Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 8
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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T2 - DR - Apprentice to the World

Cherry walked next to her bonded Vespire with a curious look on her face. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to one of those mage schools?”

Rocky shook his head, not even giving the question second thought. His mind had been made up, and he knew little Cherry just wanted to be sure he was able to do what he thought was best. “What if there are other places that need help, like what happened in Firsden with the Wanderoots?”

Kindle looked up at the duo with his large orange eyes that stood prominent on his darkened bark-like skin. He had been a bit more anxious than normal since the rotting roots incident in Firsden. He hardly wandered far from Rocky’s side when the small group was traveling. Sugar often tried to walk close to him, and even Spice was acting a little more kind to the Wanderoot and less chaotic.

“I’m just making sure,” Cherry said with a smile and continued walking with her dainty hooves.

Rocky nodded and looked to his tinier companions. “What do you guys think? We keep wandering around helping wherever we can for a while?”

Spice BARKed in approval and began carrying himself in a confident posture, his paws making high assured steps as he trotted. Sugar also seemed to agree, but on a much more calm level. Her tail wagged contently, happy to just go with the flow of the group as long as they were all together. Kindle nodded as well, his little bare branches rustling together.

“Then it’s settled,” Cherry said with a confident nod. “Wander and help the world of Bellacoste it is!”