Rocky's Mage Quests

1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 12
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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T2 Achievement - Rites

“Cherry, you’re more fashionable than I am,” Rocky started, staring at the gem in his paw. It had started out clear, bestowed upon him when he had moved up to a Lilium Tiered Mage. As it had for mages in the past reaching this rank, Rocky’s clear gem bonded to him and changed to the rust color of his own runic during the ceremony.

Traditionally, mages would wear their newly acquired runic gem on their person, though the way it was displayed varied so much from Bellacostian to Bellacostian that it was truly a show of one’s own style and personality how it was worn. Some had them fashioned into brooches to put on shirts, clasps for cloaks, decorative objects for hats, or various jewelry. Rocky was stumped.

Kindle looked over at Rocky and peeked into the Vespire’s hand at the gem. He had been next to Cherry, Chungus, Sugar, and Spice when Rocky had received the award, and the little Wanderoot was slightly confused as to why or how the gem changed. He was great at understanding most things, but sometimes the little ball of anxiety needed some extra support in understanding the goings on of the world in Bellacoste.

Chungus poked at the gem, almost expecting it to do something like a Jumping Bean, but it just stayed there.

“What are you doing?” Rocky asked him, hiding a smile. He certainly wasn’t mad, he knew the giant Gnut wouldn’t break the gem, and of course that it was an action out of curiosity as opposed to anything malicious.

Chungus gasped and buzzed a bit of an explanation at him, motioning to Rocky’s neck.

Cherry gasped in excitement, her little ears perking up taller than her horns. “That’s BRILLIANT, Chungus!”

Her outburst startled Kindle, who jumped a bit in surprise, his orange eyes growing large. Spice’s ears went into alert mode and looked around. He had been off in his own little world, running around the group BARKing, but with Cherry’s outburst he immediately felt the undeniable urge to make sure his pack was safe.

Even Sugar stood up quickly, though less of an alarm on her face than her brother. She was caught up in the excitement from Cherry too, her soft tail wagging behind her, waiting for some sort of elaboration on Chungus’ brilliant idea.

“I’ll make a necklace,” she said with a confident smile. “I mean, I could make the gnuts make a necklace too, but making one myself feels more significant.”

Rocky chuckled. “A necklace would be wonderful, especially if you were the one that made it for me.” He paused briefly before adding, “More wonderful than the gnuts.”

She feigned shock and bapped him lightly with her hoof. “Rocky you do not dislike the gnuts! They are our family!”

He barked out a laugh, startling Kindle and the pippets. “No, but a necklace designed and made by my beloved would always hold a hefty amount of sentimental value to me.”

She nodded, satisfied. “I’ll make it FLASHY!”

His eyes grew slightly bigger, barely noticeable. “Please do not.”