Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

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T1 - DR - A Quiet Whisper 2

Rocky had continued to feel the pull any time he was in nature, and unfortunately for him it wasn’t something that Cherry or their companions seemed to notice. Cherry accompanied Rocky and Gyre back to the garden the first day that Rocky felt the noise pulling at his consciousness.

“We were right around here when you asked me if I felt anything,” Gyre said and stepped over to the edge of the garden filled with sprouts and other growing plants at different stages. Rocky looked at all the Pippets and Kindle to see if any of them had shown any sign that they felt anything. He knew Chungus would have no problem pointing it out to the group, but the giant Gnut and Kindle were exchanging pebbles they had found, starting to make a cute little border around the flower bed. Sugar and Spice were on patrol, checking for, and hoping they would find, some small seed-eating pest that they could chase off with glee. Quill was still waddling around, poking his little nose in holes that were suspicious looking, then carefully caving them in.

“I can still feel it,” Rocky said, looking around again like he had before and still receiving the same results. No one was obviously watching them, so it had to be something greater than he was initially anticipating, or someone was really good at hiding.

Cherry stepped around carefully, taking Rocky’s concerns seriously. He had been dabbling around in the magical arts, and she was wondering if this could be related to that. The little pink Pouflon had heard stories of the magic in nature pulling at someone relentlessly until they started dedicating more time to the druidic arts. “Rocky,” she started, “I don’t feel anything either. But I’ve heard some talk about nature magic picking new mages. Maybe that is something worth looking into?”

Rocky blinked a few times. It was such an obvious statement, and it immediately made the pulling feeling inside him feel…right. “Oh.”

Gyre couldn’t help himself and laughed. “I bet that’s it.”

The Vespire nodded at the other two. “I’m almost embarrassed that I didn’t think of it before.”

Cherry trotted over to him and rubbed her little face against Rocky’s neck. “Don’t be! I’d be alarmed too if I felt something pulling at my mind!”