Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

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T1 - DR - A Quiet Whisper

Rocky stood up suddenly. He had been working in this garden for quite some time, but had never had a feeling like he was with someone else. That’s not to say he wasn’t there tending to the garden without someone else. Gyre tended to be there helping him with his little Albino Pyropine Quill, and of course Rocky’s Wanderoot Kindle was always wherever the Vespire was, and of course Sugar and Spice, the two Loupines that had bonded with Rocky, were in attendance as well.

Normally, the group took to the tasks that they were each best at. Quill always enjoyed digging around in the garden, careful to not disturb any delicate roots of the plants, but able to aerate the soil with ease. Kindle seemed to find all kinds of debris in the soil that seemed to get turned up with Quill’s rooting around and made sure the undesired bits were out of the way. Sugar enjoyed pulling a small cart with a bucket of water to offer the plants on their trips. And of course Spice was on varmint control, BARKing and chasing any creature that happened to try to steal any of the goodies from the garden.

But this was different.

This was a strange feeling like there was some entity larger than themselves and it was calling to him.

“Do you feel that?” Rocky asked Gyre quietly, his heterochromatic eyes scanning the horizon for some sort of being standing at the edge of the woods or on the top of a hill.

Gyre looked up from his row of seeds he was adding to their garden. “Feel what?”

“Like someone or something is here and wants us to pay attention or something?”

The green Pouflon squinted his eyes, then focused inwardly, wanting to give his friend an honest answer. After a period of silence, Gyre gave an apologetic smile. “I can’t say that I do, friend.”

Rocky made a small grunt-like noise and went back to digging in the new rows. The noise didn’t cease, and it was a bit unnerving. Maybe Cherry would be able to feel it if he brought her to the garden. He nodded to himself, that’s what he’ll do. Bring Cherry to the garden after she’s completed her own little projects for the day.