Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

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T1 - Stars In Their Eyes

The sun had set behind the horizon a few hours prior, and Rocky and Cherry were settled on a nice hillside that overlooked a valley around Goldfair. They had been traveling for the past several days, taking their time from Chrysanthos as they enjoyed the countryside. The chill in the air managed to bite through their coats and allowed them to cuddle closer together contently. Overall, it was a romantic evening. would have been had there not been other guests around.

Kindle was next to Rocky, scooting in as close as he could without poking Rocky’s side with any of the spike-like branches that were growing from the wanderoot’s head. Chungus was on the other side of Cherry, and looked to be explaining a story to the white Loupine that was flopped over Cherry’s front legs, as if the little pup lacked any solid part of her body. Apparently today was a no bones day for Sugar.

“So Rocky,” Cherry broke the silence between them. Small insects that slept during the day had awoken and began their rhythmic calls.


“What was the request you had heard about again?”

The Vespire smiled and nodded towards the darkened sky dotted with flickering stars and stable planets. “There’s a researcher at Asterfall requesting some information regarding star placement for his astronomical research. Figured since we travel around so much we could be of help. Just gotta write some information down and send it to him.”

She smiled and settled in leaning against him. “Oh that’s simple enough!” she said cheerfully. After hearing Rocky explain what needed to be done, Chungus immediately changed his conversation with Sugar to pointing out various constellations he was making up at the time.

Sugar followed where he was pointing, trying to see various shapes and characters, and scrunched her nose, not really certain that she could see what Chungus was indicating.

Kindle offered a bit of parchment that had been kept carefully rolled in the travel pack they all shared the task of carrying, and then plucked off a branch that had turned to charcoal.

“Thanks, buddy!”

Rocky quickly started writing down different observations that he noticed and that his family were pointing out to him. Soon he would have enough information to send it off to Remiel for his studies.