. If people get too close to him he's forced to kill them just to survive. But at least he has his father... or creator technically, but whatever.
  • Eileen, suffered from emotional neglect from her family, constant bullying all the way up to now in college (and yes, she's close friends with Vincent; they're in the same boat), total destruction of any sense of being able to be proud of her body, and her asshole boyfriend shamelessly cheating on her and passive aggressively shaming her into not leaving him because "no one else would love her" when that's complete bs... she could use a hug. And she does have a few friends that are willing to give one.
  • Gage, who has such a depressing story that my friend actually wrote an entire song called The Sad Sad Centaur, which we live RPed the performance of with included confused audience members, Gage immediately turning to drinking the second the first note is played, and ending with Xel beating the performer over the head with his own guitar. XD Yeah, poor Gagey can't catch a break. But at least Xel can cheer him up with his annoying antics.
  • Criss, because he's spent literally trillions of years dealing with the fact that the goddess of death has basically forgotten about his existence and she has little use of him anymore. He's... very very lonely. It's only been in recent years he's found some people willing to give him some company, including Ham the kitten. But that means all the other years... nope, no one. :/ But I guess it's better than never.
  • Kain, because his life was crappy and cut short by some jerk devil. And then he's taken advantage of at every turn in the Realm of the Dead until he finds new power to actually stand up for himself. And throughout this time being dead he ruins his mental state by obsessing over his younger brother who got to live his life instead. Even when he's at the top of his game, he still has to worry about betrayals from the people he trusts most. But at least Criss is one person that's actually true to him. They can hug each other I guess. XD
  • Nathan, because his family sucks, his community is awful to him, and his only friend in the world moved across the country and could only keep in touch long distance... which was barely enough to keep him from succumbing to the depression everything in his life gave him. On the bright side, his friend does end up coming back ...before promptly getting killled. But at least he gets plenty of hugs before that.
  • Caelus, because his best friend in the world went insane and caused him to spend his life running from her. He's not really that good with talking to other people, so once Rusalka isn't safe enough to talk to he pretty much closes off to the world. And he never ends up finding anyone to feasible get a hug from before he dies.
  • Jasper, because of his awful time growing up with his mother. He deserves so many hugs for what she put him through... and hooray~ He gets plenty with his awesome bandmates. Actually he probably gives twice as many hugs as he gets, which is a lot.
  • AAAAAAND, Neoka. Because Neoka. XD

Q92. How do your OCs handle alcohol?

listen i could answer this in detail and i will someday when i have more time because i have a lot to say, but for now all you need is this epic tale of this one time dicro got drunk (feat. special guest 2cro who wisely does not get drunk)

long story short you should not drink (or consume anything, for that matter) when your body is just a flesh husk full of soul juice because it does some things to you


Finally done with that Pokemon type question. XD Why couldn't I just leave it alone?

Q92. How do your OCs handle alcohol?

Hm... let's see... Not a lot of my characters have any interesting relationship with alcohol besides the one specifically made to have problems with it. I suppose there are a couple exceptions. I have a handful of bartenders or restaurants that handle alcohol, such as Jack, Torenn, Trati, Theo, but none of them really drink that much, and Torenn's never even tasted alcohol before. Doesn't keep him from mixing great drinks though. 

Some of the folks that have had problems with alcohol are: Alec used to have a drinking problem that he picked up when he was pretty young. It along with a few other things landed him in juvi, and he kept having problems eventually quitting because he kept finding ways to sneak drinks. He only ended up quitting because he made a deal with his older brother that he'd quit drinking if Derek quit smoking. Seems to have worked perfectly for them. Most of the people from RMTL drink at parties, and while most are safe about it, others have had issues before. Brandt used to drink quite a bit when he was in high school and ended up having a lot of problems when it combined with his irresponsible and rather asshole-attitude, so he makes it a point to carefully keep track of his drinking at college now. Cooper never drinks, so he usually acts as his designated driver or general sober friend at parties just in case Brandt loses track of things. Also, to his embarassment, Brandt gets very giggly when he's totally smashed, which he tries to avoid as much as possible. Lloyd becomes even more of a creep when he's drunk, Paige goes completely wild when smashed and then always crashes afterwards, Vincent doesn't drink, Cal usually only has 1 or 2 because he gets really confused if he has any more than that, Diana breaks out of her shell and is more social, Kara only has 1 or 2 because she gets upset easily when tipsy, Sean gets even more sleepy when he drinks and tends to nod off after just one, Gaspar gets mopey and overdramatic when tipsy and then unreasonable and violent if drunk, Gretchen doesn't drink, Walter mellows out when tipsy and becomes depressed when drunk (but he doesn't drink much to begin with), Leila gets louder and more exciteable, and Eileen kind of varies how she handles alcohol depending on her mood.

And on a more ridiculous note, Neoka, Isaac, and Demi have been caught up in ridiculous drinking games before. Neoka always says he "doesn't drink now that the War's over", but when he seldom does his tolerance is incredibly high and never seems to be affected by it. Demi has a somewhat high tolerance where she gets more exciteable and ridiculous, and while she gets wobbily or moderately nauseous after a loooooong time of drinking, she never really loses control of herself. Isaac always remarks he has a rather low tolerance, but he can still chug a couple dozen drinks without much issue, so... high tolerance for normal people but low tolerance compared to the people he hangs out with. Demi's siblings tend to drink socially as well, her sister drinking the least, her older brother drinking more but less than Demi, and her younger brother oddly enough drinking more than her sometimes. The siblings end up going on rather bloody rampages filled with a lot of insance cackling when they're all tipsy/drunk. Everyone else not mentioned doesn't have any particularly remarkable reaction to alcohol.


Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all?

A lot of things, really! When I originally started making OCs, they were for stories I'd start but never finish. Once I got into RPing the vast majority of my characters for a while were created to be RPed, with their stories/universes serving as big RP plots. Now it's sort of back to the way things were, where my OCs start as characters in some kind of story that'll never be written and I'll probably just RP with them at best. I mean ideally everything would get its own anime but,

Some stories I specifically envision as being games instead of something that's just written or drawn, though. RPG Hell was obviously envisioned as an RPG, Poly Hell and (shockingly) VN are both intended to be VNs, etc.

Either way, even if I never work on the actual stories/games for any of my universes, I still think about them all the time and will RP with whichever one I feel fits a given thread best!


 Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all?

I was planning on writing a simple story with my viesse nerds. it was originally going to be vastly different from how it is now, i don't even remember what old viesse used to be like anymore! I can tell you one thing though it sure as hell wasn't what it is now! Nowadays Viesse generally gives off etrian odyssey-like vibes and i'm glad it does tbh

Crys is basically a paper mario fc that was left over from shitty fanfic days, and Isoprene can confirm this tbh. At this point Crys and her best friend are basically just your average teenagers at this point i guess??? I guess they can be called regular if they're giving random strangers arsenious cookies, having vine wars, constantly breaking their phones, somehow never being broke, and probably also dying enough times for them to be considered regulars in limbo??? hey look these are just headcanons ok. gg i trailed off a long way there

Missingno and Luca, they're actually from a nuzlocke I'm working on, haha... they're both important characters but holy shit i accidentally gave them so much backstory and i don't regret it at all tbh

i will definitely rp with any of my ocs! except for the man that affected so many people's lives and tried to commit genocide. there is no way in hell i'm getting anywhere near that guy.


Q94. Do you have any OCs whose designs you just can't get down?

Loads of them! For better or worse, though, that doesn't apply too much to most of the characters I have here, since having a character uploaded here usually means I have art of them which usually means I have a proper reference for them! Pretty much all of my OCs who aren't on Toyhouse fall under this category though ;__;

Orange is an offender, which is weird because he's supposed to be pretty simple. His hair, face, body, etc. I have down pat, but I always struggle with his outfit. I know he has a cool smiley face tie that he got from Hadris, but that's about it. He probably wears some kind of suit but... what does it look like? What color are things? Does he try to be as fancy as possible to impress Hadris, or is he pretty casual (to impress Hadris)?

Lausac has also been a struggle for me; I have a really clear vision of what he looks like in my head, but every time I try to draw him everything falls apart and I can't make his design look right. I always have issues deciding what the bottom half of his design looks like, because in my head I dunno it's just kind of a blur so everything's cool?? But then I try to draw something or just think of it more solidly and I'm like "wait no, this is weird". Doesn't help that I'm not really great at designing cool Tron-esque bodysuit things, so it's all detailed and rad in my head and then I try to draw it and I'm like... where do all of these lines go?? Where do they come from???? help

I also have some issues with Zhirael, namely whether or not to keep his cool gradient hair and deciding if I should change his horns to a cooler shape. I have a hard time designing fancy and regal attire, and while I think I pulled it off I also want to change things constantly just because his design is so complicated but I also want art of him but I also don't want to make people draw him and his Huge Feathery Wings etc etc

also i can never decide on a default outfit for umbra... too many cool kinds of coats to choose from


omg i slept in way too late aaaa

Q95. Which of your OCs get the most character development throughout their story?

no time to answer stuff gotta get this out here gotta go fast


happy dicro's birthday easter, everyone!! i got a box cutter, staples, a toothbrush, and band aids. it's been an exciting day (also candy but those are the important things). time for a truly cheerful and innocent question:

Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to?

Memen has kiiiiinda destroyed Hadris' empire more than once, and said empire has a massive number of people. To be fair, Hadris slaughtered her home planet first, so she was just trying to return the favor!

Hellscream digs killing and wreaking havoc, but he can't really hope to match Memen or Hadris' body counts. Hasn't lived long enough for that. Laejizhar and Yenzhal are both worth mentioning, given that their respective arts involve a lot of death.

2cro might have the biggest body count, actually, but no one's sure how long he's been alive and even less sure of how many lives he's taken...

There are. A lot of OCs of mine who have done killing, but those are the ones who've done the most!


Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to?

oh man. Boris would take the cake if the body count was because he killed them all himself. Unfortunately, most of the corpses are the results of the actions he decided to take. Doesn't mean he doesn't have some blood on his hands, though. Now, Nikolai (although unwillingly) has had to actually kill a lot of people on Boris' orders. He still has nightmares about all of it. Missingno's piled up a decent body count as well, though his reasons were... well, he killed an entire team of scientists because they kidnapped and nearly killed Luca with their experiments.