Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 10
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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T2 - The Trail Blazing

When he took the assignment to check on the torches lining the patrol routes deep within the mountains surrounding Snowhurst, he knew it would be in his best interest to acquire a sled. Specifically, a sled large enough to carry at least two Loupines, a massive Gnut, and a gnarly looking Wanderoot. He had begun hanging around quite an entourage recently, it would seem. Luckily, as the group got closer to the mountains, it wasn’t terribly difficult to find a sled and even the harness to fit the piebald Vespire.

“Everyone hop aboard,” he called out to the brigade of Pippets. Sugar, of course obeyed without question, finding a nice little spot to curl up in. She quickly buried her little nose in the soft fur of her tail. She and her brother Spice weren’t the primary ones he was concerned about, both kinds of Pippets being found routinely in Snowhurst in the thick pine trees running in packs. Of course, Spice was running around in the huge drifts of snow, having the time of his life. “…okay you can walk for as long as you’d like, Spice…”

Kindle struggled to get the momentum needed to jump into the sled, and Cherry was right there to help the little Wanderoot get in. She used her wings to help him get the extra boost he needed so he could get settled in next to Sugar. Meanwhile, Chungus flew into his seat with ease, carefully making sure he was adequately comfortable next to Kindle. The two had grown close, becoming fast friends as Cherry and Rocky had wandered through Bellacoste together.

He looked at the small group of Pippets and Kindle, then over to Cherry. “Everyone ready for a small, hopefully boring, adventure to check on torches?”