Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
13 4724

Chapter 11
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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T2 - The Trail Blazing 2

It was a chorus of nods after Rocky had asked if everyone was ready. He had bundled them all up before getting attached to the sled, even Cherry had a nice fluffy coat to try to insulate her small frame to keep the cold at bay. He leaned in close to her and nuzzled her cheek gently. “Remember, you can hop on the sled if you get tired.”

“I know,” she said cheerful as ever, “It always takes more energy hiking through snow.”

He nodded and smiled at the crew. It didn’t take long to get the momentum going with the sled, then it was only slightly more effort than stomping through the thin layer of ice and into the layer of snow below it already was.

Spice quickly ran along side the group, alternating between running like a maniac and sniffing at the ground for some morsels of a scent left behind by another creature.

“Don’t go too far,” Cherry called out to the little Loupine, who wagged his tail in response to her. No man can contain his free spirit!

Kindle was snuggling into Chungus on one of the seats on the sled. He had shivered so much his little mostly bare branches had begun vibrating together. Chungus grabbed a blanket that had been thoughtfully stored in the sled and wrapped it around the both of them, eager to use head from each other to keep warm.

Sugar continued to happily nap at the back of the sled, until she saw one of the torches ahead to the left. She let out a small noise to alert Rocky and Cherry and pointed with her nose in the direction of the diminishing flame.

“Perfect,” Rocky called out and quickly utilized some of his magic to replenish the magical well that the spell drew upon to keep the flame alight. “Only 57 more to go..”