Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 13
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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T3 - Storm Chasing

Rocky looked to the east, watching the dark form rising ominously over the horizon. He didn’t have really any skills regarding weather magic, but when Remiel asked him to help out, he really couldn’t say no.

He had mentioned when asking for help that a storm was brewing east of Roseacre, looking like it was expanding over the bay that sat near the affluent city. Rocky didn’t really enjoy the city as much as other places he had been, and Kindle could pick up on his distaste.

The Wanderoot shivered its little branches together, looking up at the Vespire with concern laced with curiosity.

“Last time we were here,” Rocky murmured under his breath to not draw attention to their conversation, “Spice spent all morning barking and causing chaos that the rich Pouflons made it clear he wasn’t exactly welcome back without a leash.”

Kindle frowned and looked at Spice, who trotted haughtily next to his sister Sugar. He seemed to be under good behavior this time, so maybe the inhabitants had forgotten the previous incident.

Or perhaps they were willing to overlook it seeing as how the massive clouds continued rolling ever closer. The flowers and banners began shuddering as much as Kindle had earlier, but this time the cause was a sharp wind cutting between the artfully crafted buildings.

“We have to send this storm back over the bay,” Rocky said, this time loud enough for the two pippets and Kindle to hear.

Sugar nodded and stood her ground, confident that her mere presence would entice the storm to move back to its origin. Spice barked as loud as he could at the impending clouds, streaks of multi-colored lightning dancing between the angry forms of dark clouds overhead. Kindle carefully hid close to Rocky, knowing this would be the safest place to be.

Rocky began using his magic to try to weaken the storm, his pneumier covering the ground around the small group, swarming around their feet as some made its way into the sky in a powerful column. The pneumier began spreading as the mage continued pouring all of his magic into the competing cloud, watching as it began pushing the clouds and the lightning back to the east.