Quests II

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 29 days ago
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Chapter 25
Published 2 years, 29 days ago
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The Bloom That Ate Lunch

The Bloom That Ate Lunch

339 words (excluding headlines)

We all need lunch and love in our lives

A child during lunch at school opened his lunchbox. Inside, glimmering and fluorescent colors of all sorts scattered about the lunchroom. Other children switched their attention to this source of color to witness this bloom crushing gems within his razor bites.

One child with red glistening eyes stared at this gem eater, and while many questions would have poured out of that open mouth, no words were uttered.

Instead, later that evening, this witness was at home when he approached his mother. "Mommy..." the golden red-eye bloom murmured.

"Hm?" his mom replied, setting down her woven scarf she was working on.

"Why are my teeth inferior?!"


This type of scene played out in other homes across the border of the mountains, and no parent was prepared to hear their child mention gems, much less them being eaten up!

It wasn't yet a week later when several children had their parents visit that school on the rumor of a pouflon that "could bite through anything". School officials spent about two weeks searching for who this child was as the child had thirty-five different names amongst the student population. They would have gone off of physical description, but most somehow had forgotten how this child looked like under a majority of his aliases.

By then, this gem eater that called himself "Loved" was going by his usual "nickname" that no one ever heard of, which was in fact the name his parents gave him. Loved was only going by his birth name that week since an uncle of his made him a hat that had embroidered such a name on the brim of it. Otherwise, as far as he was concerned, he was "Loved" forever and ever. Originally, Loved made sure the school had his "correct" name by breaking in at night on the first day he attended to alter all documents that said his name wasn't "I Love You So Much". Of course Loved's handwriting was giant, so he had to shorten his name to "Loved" on these documents.