Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 9
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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T2 - Through Fire & Flames

Kindle stared flatly at Rocky, his expression nearly a perfect twin to Cherry’s face.

“Magical fires.” Cherry said simply.

“Correct,” Rocky responded.

“Who is accidentally setting MAGICAL FIRES??”

“Well, I’m sure they’re not all accidental,” he said thoughtfully.

Clearly that wasn’t the point Cherry was getting at, but nonetheless, here they were. “Intentional, accidental, it doesn’t matter! Why are there MAGICAL fires!?”

Kindle’s eyes were bouncing back and forth between the duo, he had never been a big fan of fires – magical or otherwise. His little dry branches were perfect tinder to get a fire started, and that was the last thing the little Wanderoot needed.

“It doesn’t happen often,” he continued. “It’s mostly like…accidents with mage students.”

Sugar, stoic as ever, nodded. This was a good idea, right? Something that she could help with like carrying little buckets of water! Spice, on the other hand, just reveled in the chaos. Fires started via mischief? Definitely something he wanted to witness and partake in.

“I just feel like I could be helpful,” the Vespire continued. “I asked Kindle to stay with you and Chungus in case I’m called to any of these RARE fires.”

Kindle nodded and stepped closer to Cherry.

“Of course,” she said, putting a poove around him to gently pull him close. “We can’t have our friend near something that’s extra dangerous to him, can we.”

Rocky smiled. It seemed as though he had won her over for signing up on the volunteer list for the Order of Mages, and already has a plan for their course of action should a fire break out.