Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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T2 - Some Scant Plants

Rocky walked along the game trail through the thick forest of Redwick with Kindle, his Wanderoot. The little creature was careful not to hit his bare branches against the foliage that leaned in against them as they searched. Both the Vespire and the Wanderoot tended to have a keen eye when looking for things, even in such a dense wood as Redwick, but the magical plants that Kit had requested were notoriously rare and elusive.

Thankfully, Sugar and Spice were wandering nearby, their sensitive noses close to the ground as they sniffed out the magical herbs.

“Don’t forget to let me know if you see anything,” Rocky called out, still scanning the forest around them. He heard two confident yips in response, and glanced at Kindle.

The burnt friend was looking under fallen logs, that being just about the only place that wasn’t actively being investigated.

“See anything, buddy?” Rocky called out to him.

Kindle looked back up and shook his head, causing nearly his entire body to shake from left to right.

Suddenly, a brown blur burst out from a nearby shrub and careened into Kindle. Rocky’s eyes went large and he saw Spice topple into his friend.

Sugar poked her head out from a nearby shrub after hearing the commotion, making sure everyone was okay before padding over to the pile of pippet and fauna, nosing them both carefully. Rocky also went over to help them up, and as he did so he saw it.

The herb they had been looking for was right next to the pippets and Kindle. “Ah ha!” he shouted with surprised glee.