Quests II

2 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 14
Published 2 years, 2 months ago
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The Story of Arkyn

The Story of Arkyn

Starting Small Quest | Networking Quest | Parade Duty Quest | Down on Buttersprings Quest

Above All Boundries (264 words, Starting Small) ^Top Next >>

A long while ago, a bearded child jumped over a fence because his parents were training him to build up his agility. This type of course was setting this child to grow up jumping over fences automatically. This meant this happy blue pouflon was trespassing on a frequent basis, and after a while, he began committing burglaries and unauthorized entries into palaces. His main stolen possessions were keys quite plainly for the fact that they were shiny.

Not too long after, this blue big juvenile started figuring out what these keys were for. This new found knowledge helped expand his collection of places to disregard all boundaries that were set up. As this newly grown pouflon explored more places he shouldn't have, he was able to obtain rare styles of keys, and at one point, a giant key that he wanted to make a fun collectable amongst his friends.

At the time his name was Arkyn, and his parents were unaware of the extensive list of crimes he had built up to that day. They merely viewed him as an oblivious cheerful adolescent that looked grown enough to pass off as an adult. These parents didn't hold back putting this aspect of him to use, and by the year he was legally counted as an adult, he had done more jobs than the older experienced knight down the street. Arkyn was a well-rounded working new grown pouflon with an unseen resume of raiding specialties. Who could list the wonderful selection of career tracks, whether for good work or criminal purposes, Arkyn had before him?

The Key to New Friends (342 words, Networking) ^Top Next >>

Arkyn had just reunited with childhood friends of his, two pitagons to be exact. They were wagging their stubby tails when their old friend helped gnaw the hinges off a door. They all ran in and Arkyn took his fair share of keys as his friends ate up the cherry pie they were eyeing hours ago.

A week later, Arkyn flew to his pouflon pals, all ready to show them his newest key collection. When he landed, he had a whole necklace full of these beauties before his friends' eyes!

"Hey, didn't you mention something about some giant key or something six months ago?" a spiky maned pouflon friend of his reminded Arkyn.

"WHAT?! Eh, I guess I forgot somehow... I gotta get all of ya'll your own so we can all match for the upcoming royal parade!" Arkyn exclaimed.

"YaH! That would be so grand, maybe my mama will let me join the royal guard if she sees I've got my own big key to match my marching outfit!" a baby-faced mossy green-backed pouflon with the cutest round glasses expressed.

"Kenneth, I believe in you so much, pouf. By this point, we'll all be captains!" Arkyn replied.

It was then time for Arkyn to figure out how to make his dreams come true and somehow find rarities like he had promised his friends.

Well, the old saying goes, according to Arkyn, seeking new things for old friends leads to new friends! These new friends were shady blacksmiths that were more than delighted to help Arkyn with a number of goals he had in mind. Of these goals, one of the best ones they brought to fruition was creating replicas of that giant key Arkyn loved! He even let these shady guys keep their own duplicates, and that was useful to them since these big keys opened up bigger doors with loot behind them.

Gaining more friends of different types was a wonderful thing to Arkyn, and soon, he kept a big number of these risky-business friendships reserved with his current friendships.

Parade Crash Express (348 words, Parade Duty) ^Top Next >>

During a fantastic marching display of victories the kingdom had during that time, a group of flashy parade knights walked alongside the show. All these stylish pouflons were not truly a part of the royal guard, but in fact fakes that wanted to partake in the excitement!

Amongst these fakes, Arkyn was roaring with laughter as he danced along side a real royal guard that was trying to rid of Arkyn and his friends.

"Get lost you scoundrel, I say get lost!" the guard barked.

Arkyn got on his hind legs and hollered even louder. There was so much adrenaline within him at that point, that he started running around this guard wildly, and accidentally clobbered the guard with his whipping rampant tail. That was when all chaos had been set loose. A swarm of true royal guards started pouring in to confront whatever attacked their captain.

A number of displays were falling down as Arkyn was flying into everything, and truth be told, no one could see what force was destroying the parade. Confetti everywhere followed the soaring source of destruction, bright colors from phony guards rushing pass to eat up flowers falling from the Flower Knight display, real guards flying uncontrollably through open windows into people's homes. It was devastation to a heartfelt celebration.

After the parade had pretty much crumbled down, later that afternoon, Arkyn met up with his friends. They all had made it out without being arrested, and quite honestly they were so gleeful about experiencing their first "royal service" up close and center.

"You know, I think these keys made us stand out! Do you think I'll be a royal knight by the time the year's over?" Arkyn's baby-faced friend asked.

"YEAH! AAAAAAHHHH!!! WOOOO, LOOK AT OUR KNIGHT!" Arkyn hollered. With his roar of a cheer, his other friends joined in. Confetti from the parade burst out of their coats, and they all shouted with Arkyn, "Kenneth, the knight, Kenneth, our knight made of pure gold!"

Kenneth teared up so much from his friends' encouragement, he fell to the ground and sobbed.

Seeking Friendship (394 words, Down on Buttersprings) ^Top << Prev

Out in the field of the farmlands, under a blazing sun Arkyn tugged a plow with great eagerness! His family had assigned him to get a farm job at Buttersprings, however Arkyn was unbeknownst to this being his track into a knight career. His family saw great royal provisions with this child, and they felt this justified their actions of putting him to work when he was barely at the height of a bush. Now big enough to reach apples in a tree by standing on his hind legs, Arkyn had gotten used to physical labor, and this farm work was no chore to him!

During this time trekking to and fro through dusty corn fields, Arkyn met a friend that had walked beside him everyday Arkyn worked.

"You have a great sense of awareness of your surroundings, just look at how you can locate me every time I'm wandering through such tall stalks of corn!" his friend Ivar complimented.

"YEAH, you play some of the best hide-and-seek a pouf could ask for, pouf! Tell you what, if you hide well enough today, I'll treat ya to some apple pie I found at this guy's house one time," Arkyn replied.

It was a frequent joyful moment that Arkyn would excitedly seek out Ivar, and oddly enough, this only helped Arkyn achieve more work. Being in charge over making sure no corn thieves were snagging themselves some ears, being made sensitive to the soft stepping of Ivar turned Arkyn into the dread of all stealthy intruders. Arkyn loved playtime with all his heart, and boy, Ivar was one of his most cooperative pals when it came to games Arkyn thought up. (Mostly ones designed to get Ivar to do Arkyn's farm work for him.)

With how impressed Ivar was with Arkyn's abilities, he decided it was time for Arkyn to step up his game. This newfound friend of his convinced Arkyn to receive early experience under his friend's mentorship. A chance to enter knighthood sooner than others? Arkyn was ecstatic about being able to make life decisions quickly and firmly, so deciding to dedicate his life early to his kingdom was more than appealing!

Having countless family members say he had a heart of gold, Arkyn vowed this treasure to the good of all pouflon-kind, and in doing so, undying loyalty to his new guild.