Quests II

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 29 days ago
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Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 2 months ago
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From Letters to News

From Letters to News

264 words (excluding headlines)

A new day, a new letter!

The sun was just pulling itself out of its green hill of a bed when a pouflon given much energy by its rays blocked out its light with his gigantic wings. Jimmy, as he was continuing to be that morning since yesterday, was up and ready to go! Today was the day he would seek out not paths, or robbers, or the betraying knight from their own class that tried destroying half of the camp that week.

No, Jimmy wanted to find more of those letters that mentioned his good pal! However his wings no longer were putting shade on the sun, but big thunder clouds had taken over the job. Just a few moments later, Jimmy was slowly ascending above these clouds when he spotted someone that looked like the betrayer. He did a double take, and it occurred to Jimmy that this pouflon had a completely different coat from what he remembered.

A potential traitor might've been given trouble by suspicious knights, but Jimmy was not this at all. Tracking his target for miles, Jimmy lowered his flight to be side-by-side by this look-a-like, and Jimmy shouted, "HEY! YOu Zone's brother?!"

The humongous pouflon, despite the fact that most other pouflon would've been startled by these shouts, gave Jimmy a hearty chuckle and allowed Jimmy to keep with his flight pattern. "Why no my friend, I am only a traveler named Xannon," this pouflon replied.

"... So you're Zone's father then? Either way, I got some bad news, and it's that your son's probably expelled and won't be coming back home," Jimmy sighed.