Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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T2 - DR - Deep Roots

Ever since Rocky had bonded with Kindle, he felt a pull towards helping Wanderoots. He had heard of them before, certainly, but they seemed to be fauna that were more associated with the Ursuki in Firsden. But once the duo had become fast friends, he realized how special they really were.

That’s why when he heard about a wasting sickness that was effecting Wanderoots around Firsden, Rocky knew that was where he needed to be. The call had been put out for any mage of any level to help, and Rocky was just confident enough in his magical abilities that he felt he might be able to help. It had taken several days for them to reach Firsden, but when he arrived he knew there couldn’t have been any further delay.

Sugar and Spice both trotted next to their favorite Vespire, while Kindle looked on with some obvious anxiety. Well, more than he normally exhibited. Sugar nuzzled her head against Kindle’s side, an attempt to comfort him. Meanwhile, Spice was convinced he could scare away anything that might try to do Kindle any harm. Regardless how accurate that was.

When they arrived, Rocky couldn’t keep the frown from his face. He saw the group of Wanderoot, much smaller than he would have anticipated, their leaves yellowing from their sickness, most leaning over in a desperate attempt to stay upright.

Kindle leaned in closer to Rocky, almost like the Wanderoot was afraid to walk on the ground the others were struggling to take root in. Sugar and Spice couldn’t help but sniff around, instinctually looking for the ones that were most at the mercy of the sickness, they would need to be tended to most urgently if they were to survive.