Quests II

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 29 days ago
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Chapter 12
Published 2 years, 2 months ago
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A Series of Loaven Crimes

A Series of Loaven Crimes

Rating: PG

- Heartless Taking

- Midnight Terror

Bronze Badge | Silver Badge | Gold Badge

A New Type of Writing (277 words, thief badge I) ^Top Next >>

Within a bright messy living room, a pair doe ears jittered with glee, and a doe-eyed pouflon said, "Okay, so I've typed this much and this is amazing as all get out, no doubt."

"There's a ton of things I wanna try now, it's ridiculous! Let me give that typewriter a try!" the doe-like pouflon's cat-like friend begged.

"Hold on, I gotta write this: 'Why you so unreliable?'"

"What's that statement for?" the feline pouflon asked while his pupils revealed their more slit shaped qualities from shock.

"The school's council because they didn't fulfill their promises to my nephew's class, can you believe it?"

Neptune leaned in more to see what was written on that strange contraption these pouflons were fiddling with. They were hitting what looked to be coat buttons all laid out on a board on top of a shaped piece of metal Neptune had no idea how to describe. Whatever that was, Neptune wanted it. While the two pouflons went on to chat about their family, Neptune shifted behind bulky wooden wardrobes and dressers. Hunched over with fur on his back rising, his tail curled in such a way, and his canines flashed, he created a shadow that was rather nightmarish.

The two once cheerful pouflons had smiles drop straight to the floor and replaced with widened eyes and shivers of fright. "What on Bellacoste is that?" the catty one with glasses shouted. Hearing a deepened snarl sent the two pouflons booking it out the front door.

With the coast cleared, Neptune wasted no time to take the coat button letter writer, and sneaked out the hole in the wooden floor he had made.

Piano Rolls (298 words, thief badge II) ^Top Next >>

Two tiny blooms escaped out of the holding pin that was their private piano lessons.

"I'm starved!" a pastel pink bloom shouted.

"Don't worry, my mama packed us some lunch," replied a fluffy adorable lilac child, and out of the kindness of her heart did she desire to share lunch with her newest friend.

"Wow, you're really going to share with me? Why I never, I was told you were quite stingy with your food."

"Huh? Stingy?" the purple child squeaked with a look of much hurt. "When do people have time to gossip when trying to learn new chords?! Nevermind that... whatever you've heard, I will prove it wrong in this instant!"

"Wouldn't you know? My father says professional rumor makers start their careers when they're young. I suppose these gossiping peasants haven't time for their lessons when they have to grow up into such liars."

"Oh... okay. I didn't know lying could be made into a whole line of work... I'm glad I'll be a piano player instead someday! Let's eat!"

Such a wonderful scene of new friendship was frozen by a rustle from the big bushes near the yellow road the children stood on. Sounds of snapping and growling caused all will to keep hold of their lunches to diminish. Bread rolls tumbled to the ground, and little hooves scurried away, abandoning these helpless rolls.

With nothing to guard them, the bread rolls could not defend themselves from the long snout sniffing them and sinking its jaws into their sides. Not a witness was in sight, and this was yet another crime against bread that would go unreported. Only crumbs were left as evidence upon the ground, but who could determine that was from bread that was eaten by fangs it did not belong to?

Red Moon's Taking (262 words, thief badge III) ^Top << Prev

Throughout the sky redden by a lunar moon, an echo of screeches sounded. The struggling shadows of a working pouflon that was headed home flailed in the red moonlight. The house was so close, yet a fearsome force had launched itself at this helpless worker, and now the pouflon was screaming for dear life.

The wet ground was too slippy for his hooves to get a grip in, and there was nothing to stop him from being dragged closer and closer to the darken jagged silhouettes of prickly bushes. This pouflon of unicorn ancestry had a rampant tail absolutely perfect for yanking. His own tail he used to have much triumph in had now signed him up for doom. One last yank was enough to snatch this worker into the inescapable darkness.

An hour later, the screaming ceased. Rising out of the blacken thickness of the shade of the woods, a lanky frame of what could have been a pouflon had an entire polo body within his jaws. His victim was well enough unconscious, and it was upon this night this thin creature would tuck the victim into a bed of plush shreds of shirts and scarves. Once his victim was at rest in of the remnants of garments, the creature went back to the crimson-lit clearing in the forest. The moon let off enough shine for this creature to locate his prey that the worker pouflon was only the carrier of. Soft fresh-baked loaves were torn piece by piece, and there was no one to save them from their midnight departure.