Quests II

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 29 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 3 months ago
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Parades Burned by Pyropines

Parades Burned by Pyropines

363 words (excluding headlines)

Pyro(pine) Master

"Jonas!" a booming voice shouted that invaded a dark alleyway. Nathaniel specifically took on guard duty in the big city at night to catch the raider of the parade Nathaniel worked at earlier, and now he had finally caught him.

"Who?" this creature asked.

"Whatever your name is today, YOU YOU YOU!"

"Eyyy, it's me!"

"YOU ANIMAL!!! IGNORING THE EXACT INSTRUCTIONS I TOLD YOU, BRINGING THIS CHAOS-- mark my words, the academy will be bidding you farewell once I report all of this."

"WOWaaaAaAHH!!!" Jonas(?) hollered with a playful leap into the air.

"SHUT UP!!!!"

The sky blue pouflon's eyes widened at an alarming rate, and a giant grin painted across his face struck much fury into Nathaniel's head. The sky blue pouflon shouted, "I think it's about time for a little rumble!"

Nathaniel froze, but a second later lowered his head and shot glared at this rascal. Sternly he warned, "Don't you dare lay a single hoof on me."

Defeated in Flames of Rage

Despite Nathaniel's defensive stance, this big hyped up pouflon charged at him at blinding speeds. Nathaniel just about shrieked when hit by this coach full of plucky pouflons, but there was no one within miles to rescue him from the attack. Jonas(?) tossed this royal knight a countless number of times into the air, and this royal rumble was clearly won by the giant sky blue pouflon.

Once Nathaniel looked to be a ragdoll dragged through ten miles of rocky terrain, Nathaniel could only watch Jonas(?) extended his ginormous wings and rocket into the skies above. Nathaniel screamed at this scoundrel soaring away as if he didn't just commit a serious crime towards Nathaniel, the feral animal!

Nathaniel was fortune enough that the noble the parade was about liked pryopines, so she was willing to help Nathaniel with what he needed despite... certain pippets crashing the party thanks to the wild creature that was Jonas(?). However Nathaniel faced misfortune when making an unwise decision to confront this true creature of no restraint or civil nature. In all honesty, Nathaniel just about had it. Of course his rage could not pick him up off the cobblestone road because that creature clobbered him too much.